Monday, July 24, 2017

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Part 5 Episodes 21-25

There is a new power in space.  A Gundam, so destructive that it has been left unfinished for over twenty years, has come to challenge not just OZ but the colonies themselves.  With Wufei and Duo captured by OZ, an undercover Trowa and Heero seek out this supposed new ally.  But even Heero can sense something isn’t right about this Gundam.  As Heero and Trowa confront the fact that an ally has become a new enemy, OZ finds itself torn apart by an internal power struggle.  Old foes fall, old friends find new strength.  And the next chapter of the After Colony era erupts in fire across the stars.

Things hardly ever stay the same for too long in the world of Gundam Wing.  This series has gone well out of its way to leave things in a different state from one part to the next.  That’s no different here as we reach the halfway marker of the show. 

It’s fascinating that the reaction to the changing situation in the colonies was experienced best by a character who’s spirit we never thought would break and a character we never expected to find a heart in that nice bod of hers.  Losing his father was Quatre’s breaking point. The Pacifist who believed in peace, even at the cost of his own Gundam and his being exiled by the colonies he once defended, finally went over the edge and responded in kind…by going totally insane.  Watching Quatre in action with the brand spanking new Wing Zero and  seeing such a kind boy become an emotionless killing machine, who had no qualms blowing up colonies like OZ Mobile Suits, was chilling to say the least.  It only makes sense that in possibly losing Trowa (who could be a younger version of Quatre’s dad if his hair was shorter and he was rocking a stache) would bring Quatre around to the horrors he’s done.  Losing one person he loved broke him.  Losing another dear friend, who pleaded for him to find his soul again, was at least a start to restoring him.

And then there’s Lady Une, who at the end of last week was having a hard time trying to decide which Lady Une she wanted to be.  Over the course of the last few episodes, her peaceful side has shown her how important the colonies are and now she no longer sees them as needing to be conquered through deception but protected at all costs.  In a way, her two sides began to merge together into a new Lady Une.  Honestly, considering how she finds herself coming to understand the Gundam Pilots, it wouldn’t shock me if she figured out Trowa was a spy all along and just didn’t care.  It sucks this version of Une had to be gunned down by Tuberov.  Here’s hoping she isn’t out of the game for long.  Same for Trowa but, let’s face it, he’s more likely to return faster cause he’s a Gundam Pilot.

Treize’s stand against Romafeller and Duke Dermail is a good setup for the second half of the series.  The themes of military power vs. the worth of the human spirit will no doubt be a driving force as Mobile Dolls prepare to be delivered to Earth.  At this point, it’s really hard to say if Treize is still a bad guy or not.  He’s got a crap ton of blood on his hands, then again so do Zechs, Lady Une and many other OZ soldiers who are trying to change their ways.  I still think Treize wants to run things his way but is unable to just because Romafeller is too strong as a united group for now.  I would say that’s interesting since Treize’s God Complex would make me think he wouldn’t be intimidated by this.  But clearly Treize is more an inspiration than the ancient old men running Romafeller.  I’m sure he’ll have another coup d’etat running in no time.

We got new mecha galore this time around too.  We didn’t get one, or two but THREEE new Gundams thrown into the mix.  At long last, DEATHSYTHE RIDES AGAIN!!!  The debut of Duo’s Deathsythe Hell and Wufei’s Altron Gundam (bet you he still calls in Nataku), was way too brief but still very satisfying considering the beating the two of them have taken in the last ten episodes or so.  Double blade energy sythes and two dragon fangs?  I cant wait to see what these two can do once they’ve been 100% completed (and yet they were already kicking ass at 70%...that’s gonna be awesome).  Then there’s Wing Zero, a Mobile Suit even the five Gundam Designers feared to complete.  It’s drawn super pretty in its first outing and you can sense the power it wields without it having to fire a shot.  The face that it has two buster cannons that can unite into a mega gun is just an added bonus to how cool Wings new flagship Gundam has turned out to be…though it was a pretty intense monster in its debut, so scary.

If there was one thing that held this week back a bit, it was Zech’s “Good will tour” of the colonies.  I think the current state of things has been addressed almost to death by this point with OZ and the colonies getting along now.  There wasn’t much of a need for Zechs to hear what we’ve already come to learn and accept by this point.  I’m not even certain Zechs’ plotline really went anywhere.  Guess that just depends on whether or not he sticks around or goes back to Earth.  He claimed to represent the destroyed Sanc Kingdom…is he acting in it’s spirit or has something developed with that place we haven’t heard about yet?  It’s an intriguing mystery for sure, something I think we’ll get to right away when the second half gets going.

One last thing, Duo’s big return to action episode was a great rebound for my favorite character after losing his Gundam.  Duo got to go all one man, roll on the ground shooting an enemies, army trying to reach the Lunar Base.  He even managed to catch the attention of the super cute Hilde.  Hope she ends up coming back sometime. Heero has his stalker girl and Zechs has Noin.  Why cant the others find somebody to love? 

Man, reviewing this series can be tiring, if only because everythings always changing so quickly.  But I’m halfway done and I’m not going to quit now.  Check back Friday as the second half of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing gets underway here on the Anime Corner.

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