Friday, September 1, 2023

FIF#190-One Piece (2023 Live Action)

Monkey D. Luffy is a young man with an impossible dream: To become King of the Pirates.  To accomplish this, he’ll have to set sail for The Grand Line, where the most powerful of Pirates and Monsters lurk but so does the greatest treasure in the world, the One Piece.  But Luffy’s not alone in his quest.  A deadly Swordsman, a beautiful Thief, a lying Sharpshooter and a highly skilled Cook all find themselves drawn to this straw hat wearing power house with Rubber Powers granted to him by the Devil Fruit.  Together, they embark on the journey of a lifetime.  The One Piece awaits and nothing will stop Luffy from fulfilling his dream.
I’m sure there are plenty of Anime fans still pissed about the dumpster fire from 2021 that was Netflix’s Live Action Cowboy Bebop series.  Despite a strong leading cast, the series never understood what made Bebop special in the first place and instead relied heavily on visual cues alone to win fans over.  It failed and it failed hard.  So one can understand the amount of pressure Netflix is under to NOT botch a Live Action One Piece.  Bebop is special for sure but One Piece has a very, very long history behind it (and a massive episode count to boot).  And like Bebop, the One Piece trailers have looked promising.  Plus Netflix has the official blessing of original Mangaka Eiichiro Oda, which is going a long way with fans I know.  Well the time for the Live Action One Piece to set sail has come and…yeah it’s off to a good start.  At least the first episode is way better than the Cowboy Bebop Premiere.
With 8 episodes set for the season, I saw that the runtimes for each installment clock in close to about an hour each, maybe a bit more.  It’s no wonder then that the Series Premiere feels like a movie sized special event.  Having watched the first episode of the Anime prior to this series (see my other First Impression also up now), I can say that this isn’t going to be a beat for beat adaptation of the Anime or Manga.  Many storylines and first encounters are woven together and are done so fairly well.  You could call it coincidence that Luffy, Zoro and Nami all end up in the same place.  But like Marvel’s The Avengers, you can just call it fate that this trio assembles for the first time and are destined to do great things together.  We also get pieces of Luffy’s backstory with Red Hair Shanks and his discovery of the Devil “Gum Gum” Fruit for good measure, something that’s bound to be expanded upon in future episodes.  There’s a lot crammed into this opening salvo but it never feels overstuffed and I never felt bored or lost by anything.
Like Cowboy Bebop, what’s gonna do a lot of the heavy lifting with One Piece is its cast.  Even when the show got really, really bad, John Cho, Mustafa Shakir and Daniella Pineda were all a joy to watch as Spike, Jet and Faye.  For One Piece, Inaki Godoy brings his own charm, wit and easy going nature to the role. He’s not quite as blunt as his Anime counterpart but he’s still honest to a fault and comes across as a guy who tells it like it is and you want to have a drink with him.  Just like he has with his other Anime roles in Rurouni Kenshin and Fullmetal Alchemist, Mackenyu absolutely kills it as Zoro, literally and figuratively.  The man just oozes coolness and seeing him pull off Zoro’s signature three sword style moves is something else.  Meanwhile Emily Rudd’s Nami reminds me a bit of Daniella Pineda’s Faye from Cowboy Bebop in all the best ways.  She’s aggressive and skilled with that bowstaff and has enough allure and charm that its easy to see why she can get away with so much as a thief.  Bonus points go to the casting of Ian McShane as the Narrator of the opening featuring Gold Rogers demise, the man sounds like he was a Pirate in a past life (we’ll just ignore the fact that he was in the absolutely terrible 4th Pirates of the Caribbean movie).
Visually, the premiere shows us that the people working on this are trying to hue as close as they can to the look and feel of Oda’s expansive world at sea.  At times, the sets can feel a bit underwhelming, not quite matching the theatricality they might have been aiming for.  Other times, you can ignore it for the sake of just enjoying the ride.  I was pretty impressed with how much we got to see of Luffy’s Gum Gum powers in action.  With the ability to stretch his body to almost any length, you’d think they’d want to show as little of it as possible to save up for later episodes.  Nope, Luffy’s rubber arms are used more than you’d think and they don’t look bad actually.  There is serious money being thrown into this project with the amount of effects being used for sea creatures and battleship skirmishes.  But nailing the look and feel of Luffy’s signature power feels like it was top priority and thankfully, it doesn’t look too bad.
I’ve made it clear that I’m not the biggest One Piece guy though I do respect what it’s brought to the world of Anime.  I know there’s a lot riding on how well this series can do and after the first episode, I have to say I’m on board and ready to see where this ride leads to.  Be they bright horizons of a Second Seasons or the dark abyss where Cowboy Bebop resides, the Live Action One Piece has left port.  And with a trio of ready to go lead characters, I think we’re all in good company.

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