Friday, September 15, 2017

FIF#33-Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend

Tomoya Aki is an Otaku of the purest kind.  He loves video games, especially visual novels and dating sims and wants to create the ultimate video game himself one day.  When he passes a beautiful girl on a hill, Tomoya’s mind is made up and he plans to set his dream into motion.  All he requires is some help…from some of the most beautiful girls in high school who also moonlight on the Otaku side.  One is an erotic manga author, one writes light novels and another happens to be the girl who sparked Tomoya’s crusade…but isn’t anything like he imagined.  If this merry band can pull together, and survive Tomoya’s weirdness, maybe they can pull off the impossible and get this video game made.

I’ll admit, some shows I get into based on the cosplay I see in the community.  If a couple of those characters happen to be cute girls…well im a guy so I cant help it sometimes (the whole reason I got into Fate/Stay Night was because of the Rin cosplays).  Case in point, the characters from Saekano have been floating around for a while now and characters that beautiful you have to know where they came from.  Sitting down to check out the first few episodes, I had no idea what to expect.  Some of it was surprisingly fun, the rest…is kind of a dark reflection of how really scary the otaku mentality can be.

I’ll say this right away, Tomoya Aki is not my favorite character on this show.  The first episode paints him as the guy to root for but once you get to the second episode, when he tries to force his hobbies and passions on his muse, that’s when he gets to be quite despicable.  As an Otaku myself, I know when it’s time to throw in the towel on trying to get friends into Anime.  If they don’t like it, don’t force it.  It might come about on it’s own, maybe it wont.  Either way, I wouldn’t go so far as to beg and beg and beg like a mad man trying to get a girl into a dating sym or anything like that.  And this isn’t charming Himouto Umaru Chan stuff either, at least that was cute even if it was a little cruel sometimes.  This is a prime example of how Otaku can come off as rude, crazy and more or less as menaces to society…it sucks.

However, this show might be watchable just for the female leads alone.  Yes, theyre all super attractive but they all have one thing that makes them stand above just being that.  Eriri and Utaha both moonlight as the exact opposite of what many of their school peers would think them to be.  When they’re not turning heads or breaking hearts in their uniforms. Eriri is secretly drawing adult manga at a furious rate and Utaha is a novelist who is becoming quite popular, both obviously using psydonyms.  Watching them clash and bicker, while getting some insights into their side projects reminded me of a plot line from the third season of Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, when one of Illya’s friends turned out to want to do similar things with her secret desires.  Anyway, I could care less if Tomoya accomplishes his dream in full.  Im more curious how Eriri and Utaha will combine their creative powers and what will result from them.  I think it could be better than anything Tomoya has in mind, even if he is leading the project himself.  Sadly, I expect these two femmes to be fighting each other over the rabid Otaku and that’s a shame…they deserve better.  Should also talk about Kato, Tomoya’s inspiration.  It’s equally scary that she gets forced into Tomoya’s interests as it is that she ends up enjoying it.  Trying to change someone into someone theyre not isn’t cool…but I will give Kato credit, her totally shooting down Tomoya’s visions of what he expected her to be were worth a couple of chuckles.

So yes, for the girls, I will stick this one out probably, it isn’t that long either (but ive said that before and haven’t finished that many shows).  The series has good animation, I like the theme songs, Utaha might have just stolen my heart (her vs. Rin would be a solid showdown).  If it weren’t for Tomoya being a total creeper, I would be fully on board, but im more so half.  It’s another step out of my comfort zone, that’s for sure. 

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