Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Turn A Gundam Part 5 Episodes 21-25

Despite a powerful message of peace from Queen Dianna Soriel (secretly Kihel Heim), the Moonrace and the Militia’s of Earth are itching to settle things once and for all.  The Moonrace are becoming more desperate, raiding villages of all supplies they can while the Militia nears the excavation of an ancient spaceship they can use in battle.  All the while, Loran Cehack continues to aid the fight however he can.  But in the end, what is Loran truly fighting for and, more importantly, who should he be fighting for?  These questions plague the young Gundam pilot as much as his idol, Queen Dianna, who’s own experiences lead her to make a drastic decision to try and stop the fighting.
Well after a couple of bumps in the road last time, we arrived at the midpoint of Turn A Gundam with all cylinders on fire.  There was the usual amount of well done character drama and we finally got a battle of epic Gundam proportions, the kind that haven’t really been seen yet in Turn A Gundam.  All in all, if this was a season finale, this set of episodes did a pretty good job.
Once again, the focus on characters over battle should be praised.  Yes, we all come to a Gundam series for the giant robots and seeing them beat the crap out of each other.  But Turn A has thrown a lot of time into developing not just the central cast but some side and one off characters as well.  This time, the Moonrace was in the spotlight more than ever.  Both Dianna and Harry got to experience life working with the Militia, and being a hard working human being in general.  Harry’s turn in the field gave him the chance to confirm for us viewers that he was actually aware of Dianna and Kihel’s switch, and also allowed him to meet Loran again and even team up with him to defend Dianna for a short time.  Dianna, though, continues to get some of Turn A Gundam’s most compelling and dramatic moments.  Her time in the Medical Camp was chock full of life lessons (including how to turn a Gundam into a washing machine…told ya this wasn’t your average Gundam series).  The stand out from this experience was definitely Dianna having to participate in amputating a Militia soldiers leg.  It began a steady line of developments that had Dianna wondering if all of this suffering really was her fault in the long run.  All the while, Loran continues to stand by her, being the pillar and friend Dianna needs right now.  In truth, im surprised he didn’t just try to think of a way to go with Dianna when she told him she was returning to the Moon.  But I’d be distracted getting into an impromptu dance with a beautiful woman too. 
Ive spoken a bit at how it’s obvious the Moonrace is as much at odds with itself as it is the Earthers.  In this set though, I feel we got some interesting reasonings for some of these splintered factions and disillusioned soldiers.  Tetehe, the cute red head spy who’s been popping up here and there, fights because she feels it will earn her proper status with the Moonrace since her mother was from Earth.  Then there’s a team of very 70s Hippie looking Moonrace pilots who grew up on Earth and hate it and wish to likewise be seen as equals in the Moonrace that looks down on them.  Themes of feeling exiled when you’ve done nothing wrong other than trying to live is a complex and interesting topic to explore.  This actually goes double for the trio of Moonrace spies we met in the first episode.  Loran, Keith and Fran all got into an argument about what they should be doing in this conflict.  Keith wants to make his bread available to everyone and Fran wants her newspaper to be more proactive covering the war.  Loran was kind of called out for seemingly being nothing more than Guins pawn in all of this.  That mustve struck a nerve cause Loran declared he wasn’t right before he charged through a Dianna Counter attack force and kicked all kinds of ass (seriously, all that was missing was Stan Bush’s The Touch from Transformers: The Movie and it would have been perfect).  Its good to see that even the so called “bad guys” are being given understandable motivations and some of the Moonrace are definitely not so bad as we might think (like Harry and Dianna’s advisor Miran).
As usual though, some characters aren’t living up to their potential OR learning from their past mistakes.  In fact, Dianna deserves special cudos for actually slapping Sochie for continuing to refer to Loran as her “servant.”  Jeez Sochie just isn’t learning, even after her blunders from last time.  Believe it or not, she’s getting worse.  I haven’t spoken much about Luisana pilot Gavane Gooney despite his introduction a few episodes ago.  I don’t think there’s been that much to say about him besides the fact that his squadron of Zaku’s is known as the “Suicide Squad”.  He did finally seem to get over his arrogant jerk side and actually play a sort of big brother role to Loran in a couple of scenes.  I bring him up now because there has been a bit of a connection between Gavane and Sochie…right to the point where Gavane proposes marriage to Sochie…and she says yes (granted she thinks about it but it’s Sochie, she didn’t think about it too long).  She’s just…ugh…whenever she’s on screen barking orders to trying to be important I put my head in a pillow and moan in discomfort.  The only person managing to rival Sochie’s stuck up attitude is Lily Borjarno, who keeps flaunting an even high and mightier attitude and even belittles Dianna in a way Sochie belittles Loran in every episode.  It was kind of gratifying to see Dianna actually embrace a role Lily recommended even though im sure Lily did it to watch Dianna squirm. 
But let’s close things out on a positive note shall we?  The launch of the Willghem was complimented with a huge battle between the Militas and the Dianna Counter.  I wont say the animators were holding back to get to this scene because Turn A’s gorgeous art hasn’t let up from Episode 1.  But they were definitely saving something special for this battle, which seemed to fit the larger scale fights Gundam is better known for.  The Kapools launching themselves at the WaDoms and Loran single shotting those very same units made for an intense and incredibly entertaining brawl.  As icing on the cake, the Willghem was able to launch and it quieted the entire battlefield.  To see an actual spaceship hovering through the air, it was as beautiful as you’d expect.
So where are we now?  Sochie’s getting married.  Loran might be taking a stand against Guin.  Kihel’s trying to keep things from getting worse with the Dianna Counter (with Harry close by).  And Dianna’s trying to make her way back to space…with the help of a very alive and well (and crazier) Corin (but at least he’s not back to murdering everything in sight…yet).  And the Milita has their own ancient battlecruiser, ready to take the fight to the Moon.  I guess when we return on Friday for the start of the second half of Turn A Gundam, we’ll be well on our way to space…and about time too.

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