In a world where Magic determines and governs all, Rigarden
Magical Academy trains the next generations of Wizards and Mages. Will Serfort is a student with no talent for
magic and is looked down upon by all for being allowed to attend Rigarden. But Will has a secret. What he lacks in magical power he makes up
for with sharp and deadly skills with a sword.
Able to defeat high level monsters even his peers have trouble with,
Will’s determined to rise above his standing and reach the top of his worlds
protective tower, the Mercedes Caulis, and reunite with his childhood best
friend, who sits as one of the five most powerful mages alive.
Until recently, I’ve been a fan of Harry Potter and while
I’m sure the Wands and Sorcery genre of Anime is still attempting to ride what
inspirational power that franchise has left, none have really been stand out
Wistoria’s been one I’ve been
hearing about here and there and the premise alone sounds interesting
Though I have more questions
than anything else by the end of the first episode, this
“What if Harry Potter had no magical
potential and instead had to tough his way through Hogwarts with a sword
instead?” does have promise (even though Hermione is the one who didn’t hail
from a magical family and was kind of the outcast amongst the snobbish…and i’d totally
watch an Anime about Hermione slicing through monsters in a Dungeon).
So yeah, questions: if this school is so stuck up about
its magical practices, why is Will even allowed to attend?
I get why Will is toughing it out but why is
he keeping his monster hunting exploits a secret and not showing this school
full of bullies just what’s waiting for them if they try to test him?
Why are the teachers allowed to be A-Holes
directly to Will and are still allowed to work at a school?
It’s hard to watch Will take all this
physical and mental abuse on what’s probably a daily basis but the kids got a
spirit that will not quit, I’ll give him that.
It also gives Wistoria a Season One Rising of the Sheild Hero vibe where
you want the main character to rise above his low standings and kick everyones
ass in the process.
The show looks pretty damn gorgeous too.
I wasn’t aware of the name Studio Actas but
they are the studio behind one of my favorite action Anime: Girls Und
It explains why Will’s Monster
slaying action looks so bad ass and why the spell casting is fun to watch.
Given the speed and intensity of Will’s big
action set piece at the end of Episode 1, I almost though A-1 Pictures was handling
this with their SAO powers.
And let me
say, when thinking about that aforementioned abuse Will takes on, it’s so
satisfying to see him cut loose and show his rival, Scion, who’s boss.
I also like that Will actually questions
whether or not he wants to save one of his top bullies.
Kids got a good heart but it’s a nice
dramatic addition to show just how badly he’s been taking it all these years
and how easy it would be to leave his tormentors to their fate.
I still don’t get why this school and everyone in it save
for one super cute girl is against Will but I definitely want to see him slice
his way through all the judgement and abuse to reach his dream.
Guess with that kind of a statement it’s kind
of clear I’m gonna continue on with this one and see where things go.
Honestly, just send more stuck up bullies to
Will to beat up, that alone is worth the price of admission.

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