Friday, November 3, 2023


Many years ago, an ancient civilizations technical achievements grew beyond their control and they found themselves destroyed by it.  Millenia later, various artifacts from this long lost culture have begun to resurface with a cryptic warning, “If you cannot wield the power of our creations, they must be destroyed.”  Shadowy organizations, government black ops group and private mercenaries all vie for control of this powerful technology.  Standing in their way is ARCAM, dedicated to fulfilling that cryptic message and keeping the dark technology out of evil hands no matter the cost.  Leading the charge in this fight are ARCAM’s elite warriors, outfitted with the latest and most deadly weapons of war ever built, making them one man armies in the field.  They are…the Spriggans.
Ever since I saw the original Spriggan Feature Film back in…2001 or 2002, I’d always wanted to see a sequel or some kind of follow up.  Sure it wasn’t perfect (I said as much in my review a couple of years back: ).  But the first half is a ridiculously fun action flick blending equal parts Metal Gear Solid with Indiana Jones and it’s a premise that could lend itself nicely to a series of films or a TV Adaptation.  So when I heard that a new Anime was coming to Netflix, I was intrigued by what it might offer.  And then I remembered…Netflix.  When it comes to that streaming service, 90% of the titles they slap a “Netflix Original Anime” card on are usually a less than stellar and even more painful to look at 3DCG hybrid that they’ve been trying to push for years.  I cant even think of one I’ve actually liked…and Spriggan isn’t ending that string of disappointments anytime soon.
To be fair, Spriggan might be a mostly 3DCG sight but it is trying to employ a similar visual approach as Godzilla: Singular Point, trying to blend that artstyle with traditional 2D handdrawn elements.  But when that pesky 3DCG style rears its head, its so hard to look at because it feels so unnecessary.  The most unfortunate receiver of this treatment is out hero, Yu Omane, who already has his fair share of character issues from the start.  While the movie presented him as a competent soldier of fortune with a nice guy side, the new series presents him as super cocky and he loves to hear himself talk to the point where you almost want him to get punched by the bad guys.  When Yu jumps into battle, he goes full on 3DCG, especially when his bulky super suit is put through its paces.    I’ve looked at a lot of Anime in this style on FIF and everytime I see one, my opinion has never improved.  It just looks silly and its hard to take Yu seriously when his Movie Counterpart could rip him a new one easily if they were put in the same room together. 
Based on the animation quality and the not so great presentation of Yu, that would be enough to make me write this off as a major disappointment.  But there’s also the fact that these 6 episodes are like 45mins each and that first episode definitely didn’t need to be.  I did peak ahead and see that the second episode is a rehash of the Noah’s Ark story featured in the movie, even featuring shotgun toting French Bad Ass Jean Jacquemonde.  Honestly though, based on what I’ve seen from the first episode, I don’t even want to look at the first.  The original Spriggan movie holds a special place in my Anime viewing history, one of the first mature bloody action romps I got to see on my own when I was very young.  It deserves better than some shoddy adaptation in an artstyle Netflix keeps trying to push onto people believing it’ll be cool…cause it’ll never been cool and Spriggan deserves better than this.

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