Wednesday, January 11, 2017

T5W#74-Top 5 Reasons Why Final Fantasy XV Rocks

It was the one thing I wanted for Christmas and when I got it, I squeeled like a certain comic book character when they got an ice cream cone from another comic book character (I’ll let you guys piece that one together).  After ten years of waiting, it was time.  Final Fantasy XV made it into my life and intend to beat it, the first Final Fantasy game I’ve ever attempted to do so with.  With life being as hectic and crazy as it is (it’s hard to think of Top 5’s sometimes), my play time with it has been a little limited.  When I have played, I’ve been nothing but impressed with the adventures of Prince Noctis, a prince on the run from an evil empire.  I guess this is an initial impression.  Still, these are my Top 5 Reasons why Final Fantasy XV Rocks…and still so early into the game.
#5- The Car
The Regalia is a fine car if there ever was one, sleek, sexy and painted black for good measure..  Much like the cast, I’m content to just sit back and enjoy the ride from Point A to Point B.  There are options to insta-travel to different locations, which helps if you need to get to a gas station or hotel before dark.  But for the most part, I like taking the long drive.  The guys might chat a bit, or, best of all, you can turn on the radio, which has several pre set stations…including many classic Final Fantasy Soundtracks like Final Fantasy VII and VIII plus the soundtracks for the Final Fantasy XV tie ins, Kingsglave and Brotherhood.  But of course, the best thing about riding around is…
#4- Jaw dropping Graphics and Scale
Sure you can huff it and that will work just as well.  But sometimes you’re not going to get very far in this game because it is so damn gorgeous.  Ten years of development and a jump to the next generation of consoles clearly did this game a ton of favors.  The world looks so vast and epic.  And the wild life?  I’ve seen giants roaming the fields and rivers and have to stop and stare…and not get eaten in the process.  This is a world full of life, in the towns as much as the countryside.  Each place I’ve been to has been populated nicely and there’s plenty to do in each one, but I’ll get to that.  This journey has been well worth the wait just based on the graphics alone.  It's the best looking Final Fantasy to date, XIII doesn't even compare
#3-It makes you freaking hungry
Food is an interesting item in Final Fantasy XV.  Stopping by restaurants and ordering a meal can temporarily boost stamina, attacks, magic, etc, depending on what you get.  Seems basic enough for an RPG…but come on, DID THEY REALLY HAVE TO MAKE THE FOOD LOOK THAT INCREDIBLE!!!???  The food is a well designed as anything else in the game, so good you’ll want to go out for an expensive dinner with friends as soon as you reach a save point.  Even a simple pallet of fries looks tasty.  Worse yet, Ignis acts as the groups cook and is always coming up with amazing dishes to try…and it makes you wish you could reach into the screen and take some for yourself.  Oh Final Fantasy XV, how do you torture my stomach sooooooo?
#2-So much to do and not touch the main story
Yes, you’ll have to get to it eventually.  The story is important.  But, unlike Final Fantasy XIII, there is no liner storyline.  You can actually run around and do a ton of stuff in between missions.  There’s bounties to run (killing monsters for cash), fishing, driving, exploring dungeons, retrieving items in the desert.  Sure these sound like average RPG tropes, but at times this feels like Final Fantasy’s answer to Grand Theft Auto…without the murder and chaos and running people over and…yeah maybe GTA wasn’t the best example to use.  Point is, you can spend hours going on various quests and chilling at a campsite in the first few hours just to reach a high level before you touch the main quest again.  I remember running into a dungeon not knowing there was a level 50 boss at the bottom…and I was level 9.  It scared the frak out of me, and resulted in my first loss of the game.  But it encouraged me to go do more and level up.  It may be a bit before I reach Level 50 myself…but im gonna have fun getting there.  It’s as the intro states: This is a Final Fantasy for both Veterans and Newcomers.
#1-The Boys
While I never finished the Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV Anime prequel, turns out I really didn’t have to in order to enjoy the fun loving banter between the four main characters.  From the get go, you get the sense that Noctis, Gladio, Promto and Ignis have been friends for a long time and have formed a life long bond.  Listening to the guys bag on each other about something random: from Noctis’ bride to be to Gladio’s lack of a shirt to Prompto being so energetic he’s almost useless, is a sign of a well written bunch.  I’m sure things are bound to get darker for them the further I get into the game.  And who knows how bad ass they’ll all sound when they get into the real battles of the game.  Is it wrong that the current lack of a hot female party member like Tifa or Riona doesn’t hurt things at all…though Gladio’s sister is pretty cute, can she tag along?  It’s a long game, a girl could ride along at some point.  For now, I’m ok hanging with the Backstreet Boys of Final Fantasy.

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