Wednesday, February 19, 2025

T5W#497-Top 5 Katsucon 2025 Moments

This past weekend marked the 10th Anniversary of my very first Katsucon back in 2015.  And man did it end up being one for the ages, marked by meeting new friends, some of the best photoshoots I’ve ever attended, and more than a few pratfalls that made everyone feel like this Katsu was “cursed” (from breaking pipes to a boiling water warning for the area to a limit cap being imposed for 2026? Oh now they wanna do that?).  Personally, I loved this weekend and like always, the Wednesday after a con is where I choose my reasons why it was so awesome.  So, without further ado, my Top 5 Katsucon 2025 Moments.

#5-Lost NSFW Media
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t impressed with the 18+ offerings this year.  At the very least there weren’t any good Hentai panels like the ones I like going to.  Out of the three panels I did end up giving a try, the Lost NSFW Media one ended up being the best by far.  Truthfully, it was just ok but it was bolstered by audience reactions and just how bonkers some of these bits of lost to time treasures were.  These included a Texas AIDS Radio Commercial featuring Spike Spencer and Tiffany Grant (aka Shinji and Asuka from the Evangelion English Dub), parody ads for fake and abandoned video games, and a very gnarly Mickey Mouse Anti War cartoon that doesn’t end well for the Disney mascot, yikes.

#4-The Sailor Moon Photoshoot Comes Home
I’ve been going to Sailor Moon shoot since my first Otakon in 2010 but this years shoot at Katsucon got me thinking I might need to do a Top 5 list of this topic because it was amazing this year.  Maybe it was because it was back at the Gazebo where it belongs.  Maybe it’s because I know a lot more people who participate and love seeing them rock their Sailor Moon Cosplays.  Maybe it’s how incredible the hosts are, especially when Rizuki looks like she’s conducting an orchestra organizing and hyping up various groups during the shoot.  Either way, the magic I felt at my first Katsu Sailor Moon photoshoot in 2015 was even stronger than ever thanks to the power of the Moon Kingdom (ok that sounded better in my head).

#3-I Sell Shimoneta better than an 18+ Panel
Like I said, without a lot of Hentai panels I had to try some new things this year.  Having just finished Shimoneta, going to a panel about it seemed like a good bet.  It wasn’t.  The presenter only had a couple of clips and they didn’t do a great job explaining why it was such a sucker punch to society when it was aired.  You know who did better?  Me.  The guy I was sitting next to in the audience was clearly curious and I expanded on the couple of clips shown by the Presenter, including the more darker side of Anna’s big scene and why Otome is my favorite character.  In fact, we both left the panel early and when I told him “I think I sold you on Shimoneta better than he did,” my fellow attended responded with a very enthusiastic, “YES”.

#2-The Best Gundam Wing Photoshoot EVER!!!
It’s always a shock when I see cosplayers cosplaying Gundam Wing of all titles, welcome but still a shock.  When I ran into three of them in the Dealers Room, I didn’t expect to get invited to a larger group shoot, much less that I would be tapped to coordinate it.  We had a Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Wufei, Zechs, Treize, Noin & Lady Une plus a couple of actual full Gundam cosplays of a Heavyarms Custom and Deathsycthe Hell Custom, both from Endless Waltz.  The little Gundam fan in me who first watched Gundam Wing on Toonami 25 years ago was jumping with joy getting to organize setups and scenarios with the help of the very welcoming group I became friends with.  It also makes me cry knowing one of my favorite Anime of all time is still getting so much love as it comes up on it’s 30th Anniversary (holy crap).

#1-The View
I’ve always wanted to do this and I don’t know how I lucked into it, but I did.  I got an Atrium View room in the Gaylord this year.  While not as high as some of my other friends had, my room still had a view I am still gushing over days later.  I especially liked the evening after I called it a night on the floor.  Getting to chill out with a Pepsi, working on my After Action report for the day with the sounds of late night Katsucon happening in the background…damn this year spoiled me for sure.  And considering this was my 10th Katsucon Anniversary, you cant beat a treat like this, damn what a view.

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