Wednesday, January 17, 2018

T5W#127-Top 5 Worst Titles Ive Reviewed on the Anime Corner

Not all Anime is perfect.  For every five amazing titles one might watch, there will always be just as many that just plain suck or worse.  Here on the Anime Corner, ive been a bit lucky that the amount of decent to great Anime ive reviewed has far outweighed the stinkers.  Still, that doesn’t mean I haven’t stumbled across a title that’s one of the worst of the worst, or at the very least incredibly disappointing.  So for this weeks Top 5, bracing for the possibility that another title might join this roster one day this year, I’m looking at the Top 5 Worst Titles Ive Reviewed on the Anime Corner.  To qualify for this list, each title has to have earned at least below a 5/10, though maybe if I do a future list I might up that to a 6/10 cause even some 5/10’s are pretty bad.  Eh that’s a sequel list for another time.  Onto the current Top 5.


#5-Inuyasha: The Movie 4-Fire on the Mystic Island (4/10)
Of the four Inuyasha movies, this one is the least memorable for the fact that it is both confusing and boring as hell.  At least the first two films had some good Inuyasha/Kagome moments and the third actually had merit to be a lore expanding Inuyasha entry.  Fire on the Mystic Island is as generic a Shonen Action film as you can get: forgettable quest, forgettable villains, annoying side characters.  This pretty much represents how bad the filler in the show was getting, which eventually drew me away from it, sadly.  I don’t remember needing to write much about this one.  Because if you’re going to throw crappy effort into an Inuyasha film, why should I give more effort to review something that I could do in two simple words: it sucks.


#4-Robotech II: The Sentinels (3/10)
Watching this film, I can see why this Robotech sequel didn’t get off the ground.  The Sentinels, comprised of the only three episodes every produced, is a ton of build up to one momentous occasion.  And while the long awaited Rick Hunter/Lisa Hayes wedding is heartwarming, it doesn’t change the fact that there is a ton of focus on characters we don’t know or care about.  Any action involves zero Veritechs and takes place all off world.  The mechs don’t look good but then again the animation feels subpar compared to Macross, then again The Sentinels wasn’t based on an existing Anime this time either.  This is where “The Sentinels Curse” began for Robotech, as no other project created for the fondly remembered franchise has ever made it past one teeny feature every once in a while.


#3-X: An Omen (0/10)
One of the most pointless Anime in existence, the only reason I reviewed this Episode 0 OVA was to just complete the series and that’s all.  There’s nothing new added to this extended look inside the heads of one of the most criminally underwritten characters, Kaykyo...unless you wanted to see him get pestered by the overly obnoxious Hokuto.  Honestly, the only reason to watch “An Omen” is if you don’t have time to watch all 24 episodes of the X TV Series and just want to check out a 30 minute abridged version that spoils the entire plot in bullet point mode.  It was so pointless, it got a 0/10, but trust me, even with that there are worse on this list


#2-Silent Mobius: The Series (4/10)
Every week I think I mentioned the sheer potential of this concept at least once and each week I wept at how the show squandered it.  Five women, all beautiful, all with their own unique skills in tech or magic, teaming up to battle demons in the future.  How could it all go so wrong?  Well the faults like with below half assed animation that cant make up its mind if it wants to be handdrawn or cell shaded; terrible writing; a forgettable cast; and just making me pissed that this Anime was inspired by Blade Runner.  And yet with all that said, the “finale” is still one big setup for a Season Two that (thankfully) never came about.  But then again, how the hell did the producers think that was going to happen when barely any heart was put into the “first season” to begin with.  While the movies were just the beginning of the story, at least they were better overall compared to this disappointment…and suddenly 4/10 seems overly generous.


#1-Dragon Ball Z: The Movie-Bio Brolly (0/10)
They said this was the worst of the DBZ movies and I just had to tempt fate.  One of the best villains in Dragon Ball Z history is reduced to a five minute glob of goo who is easily defeated by two of the worst characters in the entire show.  Bio Brolly is a cocktail of everything that was wrong with Z at the time: Goten and Trunks, piss jokes, potty humor, Trunks mooning a villain, undervaluing its powerful female characters (twice in this case, with Android 18 here and Videl in the prior movie).  Even most of the better characters are nowhere to be found, which may be a good thing considering how bad this one turned out to be.  In fact, Bio Brolly is a movie I despise so much that it was the first, very first feature covered on this blog to receive a 0/10 score.  If someone gives this to you as a gift, give them a hug and thank them for trying…then burn the DVD with fire (preferably in an oven).

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