Wednesday, July 24, 2019

T5W#206-Top 5 Kyoto Animation Productions

It’s been a week since the devastating Kyoto Animation arson attack and I’m sure many of us are still trying to process the event.  All of our hearts go out to the families who lost loved ones in the incident and pray for the recovery of the survivors.  Its saddening that this event will be marked as part of KyoAnim’s amazing legacy…because it still stands as one of the greatest Anime studios in existence.  Each production paints us a surprisingly beautiful portrait of the real world, pretty much how we all wish we could see things through Anime lenses…sans mecha, dragons and other fantastical elements.  The works of KyoAni touch the soul, hype the heart, and will no doubt leave you with waterfalls of tears gushing from your eyes.  I was going to make todays Top 5 Wednesday a special Otakon themed one (since it starts tomorrow).  But I wanted to do my part for Kyoto Animation, even if it’s coming in a week late.  These are my Top 5 Kyoto Animation Productions, titles that hold a special place in my heart and ones that id highly recommend checking out, it’s a small but important way to continue supporting the studio forever and always.

#5-Violet Evergarden
I’ll admit, I never finished this.  However, the early episodes I did watch, I believe a called it during it’s First Impression Friday feature, Anime’s answer to Downton Abbey.  The classic England country side ranks as one of the best settings KyoAnim has ever set its creative talents to and it perfectly compliments the beautiful story of an ex-child soldier trying to decipher the meaning of her commanding officers final words “I love you.”  From what I hear, the series only gets better and the special episode following the series is absolutely amazing.  This is a must see if youre a fan of period dramas.

#4-Free: Eternal Summer
I never thought an Anime about a boys swim team would get me so invested but Free defied the odds and Eternal Summer (the second season) stands as one of the greatest sequels to any Anime ever made.  Not only do we got more of what made season one great (the races, the bonds of brotherhood and the awesome soundtrack) we great new characters and throw the returning main cast into life changing scenarios.  The episode where Rin takes Haru to Australia and we get the full details of Rin’s time there as a kid ranks as one of the greatest episodes of Anime I have ever seen in my life.  Free continues to soar in Season Three and beyond, but Eternal Summer is the season that will sell you if youre still skeptical.

#3-Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu
The first season of Full Metal Panic had a problem balancing the humorous classroom mishaps with the more mature military plot threads.  While The Second Raid (Season Three, also done by KyoAni) found a better way to accomplish this flawlessly, Fumoffu ditched the military seriousness and went all out on the comedy with stellar results.  Bonta Kun, Sousuke battling ghosts and super powered martial artists and the ultimate hotsprings experience are only a few of the timeless short stories from this unexpectedly good sequel.  Also, this one ranks so high because it is the source of a fun in joke between me and my sister that has lasted a very long time.  FUMOFFU!!!

#2-K On
If Kyoto Animation is good at anything, it’s getting you to care about a premise you normally wouldn’t bite into.  Free is one example, K-On is another.  Five girls form a band and get into various adventures.  They rarely practice but when theyre on stage together: Yui, Mio, Ritsu, Mugi and Azusa are unbelievable.  Their tunes give K-On one the hardest jamming OSTs ever created.  Not to be outdone by just the music, K-On gives plenty of time to it’s female quintet and allows viewers to watch them grow into the tight knit band of sisters that can make even chilling out in a clubroom seem like the best time ever.  Come for the J Rock, stay for the memories you’ll never forget.

#1-The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
This Anime was my Top Reviewed Title of 2018 and man…I didn’t see that coming.  While my reception to the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya TV Series was mixed (but mostly positive), my reaction to the movie left me speechless.  One little change to the Haruhi Universe alters the fates of its entire cast and its up to Kyon to set things right…but should he?  Is the new world he’s living in, without Haruhi, better for everyone, himself included?  It’s a pretty heavy movie that still retains a sense of fun mystery and thought provoking character study.  In short, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is exactly what Haruhi Suzumiya should have been from day one and stands as one of the greatest Anime films I have ever seen…it really is Kyoto Animation at its finest and is a must see, even if you’ve never seen a single second of the Haruhi TV Series.

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