Monday, November 27, 2017

Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid Part 4 Episodes 11-13

Now separated from his unit, Sousuke aimlessly wanders the streets of Hong Kong.  Here, Sousuke encounters an old foe who tries to convince him that Amalgam has dealt with Kaname.  Sousuke falls into despair and there may be no return for him.  Luckily for everyone else, Kaname is alive and well and she’s headed for Hong Kong too, to find Sousuke.  Will her presence kick start the disillusioned sergant so he can finish off Amalgam once and for all?

What…the…HELL? I mean yeah I called it way back but come on, can I be wrong when I assume that Gauron ISNT DEAD!?  Ugh, thankfully he might actually be gone for good…otherwise he really is immortal.  And for once, Gauron’s appearance didn’t feel like a waste of time.

I think I skipped ahead a little.  Let’s backtrack, WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!  Well that’s something I never thought id really say about a super serious Full Metal Panic.  Where did all of this awesome goodness come from?  This is such a far cry from the first season and it’s soooooo good haha.  Oh wow, again, feel like im jumping ahead.  Before I sing tons of praise in Final Thoughts, let’s get to the ending itself.

At the end of last week, Sousuke deserted and from then on it was nothing short of a downward spiral.  Aimless wanders, almost sleeping with a prostitiute who looked scarily similar to Kaname (clone?), attempting to drunk burbon, Sousuke had hit as close to rock bottom as he could have gotten.  Then Sousuke had his reunion with Gauron and the Psycho managed to lay out some serious knowledge and taunts on his death bed.  As I said above, Gauron actually felt menacing even from a simple bed.  With nothing left to lose, he gave Sousuke intel on Amalgam before claiming Kaname was dead.  Wow did Sousuke react or what?  I want to say Gauron wont be coming back from being shot point blank several times by Sousuke and then getting blown up…but given this guys history, I wouldn’t be shocked if he was back somehow.  After that, Sousuke just said screw it, he was done, it was all over…

AND THEN KANAME CAME RIGHT THE HECK IN!!!! Easily one of the most “F Yeah” moments of Full Metal Panic came in the form of Kaname beating the living tar out of Sousuke to shock him back to normal.  Just how did she get to Hong Kong?  I assume it has something to do with Wraith…who is actually a woman, did I miss something?  In the end, I didn’t care how because the results spoke for themselves.  It was good to see these two again after all they’ve been through on their own.  Granted their strongest scene was the very last of the season but here, Kaname looking down on a bewildered Sousuke while the sun rose behind her was the perfect set up for what came next.

Nevermind how Arbelast only works with Sousuke, again all storytelling mishaps can be forgiven considering the serious beatdown he gave Gates and his Venom sporting cronies.  It reminded me a bit of Asuka taking on the Mass Produced Eva line up in The End of Evangelion.  Sousuke cut through everything like it was nothing, all the while boldly proclaiming he is a student at Jindai High School and not a mercenary.  Kind of wish Gates had freaked out when death stared him and his…cyborg body (?) right in the face.  Sousuke won the day with one punch, impressing even Clouseau…yeah it felt right Sousuke and Kaname both got their F Yeah moments in this finale.

Probably the biggest surprise was Tessa got a couple of very strong moments that have changed my opinion of her character.  I didn’t like her at all in Season 1 and thought she was better served as the comic relief/romantic rival in Full Metal Panic Fumoffu.  However, her defense of Sousuke and standing up to her XO on the bridge during an operation was inspiring.  She even admitted she was in love with Sousuke but was putting her faith in the long list of accomplishments he’s made more than her feelings.  Add that up with her mending things with Sousuke and his promise that they were good, even calling her by her first name, and you’ve got a very smile worth F Yeah moment for a character who I never thought id be rooting for.

And it doesn’t look like things will be completely back to normal as the dust settles.  Kaname poured her soul out to Sousuke.  She still has her angry streak and will beat the heck out of him for sure.  However leaving her crying like that while her friends berated Sousuke for making her cry seems like things are going to change for Kaname and Sousuke going forward.  This is as close to her saying “I like you” as Kaname can get right now and Sousuke has made his feelings more than clear to the viewers given how thinking she was dead completely destroyed his soul.  This is the growth ive been waiting for with Full Metal Panic and im glad it finally came my way.

Couple of last loose ends.  I mentioned Wraith was a woman and was probably the reasons Kaname made it to Hong Kong…why didn’t we get more with those two?  It looked like Kaname was more the force of nature behind convincing the Observer she needed to get to Sousuke.  I just wish we had a tiny bit where we saw them hash it out somewhere.  Then there’s Leonard Testerosa.  I’ve gotta say he seemed pointless throughout the series, only showing up to indicate “I’m here in this show.”  His only real useful moment was when his men killed Yu Lan and when he kissed Kaname to prove a point about her feelings for Sousuke.  I’m glad we are getting a Season 4 of Full Metal Panic and Leonard’s confirmed to be returning, cause if that wasn’t the case including him at all in The Second Raid and doing nothing with him was a waste of time.

Now for final thoughts: This was the best (normal) season of Full Metal Panic.  The tension was raised exponentionally.  Kaname and Sousuke both got adequate time to develop separately, and together.  The action was insane and very exciting.  Gates and the Twins made for fun (if not incredibly) disturbing villains to battle.  And characters from the past who bothered me greatly made strides to better themselves (Tessa and Gauron).  While much of the humor was sacrificed, making things a little more serious didn’t hurt the seasons momentum or storytelling power.  Some elements didn’t live up to their potential (looking at you Leonard) but with Full Metal Panic: Invisible Victory, confirmed for early 2018, it looks like Full Metal Panic has a chance to take everything it got right with The Second Raid and run with it to even further greatness.

This was an excellent season, the best you could ask for from a show that started on shaky ground.  For that, I award Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid…


Hooooo ok, now that that’s out of the way, it’s December.  And Angels are descending for the holidays…foul mouthed, party hardy, sex and sweets loving Angels…they are Angels right?  Pray for me as I begin tackling the bizzare Anime comedy Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt starting next week, my last series to close out 2017.  See ya then everyone.

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