Monday, September 4, 2017

Peacemaker Kurogane Part 3 Episodes 11-15

Is there more to life than just revenge?  For Tetsunosuke, a trip to Shimabara, the Red Light District, will provide an interesting answer to that question.  Love and friendship seem to be blossoming for Tetsu, Saya and Suzu.  But they’re not the only ones going through a change.  Aiyu, the Shinsengumi’s beautiful cook, decides to take her brothers place as Hijikata’s spy and Yoshida imparts a dreadful warning to Suzu about Tetsunosuke.  For the first time since his parents death, Tetsunosuke looks into the eyes of the man who took them away from him and his brother.  Will he find resolve or will fear overtake him?

If there were two things I definitely took away from Peacemaker this week: 1. This show is awfully short on action for a Samurai themed show and 2. Everyone in this series kind of sucks at being a spy.  Now there was quite a bit I liked about the episodes this week and I’ll get to that, but first the bad.

Yeah, Susumu isn’t the greatest spy in the world.  When your target literally opens the window you’re sitting next to and glares right at you, I can only face palm.  There had to be a better position to do some easvesdroping.  And now his sister Aiyu has to step in for him.  If anything happens to her, you can bet a lot of blame might be on Susumu for not doing a better job.  Even more embarrassing, however, is the young girl who crushed on Okita who was sent in to retrive information on the Shinsengumi.  At first I thought her gulibuleness was going to be an act…nope.  That was all her and it makes me wonder what Masuya was thinking sending her in at all.  Okita and Aiyu both saw through her instantly.  Are there no good spies in this time period where spying was everything?  The answer is yes.  Akesato continues to be a bad ass kunoichi but also WOW she’s Commander Yamanami’s Courtesan mistress?  If that shoe drops I wonder how the poor guy will take the news. 

Speaking of Courtesans, the hands of fate drew Tetsu to Shimabara, the Red Light District.  It was kind of cute seeing Tetsu so nervous, to the point of tears even, being surrounded by so many teasing women.  Of course, the main plot was Tetsu figuring out that Saya is a Courtesan in training here.  It’s so sweet to see he doesn’t think less of her despite this revelation.  Still, it’s kind of sad to hear Akesato sadly mention that Saya will eventually take on clients at a young age, such are the times.  Even so, it’s clear Saya’s bond with Tetsu is stronger than ever with this secret revealed.  Things were made even better when Suzu joined the group.  There’s a good, playful dynamic between this intertwined trio.

And thennnnnnn Yoshida arrived.  Here’s where things get both good and bad.  The good is, Tetsu has seen Yoshida and is certain he is the man who killed his parents.  Naturally, this brings up flashbacks of the murders he saw and actually scares him a bit, so much that it was Aiyu, being the good natured big sister figure, and not his brother Tatsunosuke, who broke Tetsu out of his funk.  It’s hard not to sympathize a little with Tatsu.  Tetsu is all he has left so I get he wants to protect him.  But selfishly wanting Tetsu to stay a frightened kid is just wrong to me.  Tetsu needs to grow, as a person and as a character, and I feel he’s getting that growth through the Shinsengumi, Saya and Suzu.  Tatsu should be more supportive of that rather than cursing everything that seems to be giving Tetsu direction. 

And the bad?  Well Yoshida’s reaction to seeing Tetsu and Tatsu was strange.  The look on his face was scary but it looked like he was freaking out himself.  He calls Tetsu “tainted” and immedietly saw Tetsu’s dad in Tatsu (who looks just like him minus the goatee).  Here’s where I feel eliminating certain plots from the show (mostly the stupid supernatural stuff) and replacing it with some backstory for Tetsu’s father would come in handy.  Clearly, Tetsu’s old man had an impact on several people, from Yoshida to the nearly pointless Ryoma Sakamoto (the gun wielding samurai from last week).  Yoshida fears him (to the point where he might have killed him) and Sakamoto admires him (using the term “Peacemaker” as Tetsu’s father did).  What the heck was the elder Ichimura’s deal?  What made him so dangerous yet reveared?  This is where something I said in the first week of reviewing this series comes in.  Studio Gonzo has a record of making decent look to spectacular looking shows but cant really craft a fully rounded tale (Hellsing and Samurai 7 are both examples of this).  As a minor spoiler, while Peacemaker Kurogane has a manga continuation, the Anime has no second season.  So, I don’t expect a lot of questions to be answered and can already see the plot holes getting deeper.
We did end the week on a surprisingly needed shot of humor after such dark developments.  Seeing an unhinged Hijikata terrorize Tetsu and his men in search of his missing book of terrible Haiku’s was absolutely hilarious.  He certainly lived up to his name of “Demon Vice Commander” with the way his eyes glowed and the flames erupted around him.  In the grand scheme of the show, it’s a silly diversion but I was entertained enough to forgive it, and it’s rare a filler episode like this can do that for me.  The episode also offered one more big bombshell of plot: Yoshida wants Suzu to kill Tetsunosuke….yep I knew this wasn’t going to end well once Tetsu found out Suzu was Yoshida’s page. 

I’m glad we got some laughter to close out the week.  Cause with Suzu and Aiyu’s new missions sending them down dark paths, I think it’s the last time we’ll be laughing on this show for a bit. 

But seriously, we need some more action on this show.  There’s freaking samurai all over the place, draw some swords dammit.

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