Wednesday, November 11, 2020

T5W#274-Top 5 Abridged Series that Ended Too Soon

Team Four Star, the kings of Abridging, have been busy this year.  Over the last couple of months, Takahata101, Lanipator and KaiserNeko have hosted two marathons of their best works: The Dragon Ball Z Abridged Movies and Specials and the complete run of Hellsing Ultimate Abridged.  These shows and movies are still a blast to watch even today, especially today.  But, while DBZA and Hellsing Ultimate Abridged both got proper conclusions (Yes, if it isn’t clear by now DBZA’s finale is final unless TFS ever says otherwise), there have been a fair share of amazing Abridged series that never got the same treatment.  This could be for a number of reasons and while they should be respected above all else, it still sucks that these parodies will never get their true endings.  So on today’s Top 5 Wednesday, I’m counting down the Top 5 Abridged Series that Ended Too Soon.  To qualify, all of these shows must either have had no new episodes for a pretty long time or have been confirmed defunct by their creators, for reasons that will be explained if I know of them. 


Probably the most recent Abridged series to be cut off well before it’s time, Fate/Apocrabridged did what every Abridged series based on Fate does best: Take a Fate/Stay Night super serious premise and mock the ever loving crap out of it.  And honestly, Fate/Apocrypha is already a fun show.  But add in a bit of humor and witty banter between everyone and you make it even better.  Sadly, the creator has confirmed the series has ended after three episodes due to personal reasons.  Those three episodes are amazing and I highly recommend checking them out and giving the creator the credit they deserve.  Also they mustve been a huge fan of Guardians of the Galaxy cause the Vol.1 soundtrack is all over these episodes…in a good way of course.



The bizzarness of PurpleyesWTF cannot be described even if you tried and that’s what made his two major projects: None Piece and CodeMENT, work.  Between the two, I enjoyed CodeMENT more simply because despite how hilarious Purpleyes’ take on Monkey D. Luffy is, I love Code Geass more than One Piece.  The over the top arrogance of Lelouch and Suzaku getting dumber and dumber every episode combined with every random scene, joke and reference you can think of was the perfect marriage and I wish it could’ve made it to the end of the second season.  Cudos to Purpleeyes as well for doing a surpisingly well done crossover between None Piece and CodeMENT where Lelouch and Luffy made it their mission to party and drive everyone insane.  Also, “WHY ARE YOU BUYING CLOTHES AT THE SOUP STORE?!”


#3-Supernatural: The Abridged Anime

Hard to believe this Abridged Anime has been over for almost a decade but STAA holds a particularly special place in my heart.  First off, thanks to this Abridged series, I got into Supernatural in general, binging the first few seasons and even tracking down the Anime itself and reviewing it a couple of years back.  More importantly, it’s gut busting humor and take on Sam and Dean helped me and my sister deal with a major family loss not long after we discovered the series.  There were only 6 pretty stellar episodes but I’ll always love Supernatural: The Abridged Anime for bringing me a smile and laugh when I needed it a lot.


#2-Digimon Tri Abridged

The folks over at Project Mouthwash are a busy bunch with multiple projects still in the works at once.  While their main masterpiece, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works Abridged, is still going strong, one of their best works wont be continuing because…well because you can only get but so many Youtube Copyright strikes before it takes the fun out of everything.  Which is a shame because Digimon Tri Abridged is both a love letter to Digimon and, in my honest opinion, the best way to check out Digimon Tri in general.  My thoughts on the actual Tri series is that it is depressing as hell…so yeah, an Abridged series that can do both humor and serious moments hand in hand works so much better.  Also, it has the best take on Tai and Matt’s frenemiship ever.  There might be vids of the four episodes they completed floating around out there if you can track them down.


#1-Mobile Suit Gundam Abridged

Oh man this one still hurts.  GuttedWren Studios had a major masterpiece on their hands with Mobile Suit Gundam Abridged.  Their take on Amuro Ray and the rest of White Base was one of the most hilarious parodies id ever seen and a hidden gem in the Abridged community at large.  Sadly, a mix of scheduling and loss of some important footage led to the project being given cancelled just at the conclusion of the Ramba Ral arc.  To it’s credit, if MSGA had to end, it picked a good point with the death of Ryu being both heartbreaking and funny in its own way, followed by that beautiful final moment with Ramba Ral’s Monopoly board with an important Cowboy Bebop track playing alongside.  This series is gone but to me it will never be forgotten.  Thank God we still have Mobile Suit Abridged Gundam Wing.

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