Friday, November 5, 2021

Final Impact-An Evangelion Gundam Anime Corner Special (Part 10)

Kwaoru Nagisa arrived far sooner than expected…and he’s kind of an asshole.  Still, he slotted into Asuka’s spot after an Angel put her in a coma and Shinji’s trying to make it clear to Kwaoru he wants nothing to do with him (Kwaoru did kill a kitten in his first scene with him and that should raise a mountain of red flags there).  Right now though, Shinji’s got a lot more to worry about with Rei’s life hanging in the balance.  Let’s get back to Final Impact and see what changes lie in store next.
Volume 10 (Episodes 23)
In the Anime:
The 16th Angel, Armisael, attacks Tokyo-3.  Both Rei and Asuka are sent to intercept it.  However, the Angel attacks Unit 00 and begins to merge with it.  Asuka, her mental state now more fragile than ever, is unable to activate her Eva to assist.  In a rare show of desperation, Gendo launches Shinji to save Rei.  However, when the Angel attempts another fusion with Unit 01, Rei activates her Eva’s self destruct device, sacrificing herself to save Shinji and destroy the Armisael.  However, Rei is shown alive later in NERV HQ, albeit with seemingly no memory of Shinji.  After being sent to SEELE by Gendo as a scapegoat for their investigations, an upset Ritsuko reveals the truth to Shinji and Misato: a series of Rei clones hidden deep within NERV HQ.  As revenge against Gendo, Ritsuko disables the Rei’s life support, killing them and leaving this third incarnation of Rei as the final one.
In the Manga:

·        Armisael attempts to fuse with Eva Unit 02 when Kwaoru battles it.  Once again, Kwaoru refuses to use his own abilities to counter it to keep his identity secret.

·        Kwaoru begins to cry during the fusion, either due to his own developing emotions or feedback from Rei’s merging with the Angel.

·        Shinji nearly attacks Kwaoru for his coldness towards Rei’s death only to collapse into Kwaoru’s arms from grief, confusing Kwaoru.

·        Not wanting to go home after Rei’s death, Shinji stays with Kwaoru.  One night he has trouble breathing and Kwaoru kisses Shinji to get it under control.  He then asks Shinji about love and wonders if he’s falling for him.  Shinji rejects this because “Guys don’t like guys”.

·        Kwaoru shows clear signs of jealousy when Shinji leaves his place, calling him a “self centered bastard” for running back to Rei.

If the Evangelion Manga has made me dislike Kwaoru, it’s done what only Rebuild of Evangelion has even managed to do with Rei: make me care about her.  There have been plenty of new scenes between her and Shinji, with an emphasis on their friendship growing through the simple act of holding hands. Rei might not be emotional but her heart has grown thanks to Shinji and her sacrifice hurts far more than in the Anime for me.  It actually kind of helps that Kwaoru just dismisses Rei’s death as “yeah whatever but I’m still here and that’s all you need Shinji.”  I was kind of hoping that Shinji would deck Kwaoru for being an insensitive jerk.  Much like with Gendo, however, Shinji faltered but he’s grieving the loss of someone who was closer to him than Toji.  But let’s talk about that one cringe worthy line from Shinji himself when Kwaoru kisses him to help him breathe after…idk a panic attack(?)…and Shinji declares “guys don’t like guys.”  1. That line definitely doesn’t fly in this day and age.  2. In the Anime, it was clear that what Kwaoru and Shinji had was a very unique kind of love.  Kwaoru never forced himself upon Shinji like he has in the Manga and was instead kinder, opened minded and gentle with his words.  When he tells Shinji, “It means, I love you,” it’s words Shinji has never heard much of in his life and they stay with him for the rest of the series…though in a more haunting fashion after what happens to Kwaoru.  I don’t agree with Shinjis anti Guy on Guy sentiment.  However, I definitely don’t think this Kwaoru has done anything worthy of Shinji’s affections.  This is a very different kind of Kwaoru who is disconnected from all emotion and just acts on logic and arrogance.  His remark of Shinji being a “self centered bastard’ for running back to Rei?  Um hello pot, names kettle, have we met?  I would talk more about Rei III…but that plotline seems to be sticking more to the Anime atm so not much to add there other than with the added Rei II material, Shinji’s gonna be in an even worse emotional spot now than he was in the Anime. 
Next Friday we reach the moment that solidified Evangelion as a legend for me.  However, given the way Kwaoru has been handled in this adaptation…am I even going to care if Shinji has to pop his head off?  Sigh, this’ll either make up for Kwaoru’s shoddy characterization or be a very dark spot on an otherwise decent rendition of Evangelion.  It’ll all be waiting for you on Final Impact: An Evangelion Gundam Anime Corner Special.  See ya then.

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