Monday, August 26, 2024

The Case Study of Vanitas Part 4 Episodes 13-16

The Beast of Gévaudan, a creature feared by both Humans and Vampires alike.  Convinced it might be a Curse Bearer, Vanitas and Noe set off for the French Countryside to investigate.  Waiting for them is a land tormented by legends and teeming with danger.  All eyes are set on capturing or killing the Beast to their own ends and Noe and Vanitas are caught in the middle of a struggle between multiple parties.  Old allies and new foes appear as the age of mystery of the Beast of Gévaudan reaches its bloody conclusion.

Last week’s Case Study of Vanitas episodes left things on a pretty big cliffhanger.  Not only did we get a tease as to how and why Noe might be responsible for killing Vanitas sometime in the future, but the duo also got word of a big mystery in the frozen French countryside and the promise of a showdown with a big bad wolf….who might also be a Curse Bearer.  The question is, can a change in scenery and a longer mystery with new players help The Case Study of Vanitas keep up its fast paced fun while also working on improving issues I had with the first half?  The new case is afoot, let’s break down how it all gets started, shall we?
I love the change of location from the glitz, glamour and ominous fog of Paris and Altus Paris for the frozen tundra of Gevaudan.  The city was a place teeming with danger but also lots of life.  Gevaudan is the exact opposite from the moment Noe and Vanitas arrive.  It’s cold, borderline desolate and devoid of a lot that could be classified as living.  This region has history and while one could assume a lot of it is tied to the titular Beast that haunts it, theres a greater feeling that Gevaudan’s issues go back much further.  Then there’s the Beast itself.  The size of a building and looking like it was composed of thousands of red scribbles, this thing is pure terror and visually amazing.  A+ work from Studio Bones isnt uncommon but they’ve really outdone themselves with how scary and imaginative they can be with the creatures, spirits and other supernatural beings they’ve crafted for this show.
Turns out that the greatest tragedy in Gevaudan belongs two of our newest series regulars, Chloe and Jean Jacques, a pair of Vampires cursed to remain in an old castle with only each other to depend on…which saw them slip under the sway of our old evil Charlatan buddy Naenia.  Both Chloe and Jean have some of the toughest stories to watch in the show but Chloe’s edges out her companion for a couple of reasons.  First, she’s been stuck in the body of a child for centuries of existence and forced to watch generations of her family grow old and leave her.  No matter how much Highlander you watch, that’s a fate worse than death.  Second, she has connections to Ruthven, once seen as her closest friend but eventually driven to be her mortal enemy because…well Ruthven is pure evil, we saw that last week with Noe but Chloe managed to fend off Ruthven’s Mental Pact attack. 
And why is Chloe so hellbent on doing whatever she’s doing…well I need to backtrack a second and talk about an important part of the lore of this world I’ve not touched on in full.  Way back in the first half of Vanitas we learned about the World Formula, an unseen string of computations that make up the fabric of life.  Altering it can have serious impacts on the world…like birthing Vampires.  We learn that Chloe’s family was looking into the Formula in order to save Chloe from her Vampiric nature and came up with a machine capable of futzing directly with the World Formula…so of course something that potentially powerful is gonna be sought out by every major power in France from the Church to the Vampires.  But as we learn, Chloe’s intentions are a bit more…complex and I’ve gotta say, the stinger we got at the end of this set was one I did not see coming and I’m looking forward to how it’s possibly resolved next week.
I’ve been talking a lot about the Gevaudan setting and cast, how are Noe and Vanitas doing?  Well Noe’s kind of back in his usual “Deer in the Headlights” mode, where everything amazes him and he refuses to actually fight someone.  He did wisen up later and we finally got to see him forced to do a deep dive into the history of someone whose blood he’s drinking, in this case Jean Jaques.  Having to wrestle and contend with all that pain and horror Jean experienced in his life, why the hell is Noe so desperate to drink Vanitas’ blood?  Jean Jaques has a messed up past, but there’s a reason Vanitas doesn’t want his history known and I don’t think Noe is ready for that.  Speaking of, Vanitas is at a new level of vulnerable having lost the Grimoire at the start of this set in a battle with Charlatan and The Beast.  He’s still the smart ass we all love but without arguably the source of his power, the brilliant Doctor will have to think on his feet a bit faster to overcome the dangers of Gevaudan and potentially save Chloe and Jean Jacques.  Though in one of the better bits of humor, I loved that while Chloe did get the Grimoire, she immediately lost interest and had Jean Jacques just chuck it into her library like it was another book.
But Noe and Vanitas aren’t alone on this country side adventure.  Jeanne and two of the Damphirs (Dante and Johann) have also tagged along.  I still hate the Damphirs and their forced humor.  They serve merely as exposition machines but aren’t much more relevant than that (also having Chloe tell her own sad story had more of an impact than two of the three stooges trying to act like theyre relevant to anything).  Jeanne is here on a personal mission and it was great to see her back in action again after so long.  The issues I talked about with her character are still alive and well here.  For every moment where Jeanne has a tender moment with Vanitas or we see her sad history with Chloe, there’s a long stretch of Jeanne being love sick puppy for Vanitas and that routine is getting kind of old (her calling herself a Pervert for drinking water to force into Vanitas to keep him from dying, that was funny).  Oh and there’ another Chasseur named Astolfo causing mass mayhem and senselessly slaughtering anything in his path.  Yeah I like it when Vanitas mocked the vain and self absorbed murderer but there’s no way in hell he and Roland are any better than the other.  I don’t even perceive Roland as much of a threat and if Vanitas doesn’t think Astolfo is much better, then he really isnt.  Just another whiny baby with delusions of grandeur given the ok to slaughter at the behest of the church, classy.
The mystery of Geveaudan is off to a pretty damn good start as the Case Study of Vanitas continues.  Much of the success of this set of episodes comes from the well written story Chloe and Jean Jaques, which is both sad and always has you on your toes with new facts leading to even wilder guesses as to how it could wrap up.  With Noe finally ready to get off his ass and fight Astolfo and Vanitas at a loss for words as to Chloe’s true intentions, man this show knows how to hold your attention and keep you wanting to throw yourself into the next set…which I shall do immediately.  See you Next Monday for more of The Case Study of Vanitas right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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