Friday, July 19, 2019

Turn A Gundam Part 9 Episodes 41-45

Loran and Diana finally return home to the Moon only to find nothing but chaos waiting for them.  Dianna is powerless to stop the military factions left behind from seizing total control and Loran is outmatched by the Turn A’s brother Gundam, Gym Ghingnham’s Turn X.  All signs point to an inevitable, all out invasion of the Earth surface, with Gym leading the charge.  To save his own legacy and the planet, will Guin Lineford betray the Militia?  And, at long last, the terrible truth of the Dark History and the Turn A Gundam come to light as two Gundams clash on the surface of the Moon.

Well…to quote a smiling Dale Cooper from the first episode of Twin Peaks, “Sheriff, we’ve got a lot to talk about.”  Now I could start off from the very beginning, like how im happy Moon’s Cocoon, aka Loran’s Theme, has become the new end theme for the series (it’s much better than the new opening).  I could continue with meeting the rather disappointing Agrippa or discuss Guin finally becoming the punk traitor he was probably always going to be and I will get to that and more…

BUT HOLY CRAP MY GUNDAM FANBOY MIND EXPLODED!!! I had always heard that Turn A Gundam was hinted to be some giant connector piece to the whole of the Gundam Multiverse…but I never expected to see what I saw.  When Dianna, Loran and Gym all activated the Dark History archives, at first I just saw the footage from the original Mobile Suit Gundam series, a full run down of the One Year War.  But then things kept going.  We saw Zeta, ZZ, Char’s Counterattack, F91, 0083, Victory…THEN we saw G, Wing, X.  So if im reading things right, and im probably not but let me fanboy here, the Universal Century (Mobile Suit Gundam-Victory Gundam), Future Century (from G Gundam), After Colony Era (Gundam Wing) and After War Era (Gundam X) can all be viewed as one giant timeline spanning the better part of millenia.  In a way this revelation and theory seems reasonable.  I just recently did a binge watch of the legendary Babylon 5 TV Series and they had an episode that featured multiple flash forwards from 100 to 1million years into mankinds future, each showing that things tended to hardly stay the same.  It makes sense to me that humanity might advance its technology, only to bomb itself back to the stone age and then have to start over.  Given the cataclysmic events of the Universal Century and especially the After War Era (the period itself almost an alternate version of the former with dozens of colonies dropped onto Earth instead of one), it makes sense to me.  Still the thought of the first 20 years of Mobile Suit Gundam somehow being united under this one series was a moment that invoked Keanu in The Matrix…whoa.  This lingered in my mind well after the end of the episode in which this all played out.  Oh im still a little sad we’re leaving the Moon so soon but this info dumb of fun fan theory made everything up til now worth it all…not that Turn A Gundam hasn’t been great until now but…ok let me simmer for a sec and then I can continue.

Ok, back to the events on the Moon that weren’t about uniting the Multiverse.  We finally got to meet the often mentioned Agrippa and…man what a disappointment.  How the hell could a wuss of a politician with no spine possibly be starting all of this crap on the Moon?  I feel like he could’ve been overthrown in five minutes (and he kind of was, im surprised he was shot and killed so easily and no one cared).  I just makes all the hype around his character kind of a huge letdown.  Still, Agrippa’s motivations for wanting Dianna killed were his little saving grace.  He blamed her desire to return to Earth for reawakening the violent warrior spirit of some of the Moonrace, i.e. Gym and his forces.  And Agrippa didn’t just want Dianna out of the way, he wanted to get Gym and his men to go to Earth to get their war on and leave the Moon alone in general, thus ensuring an everlasting peace.  I don’t think Dianna should kick herself for wanting to return to Earth and bring those who wish to go back as well.  I do think the planning should have been carried out a lot more thoroughly…cause clearly it wasn’t a perfect plan when you leave a sissy politician and a sword wielding maniac back home to watch farm and not think they’ll mess up that simple task.  It feels fitting that the minute the people found out Agrippa was keeping the truth about the Dark History and the Dianna Coutner’s war with the Earth secret, theyd riot and want his head on a spike…and this guy thought he could rule, ha, ha, ha.

Well with Agrippa gone, Gym Ghingham can take his rightful place as the true villain of Turn A Gundam.  He’s itching for conquest and now he has the allies and the weapons to make it happen.  The Turn X’s arrival was a haunting event.  One glance at it and I knew Loran trying to take it on wouldn’t be so easy.  And it wasn’t.  To say Loran got an ass kicking is a bit of an understatement.  The Turn X is a freaking monster of a Gundam (and looking as different from the norm as the Turn A itself).  Seeing Loran forced to abandon the Turn A to save himself was a gut punch and a good setup for the grand finale next week.  This does, however, leave two weapons of literal mass destruction in the hands of Gym and…ugh Guin.  I guess it makes sense that with barely anything going his way this entire show, Guin would throw his lot in with Gym.  He says he’s doing this to preserve the Earth with Dark History tech.  But its’ Guin, he’s been a selfish ass from day one, the second he first called Loran “Laura” actually.  He’s not in it for the planet, he’s in it for his own power.  It only sucks more that some of the Militia actually agree with him and its selfish thinking like that which makes me hope they all get whats coming to them next week (except Bruno and Jacop, they were kind of in an impossible situation being forced to pilot the Willghem back to Earth for the traitors on their ship).  Of course this leaves Loran without a Gundam and his friends without a way back home…kind of, it’s the Moonrace, I’m sure they have a ship they can spare.

I couldn’t close out this review without giving a shoutout to some of the other stand out characters in this set.  Seeing Dianna and Kihel unite against Agrippa (and try to kill him together) was all the F Yeah you really needed in this series.  Their separate journeys have strengthen both women.  I’d say they’re unstoppable together but then Gym is still an issue but im sure they’ll find a way to stop him next week.  And Harry…HOLY CRAP HE IS CHAR INCARNATE!!! Ladies man (not using underage girls for his own means…or at least Kihel consented to playing Dianna decoy again), Best commanding officer ever and ARMY OF ONE!!!  Harry managed to take on Gym’s bloodthirsty Mahiroo squadron single handedly, especially after they ticked him off and called Dianna an ass.  Harry Ord mows down armies, slaps traitors into oblivion with his Mobile Suit and still has time to let Kihel into his love life…swag.

Whew, does that cover everything?  Oh Chei Min (the daughter of Bright Noa and Mirai Yashima from the original series) was name dropped, having been in cryo stasis for who knows how long…man I could do a whole other article on connecting the dots of the Gundam Multiverse.  BUT there’s the present to look to.  We’ve got Loran without a Gundam (and the tragic image of the Turn A reaching for him while the Turn X stands triumphantly over its fallen form).  We’ve got Dianna, Kihel, Sochie and those not on the Willghem stuck on the Moon.  And Guin is leading Gym back to Earth…im pretty sure fires are going to spread the second they land.  Oh and there’s that bit I didn’t go into full detail on about the Turn A and Turn X both containing a nano cloud weapon that the Turn A apparently used to wipe out all life on Earth more than 2000 years ago…and theyre both in Gym Gingnham’s hands.  This is great setup for the biggest Gundam finale in a while for me.  Alright Turn A Gundam…you’ve impressed me so far, flaws and all. Let’s see how you wrap it all up.  See ya next week for the series finale of Turn A Gundam.

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