Wednesday, July 10, 2019

T5W#204-Top 5 Reasons Mobile Suit Abridged: Gundam Wing Rocks

It’s been a really long time since an Abridged Anime series has caught my eye.  Ever since Dragon Ball Z Abridged and Yu Gi Oh Abridged first appeared to truly pioneer the sub genre, many parodies have risen to the occasion but few are actually good.  Well everyone, thanks to a good friend, I think I have found another and have now renewed faith that Abridging isn’t as dead as most would think.  I submit to you Mobile Suit Abridged: Gundam Wing from Operation Meatier (yes Meatier).  After watching their latest, 7th episode, I immedietly had to go back to beginning and watch how all the madness and brilliance unfolded.  Today, this hilarious jab at one of my all time favorite Anime is getting the spotlight on Top 5 Wednesday: my Top 5 Reasons Mobile Suit Abridged: Gundam Wing Rocks.  Suit up and get ready to laugh. And when you're done head over to their YouTube page and catch up on all the hilarious action:
#5-Longer Runtimes for more fun 
The average runtime for most Abridged Anime is in and around 10 minutes long, doing its best to pick the best parts of a 30 min TV episode to adapt.  There are some exceptions to this like Team Four Stars multipart Dragon Ball Z Abridged Season Finales (which are basically one 30-45 minute episode) and Hellsing Ultimate Abridged.  Gundam Wing’s episodes average at around 20 minutes, double the length of a typical Abridged episode.  The crew takes full advantage of this extra time to not only cover one episode but multiple at once, weaving events seemlesly together for additional hilarity.  There’s always the risk an episode could run too long and the jokes could fall flat as a result, but Gundam Wing Abridged (I’ll just call it that here for now) hasn’t hit the red zone yet.  It’s no wonder episodes take a few months to get posted.  But now that im watching it as it debuts now, I can say it’s worth the wait.
#4-Some of the best Abridged Editing in a long time 
Speaking of combining episodes, Gundam Wing Abridged has some really good editing behind it.  Whoever is the head editor is having a blast inserting characters into series events they were never a part of and have some characters meeting others much sooner.  Some blends are done so well it’s hard to tell someone has just digitally inserted Wufei into a chat with Trowa for an operation he didn’t even partake in.  It still feels like the After Colony era we all know in love.  But the editing hand behind the scenes could not be having a better time moving characters around to fit their needs and deliver the best jokes.
#3-Good Takes on the Entire Cast 
Zechs is the King of the arrogant A-Holes; Noin is pissed Zechs doesn’t see she want to sleep with him super badly; Treize has a plan even when things are going to hell…and he has no plan; Quatre is a wayyyy too cheerfully innocent to be piloting a Gundam; Wufei cant stand girls; and Trowa is just a guy everyone can talk to, even if he doesn’t want to hear it…and that’s just the first couple of episodes.  Not since Dragon Ball Z Abridged has an Abridged Anime shown such a great understanding of the strengths and flaws of the Anime’s central cast and both honored and humored them at the same time.  Extra pros go to the most hilarious Zechs moment where he insists to Otto that he and Noin are “just friends,” then we cut to Noin just getting out of the shower humming, “Let’s talk about Zechs baby, let’s talk about you and me…”  I die every time.
#2-Heero’s Playlist 
Everyone’s favorite emotionless murder machine Heero Yuy is one of the stand out characters in Gundam Wing Abridged.  Desperate to prove he’s the best secret agent ever, Heero takes on his role with a bit more prideful arrogance that usually finds him making things worse or screwing up missions all together.  In short, Heero is a living trainwreck who is entertaining as Hell to watch.  The best part though, Heero’s got surprising taste in music…or maybe not surprising.  It fits his Abridged personality that the song that introduced him in Gundam Wing (The Wings of a Boy that Killed Adolescence…look I didn’t name these songs on the OST), plays whenever Heero goes into battle.  Even better, Heero has a love for all songs with the word “Hero” in them…so we get to hear him singing Chad Kroger’s “Hero” from Spider-Man; “I Need  Hero” by Bonnie Tyler; and even “I Can Be Your Hero” by Enrique Inglasias.  God please let this trope continue with him until the end of the series, this is humor is golden.
#1-Best Relena Ever 
Holy S*** Where was this Relena at the start of Gundam Wing?  She’s still a little too obsessed with Heero but damn if Gundam Wing Abridged Relena isn’t milking it for all the fun she can.  Whether it’s blackmailing Heero or calling his bluff to kill her or dealing with an adoptive father who doesn’t even know her name, Relena is a true rebel who is just as tough as she I cute.  I do like how Relena does evolve in the second half of the main Gundam Wing series but just imagine how much more bad ass she would be if she began as a “giving zero F’s” rebellious girl who might’ve been able to take Treize to town with all the vulgarity she could spew.  God I cant wait til she runs into Zechs.


  1. I'm the show's animator, and reading this has been the best. I have no words but "thank you". We really try hard as a team to make something special. It's humbling to see what we try to make written out like this.

    Thank you so much!

    1. Youre very welcome. This show has become my new happy place on a bad day. Heeros stumbles, Relena's bad assery and Zechs as Archer always find a way to make me smile no matter how many times i watch them. I look forward to Episode 8 and beyond (plus i believe this version of Relena has a better chance at killing Lady Une than she did in the TV series-see this Top 5 for more details on that lol:
