Friday, November 5, 2021

FIF#143-Eden’s Zero

Since he was a child, Shiki Granbell has been raised amongst the machines of the planet Granbell.  One day, a beautiful girl named Rebecca Bluegarden and her companion Happy arrive and offer Shiki the adventure of a lifetime: not just away from the capital of Granbell, but in the stars above.  The three begin a search for  a fabled intergalactic Goddess known only as “Mother.”  But to do that, they’ll need a vessel capable of a long voyage.  Thankfully, Shiki’s guardian left him such a vessel.  The Eden’s Zero is ready to fly and the galaxy is open for Shiki, Rebecca and Happy to explore to their hearts content.
A few years back, Fairy Tail was a Shonen Title poised to rival the likes of the legendary Big Three (Naruto, One Piece and Bleach).  It never made it to those heights but was still a beloved title.  I watched a lot of it and enjoyed what I saw.  So imagine my confusion when I see a poster for Eden’s Zero and see some very familiar faces and think at first it’s a continuation or a prequel to Fairy Tail.  Wrong on both assumptions.  Eden’s Zero is a brand new tale from Fairy Tail creator Hiro Mashima that trades Fantasy lands for the sea of stars.  However, if you went by the first episode alone you wouldn’t know that last bit until the very end.
For me, it was hard to really get into Eden’s Zero’s premiere just because it looked so visually identical to Fairy Tail.  The main character, Shiki looks like a fusion of Fairy Tail Protagonists Natsu and Grey, and Rebecca is a slightly cuter version of Lucy.  Most jarring is the presence of Fairy Tail mascot Happy.  He’s missing his wings but his oh so adorable attitude is still intact, which reinforced the Fairy Tail connection possibility.  And while the first episode focuses on a planet who’s main population is Machines, the planet still gives off a very Fantastical vibe it could have been Fairy Tail.  Even the action scenes looked like they were plucked from…that show, I keep saying Fairy Tail a lot.  No it wasn’t until the tail end of the episode when Shiki leaves Granbell with Rebecca and Happy that we see the grand stage Eden’s Zero presents.  I’ll also applaud the heartbreaking final twist of the debut episode.  I don’t think it’ll be enough to make me stick with Eden’s Zero over all but it was a clever subversion of expectations.  Everything was just…eh.  Shiki was kind of annoying.  Rebecca looks hot but didn’t leave much of an impression and there’s only but so much adorable of Happy that can keep me interested in a show, even I fell off Fairy Tail at one point.
Fairy Tail in Space, that’s all I could think of watching the debut of Eden’s Zero.  Normally you’d think that wouldn’t be a problem but…as you saw in this article, I kept bringing up the former more than talking about anything I might’ve liked about the latter.  The character designs are a distraction and not getting into space until the very end threw me for a loop as to what this series was supposed to be.  Maybe it’ll get better and I’ll come back to it…or I might track down Fairy Tail and pick back up on that again, who knows.  Good sailing Eden’s Zero, I wish you luck…hope you break away from your Fairy Tail comparisons quick.

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