Friday, August 9, 2024

The Case Study of Vanitas Part 1 Episodes 1-4

Legend tells of a powerful Grimoire that all Vampires fear.  One lone Vampire, Noe, has come to Paris to find it.  To his shock and awe, he finds the Grimoire is in the hands of a Human named after the Vampire who created the Grimoire long ago: Vanitas.  This eccentric and mysterious doctor enlists Noe’s help to deal with a string of Cursed Vampire outbreaks, hoping to find their source and use the Book of Vanitas to cure them all.  It’s the noblest of quests…if these two incompatible souls can stay alive and not kill each other in the process.

What happens when you take Sir Aurther Conan Doyle’s legendary investigative duo, keep one human and make the other a Vampire, and then send them on adventures involving magically made berserker monsters?  You get the Anime we’re starting with today at the Gundam Anime Corner: The Case Study of Vanitas. After doing a First Impression on it back at the start of the year, I knew I had to look into it further.  I hadn’t even heard of The Case Study of Vanitas until my friend told me they were working on cosplays from it.  Turns out, I might have been missing out on another hidden gem classic lost in the seasonal Anime shuffle.  Vanitas might still have some growing pains to sort out but four episodes in, I’m ready to bite into more of it.   Which is good because sometimes it can be tough to get me into new/non franchise established IPs.  Which means it’s already off to a promising start.
The Case Study of Vanitas is a little out of the ordinary for a Vampire centric epic.  There’s scares and creepy imagery for sure but I think the true test of its entertainment power is going to come down to it’s two leads: Noe and Vanitas.  Vanitas is easily my favorite of the pair.  From his very first appearance, this blue eyed gentleman makes it clear this is his show and the entire world is his stage.  He’s got a flair for the dramatic, a penchant for getting in over his head, and the guise of a crazy eccentric that everyone takes for granted.  He’s charismatic, devious, kind of a jerk but all the while he’s a thrill to watch.  His hella hot romantic tension with Jeanne, one of the many femme fatales in this show, is classic steamy Vampire lust at its finest.  Forget the cheesy teen drama stuff, this his how Vampires are supposed to get it on, be it with one of their own kind or with a human.
As for Noe, yeah he’s no Vanitas.  It seems the intro episodes have the Vampire who looks like Loran from Turn A Gundam in one of two settings: wide eyed wonder at the sights of Paris or a very Final Fantasy looking airship (this was worked on by Square Enix so big shock there), or just blank stare in shock.  There’s little in between and when Vanitas has all the energy to make you forget Noe is even a character a times, that’s kind of a problem.  It doesn’t help that Noe has some very bare basic character tropes like having lost a childhood friend to the dark side or death or both, who is likely still alive and will probably be an enemy he and Vanitas have to confront in the future.  The most interesting aspect of Noe’s character is his Vampiric heritage.  While seeing memories from blood isnt totally new to Vampire lore, those from Noe’s clan are the only ones who can do so and it runs the risk of him draining someone dry depending on how far back he has to dive to find a particular memory.  I’m just saying, give the guy some energy and not just having him staring like he’s in standby mode while Vanitas takes all the on screen glory.
But this show isnt just about handsome bishonen boys going on adventures in Paris.  The Case Study of Vanitas also introduces a pair of potential love interests for both leading me and theyre both bad ass and easy on the eyes.  For Vanitas, it’s Jeanne, a lethal bodyguard for a young Vampiric Noble.  She bears the sickly designed Crimson Gauntlet which she can use to rip anything to shreds while it drives her into a bit of a frenzy.  Honestly, I’m with Vanitas on this one. Jeanne is so beautiful and deadly that it’s impossible not to fall for her at first sight.  And as I said, the couple of up close and personal encounters they have are hotter than hell.  As for Noe, he has the drop dead gorgeous Dominique, or Domi as he nicknames her.  It’s hard to get a read on Domi.  She and Noe have history, being childhood friends and Domi calling herself Noe’s “fiancée”.  She even leashes him with a dog collar…because Vampires are kinky like that?  But is playfully playing her own game or does she truly care about Noe?  The scene where she allows Noe to drink her blood is as intense as any of Vanitas and Jeanne’s scenes.  Still, need a bit more time to feel out this lovely creature of the night.
There’s a lot of expositonal backstory told through fairytale and folklore books in the premeire of the series.  The world of Vampires is split between those of Red and Blue eyes, with the Red casting out the Blues for their rare “genetic disorder”.  There’s also a bit where Vampiric origins come from an alchemist fooling around with formulas between worlds?  Yeah that one kind of went over my head.  And even though the Vampire City of Altus, aka Vampire Paris, is pretty, still don’t see why we need two separate worlds for Vampires and Humans when theyre supposed to be living in semi harmony in the Human world.  That said, the corruption of a Vampires name by Charlatan is no joke and easily provides some of the scariest visuals on the show. So it’s a good thing, and a truly epic moment, when Vanitas declares to the world of Vampires at their ball that while he possesses the book that can curse them, he isnt planning on doing that.  He instead wants to use the Vanitas Grimoire to save Vampire kind and stick it to the OG Vanitas who gave him his book and name…if that’s even really the case.  I’m fine with his goals but I doubt the OG Vanitas would let Vanitas have his Grimoire if he knew he wanted to save the creatures who cast him out…is the OG Vanitas even still alive btw?
Before I close out, I’ve gotta say that the overall presentation of The Case Study of Vanitas is gorgeous, shouldn’t be a big surprise since Studio Bones (Rahxephon, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) are handling it..  The shining lights at night and the always great vistas of Paris go hand in hand in creating a stage like atmosphere for Vanitas’ stage of choice.  There isnt a tremendous amount of action in the first four episodes but what’s there is fine, if a bit too brief. Noe facing off against Jeanne and her Crimson Gauntlet was probably the highlight of the premiere for me.  As if that wasn’t enough, I’m getting another major bonus with Vanitas with my girl Yuki Kaijura handling the music.  It’s been a minutes since I’ve heard one of her OSTs and she’s perfectly fit to handle a world of eccentric Vampiric Noblemen and the dangerous and sexy adventures they find themselves in.
If most of the review hasn’t spelled it out, I have high hopes for this show after the first four episodes.  Noe could do a bit more to stand out rather than just stand around when a fight scene isnt going on.  But Vanitas is doing the heavy lifting and more with ease as the more interesting of the two characters.  With a powerhouse studio handling the visuals, a top notch Anime music composer and a few lovely femme fatales backing it up, I think we’re in for a wild ride with Vanitas and Noe this month.  Check back Next Monday for more of The Case Study of Vanitas right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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