Monday, October 17, 2016

Hellsing Part 3 Episodes 7-9

As Hellsing recovers from the bloody aftermath of the Valentine Brothers assault, a massive manhunt gets underway for the group that hired them.  But Hellsing isn’t the only group looking for answers.  The Vatican is back.  And while Integra attends a meeting with Enrico Maxwell, head of Hellsing Vatican Cousin, Section XIII Iscariot, Alucard gets his long overdue rematch with Alexander Anderson…and both might not walk away this time.  With their world in chaos, Hellsing has no idea that a much greater threat is about to reveal itself: A foe who may be as old and as dangerous as Alucard himself.
After last weeks all out bloodbath, I was expecting a bit more retribution from the Hellsing Organization.  But seeing as how they might save the reveal of who was behind the attack for the finale, it makes sense we don’t get right to it.  However, as we head into the second half of the TV Series, things get a little…strange.  When this show aired, the Manga wasn’t even close the being finished yet (it wouldn’t wrap until 2008).  So we get what happens to all shows that catch up with their source material…we get a new story.  Which means the “real” masterminds behind the Valentine Brothers attack will probably not be revealed…and that’s a shame.
Instead, we get introduced to the supposed “big bad” of the second half, Incognito.  The prospect of Alucard squaring off with a monster as strong as he is isn’t a bad idea at all.  Hell it’s totally exciting for us as much as it is for him.  We do get a small glimpse of Incognito’s power with his mind warping abilities that left Integra and Walter in a rare, helpless state, Integra more so.  The Hellsing head honcho found herself at the whims of a monster who was having fun with her sensual torture.  The fact that Incognito managed to put Integra in harms way produced an interesting reaction from Alucard.  He was pissed and caught off guard, though not for very long as his smirk was back on his face pretty quick.  It still is nice to see him concerned.  Though if he could sense Victoria was onto something about the minds of the Hellsing team being clouded, why didn’t he break the mind control earlier?  Probably too busy seeking out Incognito but oh well.  It certainly left Integra in bad shape.  Is she done for since she apparently decided to end her own life rather than become a monster?
We also got a welcome return from Anderson, his bad ass Irish accent, blades and all.  His rematch with Alucard was about as short as the last one but it gave us some cool moments.  Alucard got to unleash his Jackal, which could very well have killed Anderson as he theorized if given the chance, and Anderson got to cut off Alucard’s head.  The flashback scene was interesting, seeing what looked like a pre Regenerator Anderson taking on some shadowy foe he couldn’t kill.  Will we see any clarification to this?  I hope so.  But with the wind shifting over to Incognito as the new foe, I don’t think Anderson will be much of a factor from this point on.  Which sucks, he’s such a wasted foe for Alucard, the two are excellent together.
Lastly, we got some good development for Victoria.  She finally seemed to be embracing her Vampiric role and was given a more take charge attitude, which is fitting seeing as how Hellsing has been recently decimated.  It was great to see her lead the troops into battle and sense that something had happened to Integra and Walter at the mansion when “Not Integra’s Sister” was around.  The side story with her meeting the ancient Vampire, Helena, could have been a bit more interesting.  But in truth, much of Episodes 8 and 9 could have been combined into a single episode and maybe given the way for an extended, two part duel between Alucard and Anderson.  I keep thinking about “wasted opportunity”.  The show is trying and introducing good concepts, given it caught up with the Manga.  But there’s still a ton it could do.  Could they be saving it for the finale?  Well…I guess we’ll see when we get there.  Til then, judgment is reserved.
The spooky and action packed finale of Hellsing arrives next week.  See ya then.

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