Wednesday, July 12, 2017

T5W#100-Top 10 Favorite Titles I’ve Reviewed on the Gundam Anime Corner

I’m hallucinating right? Nope, that really does say Top 5 Wednesday #100.  Damn.  Other features have fallen off the map since ive started this blog (AMV Friday and First Impression Friday). But someohow in addition to the lengthy reviews I write, ive managed to come up with a list of random topics for more than a year and a half now.  There were even one or two times I felt like it just wasn’t going to happen.  Low and behold, I kept at it.  Cause as frustrating as it can be to think of a random Top 5, these are still a lot of fun to write.  I was thinking about being lazy and just doing a Top 5 for the Top 5 Wednesday’s ive done.  But as I said…that would be lazy.  So for this extra special occasion, im going another route and looking back at the 118 titles ive covered over the last 4 years and choosing 10, not 5, 10 titles that ive had the most fun watching and reviewing.  Choosing this list wasn’t easy and I was almost close to just doing a Top 5 and Worst 5 list in the same article, there are a few reviews where I know my all hasn’t been given…or I was just kicking myself for choosing them in the first place.  Anyway, enough dawdling, choosing this list was one thing, arranging it was another.  Let’s see what nabbed what spot.


#10-Your Name
I cant get over how good this movie was.  The hype was 100% real and not many movies can say the same (except maybe The Avengers).  Your Name has the premise of a cheesy 90’s romcomdrom but because it’s Anime, it becomes something I not only can stand but can also get behind all the way.  Taki and Mitsuha’s journeys are beautiful tales and seeing them trying the find each other has me tearing up everytime.  Your Name is turning 1 year old this summer…and yet it already stands as an unexpected legend in the realm of Anime filmmaking.  Akira and Spirited Away now have an adequate rival for best of all time.


What’s weird about this choice is that I wasn’t really a fan of going back through it.  Reviewing Escaflowne years after id last seen it was a different kind of experience.  The flaws, especially in the second half, were a lot more visible and multiple views couldn’t help me understand the plot holes.  So why is it #9 on my Top 10 Favorite Titles list?  That’s because I learned something new with Escaflowne: it’s ok to rag on a title that might’ve been a beloved classic in the past.  Time changes opinions all the time (just wait til I get further into Gundam Wing).  And yet, Escaflowne is still a technical marvel with crisp animation and one of the best musical scores of all time.  For all my dislike of where the story goes, I still want to get this series on Blu Ray one day, the movie looks fantastic in high def.


#8-Martian Successor Nadesico
Nadesico is the ultimate fan parody of mecha and scifi Anime…well it was until Gurren Lagaan came along.  But starting 2017 with this series was a fun choice in retrospect.  Sure it does shift gears a bit in the second half.  Unlike the disastrous movie, the TV series remains pretty consistent and has a lot of undeniable heart to it.  From Akito and Yurika’s infuriating will they/wont they romance (Akito should’ve hooked up with Ryoko), to Ruri’s unexpected development of feelings for her crewmates, to the over the top action scenes, this show is a celebration of all the super robot scifi action that came before it.  And it sure knows how to get your blood flowing with “YOU GET TO BURNING” every episode.


#7-Neon Genesis Evangelion/Death and Rebirth/The End of Evangelion
One of my earliest reviews, rewatching and writing down my thoughts on Evangelion proved to me that this blog idea was a really good idea.  I never felt so connected to the series, or the movies, until I approached it like this.  Sure I had analyzed Eva like everyone else has, but this felt different.  Still, getting in depth with one of the most in depth Anime of all time didn’t mean I had to wax philosophy every time I penned a review.  This show still knows how to hit you where it hurts and some of the biggest WTF moments (Eva’s eating Eva’s and the whole last half of The End of Evangelion) still make me cringe in fear.  The fact that Neon Genesis Evangelion is still discussed so heavily, 20+ years after it came out is testament to it’s incredible power in the world of Anime.


#6-Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage
A perfect example of a sequel done right.  The Second Barrage took all of the greatness of the first season, stuck a stick of dynamite in it and set it off on a wild freaking ride.  The world of Roanapur was expanded greatly with a fun cast of crazy and horrifying new bounty hunters and assassins.  More background was given to already established secondary cast members like Balialika (marry me you sexy woman) and Eda.  And we got some nice progress on Rock and Revy’s work in progress friendship.  Of course, the action never let up, even when it was time to develop some characters a bit.  Hotel Moscow’s skillful takedown of the Vampire Twins and Revy’s assault on the Yakuza bowling alley with Ginji are some of the best action scenes committed to any Anime.  If I ever start watching this season I cant stop until it has all be watched in one night.


#5-Dragon Ball Z Movie Marathon
Dragon, Dragon.  Rock the Dragon.  DRAGON BALL Z!!! 15 movies over the course of two weeks.  I was so excited to finally get the complete collection I just said…F*** it, im gonna review them all.  I had seen most of the films already but others I was seeing for the first time (the Brolly sequels, Resurrection F).  It was like getting a shortened crash course in the history of Z: the good (Dead Zone, The World’s Strongest, Fusion Reborn), the bad (Lord Slug, Brolly-Second Coming, Wrath of the Dragon) and the just plain horrific (Bio Brolly was the first movie to get a 0/10 on this blog, X: An Omen is it’s only roommate in that club).  As much as I praise the hell out of Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z is the show that really got me into Anime in the first place.  Having some form of it on this blog was long overdue.  Don’t look forward to me EVER reviewing the series cause that would take for freaking ever.  Still, this was a great marathon and does sum up Z properly in 15 (mostly) awesome features.


#4-Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
I’ll admit, I wasn’t having the best time reviewing the first season of Full Metal Panic.  It’s such an uneven series that it was hard for me to find exciting things to talk about with it.  Why mention that here?  Because after FMP’s first season was done, I reviewed Gundam 0080 and I couldn’t watch or review it fast enough.  0080 has some of the most emotional moments of all Gundam and it flows insanely well for only being 6 short episodes long.  I was so excited to write about this one as the start of Gundam Month Mark II last April and I did it all with a smile on my face while whipping away tears from rewatching all the heartache with Al, Chris and Bernie.


#3-RWBY Vol.3
I still remember sitting on a bench at work watching the end of this season unfold.  At long last, something substantial was closing out a season of RWBY…and it was one of the most horrifying things to witness.  Major characters were killed, the core team was fractured in the worst way and, much like The Empire Strikes Back, the bad guys had won.  The number of emotions RWBY Vol.3 instilled in me was beyond count.  I was sad, angry but excited and very happy.  After two seasons where there wasn’t really much of an idea where things were going (enjoyable as the ride was), Vol.3 gave me everything I wanted in a season of RWBY: action, humor, great characters, and a lasting impact that would push the series to new heights.  Vol.4 built nicely off of this, but Vol.3 is where everything changed for RWBY.  Like it or not, it ended up being for the better.


#2- Free!
I still cant get over how much I really enjoyed this one.  A show about beefy guys swimming their hearts out and rediscovering their friendships shouldn’t even be a blip on my radar.  What started out as a planned joke, just to write something funny for a First Impression Friday, turned into me continuing to flip to this show for inspiration every once in a while.  The core friendships are real and the heart is all here…you just have to look past the man  meat on display and look deeper.  Is it wrong im looking forward to eventually seeing the new trilogy coming this year?  Most would say yes, but I say no.  Free is a really well done show and I will defend it against anyone who says otherwise.


#1- Mobile Suit Gundam Wing/Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Big shock, I know, a Gundam series took the top spot.  You know what though?  It almost had to be this way.  Gundam showed me how great Anime could be past all the shouting and action.  Gundam Wing (all the reviews have been written, hence why it gets a spot), was the first of those shows and rewatching it and reviewing it was a lot of fun.  Of course, it’s spiritual successor, Gundam 00 stands along side it because it was the first really long series I reviewed over an extended period of time and I was having a blast going through it again.  Both 00 and Wing have high marks and low marks.  The high points (the characters, the mech and action) are stellar and the low points (Graham Acker, the last act of Gundam Wing, early series Relena) are just begging to be ranted about.  They may not be the best overall shows in the Gundam pantheon (some will argue more fiercely for Wing than 00).  But both of these shows are special to me in many ways.  I still rewatch 00 every summer, just because.  And reuniting with Wing as a long time coming.  This blog is named after Gundam.  Read the reviews for both of these shows and you’ll see why.  Also, I think my final thoughts on Gundam Wing are some of the most heartfelt material ive poured into a review.  I hope you’ll agree when we finally get there in a few weeks.
Thanks for enduring 100 random lists on my blog :) See you next week with a brand new Top 5 Wednesday as I start the next 100 lol

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