Friday, May 26, 2023

Sailor Moon S Part 7 Episodes 121-127

At last, the final battle has come.  The Mugen Academy.  Doctor Souichi Tomoe.  His daughter, Hotaru.  The mysterious Mistress 9 and Pharoh 90.  The war against the Death Busters reaches its dramatic climax as Rei’s apocalyptic premonition closes in.  As the Senshi prepare to hold back the end of the world, Usagi faces her most dangerous challenge yet.  Lives are on the line and not every Senshi will make it out of this battle alive.  And when Sailor Saturn fully awakens, will she help Sailor Moon save the world…or destroy it?

Season Finales for Sailor Moon have always been mega events, a perfect culmination of everything the series has been building towards that also offers solid bookmarks for some character arcs and conclusions for others.  The Finale of Sailor Moon S went above the usual fare and offered a very dark and apocalyptic setup in more ways than one.  While of course things turned out ok, the build up to and during the last battle with the Death Busters was pretty chilling thanks to some nightmarish atmosphere and some of the most maniacal villains yet.  This was a pretty big finale, even I didn’t realize that in my attempt to round the numbers to every 5 episodes or so that I gave myself 7 episodes to look at…and honestly three of them couldve been omitted.  Point is, there’s a lot to go through here.  So how was Usagi and the girls third turn at saving the world?
Before we could have the Senshi take on the possessed Hotaru and Professor Tomoe, we had to clear the board of the rest of the Witches 5.  This meant that, unlike Eudial and Mimete, the three remaining members each got just one single episode to themselves and none of them were really that memorable character wise.  Evil plot wise, they did do away with Daimons in favor of gathering Pure Heart Crystals en masse, so that was certainly a change of pace.  Really though, Tellu, Viluy and Cyprine got no time to stand out like their other two former teammates and could have all been dealt with in a single episode.  It makes me wonder why there was even a Witches 5 to begin with.  Kaolinite and Eudial could have served as the two big Lieutenants for Tomoe, maybe Mimete too even if she wasn’t my favorite.  So there wasn’t a need for such a large grouping of Villainesses when the last batch barely had anything to offer to the Season, they were utterly forgettable.  I did enjoy the battle against Cyprine though as it showed the Senshi relying on more than Sailor Moons finishing move to beat her, the show needs to do this more often.  Oh and all that build up to Kaolinite officially confirmed as back, yeah that went nowhere either.  While she did get a sexy new outfit, she was taken out in the blink of an eye, rather unceremoniously really.
Much of the Finale centered on the battle for Hotaru, who found herself at war with two other personalities trying to take over.  One was the Death Buster within her, the official Messiah of Silence aka Mistress 9.  And the other was the long awaited Sailor Saturn.  Poor Hotaru got put through the ringer as the incredibly nasty Mistress 9 gave her little chance to fight back and spat out pretty demented dialogue believing she’d won the very moment she took full control from Hotaru.  It wasn’t helped that Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were determined to stop at nothing to kill her in order to save the world.  On top of all of this, Chibiusa found her Heart Crystal being taken and used as the key to awaken Mistress 9, meaning part of Hotaru’s consciousness played a hand in hurting her best friend.  If anyone deserved a happy ending in Sailor Moon S, it was Hotaru.  Thankfully she got it.  Sailor Saturn looked quite bad ass with her glaive and she turned out to be not as terrible as the Outer Senshi made her out to be, granted they had Hotaru’s friendships with Chibiusa and Usagi to thank for that (more on Usagi’s direct role later).  I wish we could have seen Saturn’s big battle within Pharoh 90, I bet visually it was incredible.  And despite her thinking this would see the end of her, Hotaru ended up getting reborn as the most adorable little tyke who clearly recognized Chibiusa when she ran into her and her Dad (who also thankfully survived albeit a bit worse for wear).  Seeing as how Sailor Saturn does make an appearance in Sailor Stars, how Hotaru gets aged to her proper age remains a mystery I look forward to seeing.
As I said above, the final battle with the Death Busters was dark and on an apocalyptic scale.  Everything had a black and dark colored tint about it, even the students of Mugen Academy were greyed out and were moving like brainwashed zombies.  And when Mistress 9 and Pharoh 90 got involved, Hell came with them.  You had a blood red Akira death ball ready to explode and the Sailor Senshi trying deperatley to hold back a wall of Monsters determined to get into the city and wipe everything out.  All of this while Usagi was trying as hard as she could to get through to Hotaru and getting absolutely wrecked.  Usagi was at her best once again in this finale.  But while her final charge against Pharoh 90 was a highlight, probably the best and most dramatic moment of the Season for me was seeing her crying out and wailing to try and transform into Super Sailor Moon because she couldn’t accept Sailor Saturn sacrificing herself to save them all.  This also comes after Uranus and Neptune flat out berated and damned Sailor Moon for letting Mistress 9 run amok and potentially doom the planet.  Against the apocalypse and her closed minded upper classwomen being overly critical, Usagi stood tall and managed to attain Super Sailor Moon status and save the freaking world.  As she descended from the sky with baby Hotaru in hand, you could see this was a hard earned victory (although Usagi was so out of it I don’t think she realized she’d saved Hotaru).  Considering what followed, if Usagi hasn’t earned your respect by the end of Sailor Moon S, when she should’ve had it already, why are you watching this show?
Hooooookay.  Let’s get to it.  Sailor Uranus and Neptune quickly devolved from sexy, bad ass newcomers to my major source of headaches this season and the finale found them still stationary in their philosophy and mindset towards the Senshi and especially Usagi.  And you could say that they just wanted to test Usagi after the end of Pharoh 90 but personally I was sick and tired of listening to them chastise Usagi.  Yes, Usagi took a risk with the world but it paid off.  The world is still in one piece, Hotaru is safe, everyone wins…except Uranus and Neptune because they didn’t get to kill something and save the world their way.  And even after a whole season of arrogance thrown her way, Usagi still doesn’t want the Outer Senshi and Inner Senshi fighting.  Regardless, it was sooooo satisfying to see Usagi accept Uranus and Neptunes challenge and come out on top.  They dared Usagi to cry like a baby, Usagi simply and calmly told them to stand down.  In the end, Usagi managed to have the pair incapacitate each other with their own attack and they bowed in acceptance of their future Queen.  So do these two actually get better as the series goes on?  Do they grow and become likeable? A friend of mine told me that they didn’t enjoy Uranus and Neptunes depiction in this Anime compared to the Manga and Sailor Moon Crystal.  I’m glad I’m not the only one who shares that sentiment about them being needlessly cold and unlikeable in this Season. 
I’m actually a little more miffed that Sailor Pluto didn’t have a large role to play in the final battle.  After risking her life to protect Chibiusa from Tellu, Pluto ends up using her power to stop time to give Uranus and Neptune a chance to get into Mugen Academy.  Pluto has stood leagues above her fellow Outer Senshi for not keeping Usagi and the others in the dark and actually being nice to them, especially to Chibiusa (the moment when her spirit form told Chibiusa she wished she could hug her for doing such a good job was pretty touching).  Even though she remains teammates with Uranus and Neptune, Pluto’s always seemed more willing to be more open minded.  She deserved to do more in the finale rather than be the reason Uranus and Neptune got to get to Mistress 9, get captured and talk smack about Usagi after they defeated Professor Tomoe.  Were it up to me, Pluto couldve still gone down fighting but not for them.  Why not have her risk her life to protect Chibiusa, maybe even have a battle with Kaolinite and sacrifice herself to take her down?  Pluto deserves better, that’s all I’m saying.
Surprisingly, the actual Season Finale is centered on Chibiusa.  This is much better than the clipshow/sneak peak that closed out Sailor Moon R, thankfully.  While the drama of Chibiusa going back to the future, when she wouldn’t be gone long, might’ve been a bit forced, same with the last die hard Daimon battle, the emotions were there.  Seeing Chibiusa dwell on the idea of leaving the past behind and returning to the future and not wanting to go home was good stuff.  While this is her family in both time periods, the past has had such an important impact on Chibiusa.  Her moments with Usagi were beautiful, showing that beyond their sibling-like bickering, they love each other very much and are better people for being in each others lives.  We even got another nice nod to the beautiful friendship that is Usagi and Rei, best of the besties.  But yeah, Chibiusa isn’t going anywhere and is will continue her training…her Mom just wanted her to come home for a quick visit, that’s all.  Oh and more Neo Queen Usagi notes, still looking like they were written by a kid in grade school, hilarious.
Alright, time for Final Thoughts.  Sailor Moon S has had the best story of the three Seasons so far and was bolstered by bigger stakes, darker villains and new characters who helped established favorites grow while emerging as their own memorable addition to the franchise.  Usagi, Rei, Ami, Mako and Chibiusa were all great as usual, Minako is still the odd one out but she had her moments.  The Death Busters didn’t need as many sub villains but some like Professor Tomoe and Eudial were incredibly funny and entertaining, providing a break from more traditional Sailor Moon Villains we’ve seen.  While their popularity and importance is undeinable, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were a huge pain for me this season thanks to their holier than thou attitude and constant belittling of Sailor Moon and the others for having something called “a heart”.  Hotaru faired much better as she became more confident around Chibiusa and gave Chibiusa herself someone special to fight for.   The extra chilling and forboading atmosphere of the Season Finale accentuated how dark everything had gotten by the end, providing the series with its most important and emotion packed battle to date.  Really, Uranus and Neptune’s “We’re better than all of you combined” attitude aside, I loved going through Sailor Moon S and even most of the stand alone filler episodes weren’t bad because they advanced character arcs and were generally fun watches.  The bar has been set for the other two seasons to come as Sailor Moon S is currently the pique of the Sailor Moon TV Anime for me.  I’m ready to keep going cause this was a helluva ride and, like it’s two preceding seasons, I cant wait to see what trouble Usagi and the girls get into next.
Sailor Moon S gets an 8.5/10
Before we put the pause on our year long look at Sailor Moon, Monday we close out Sailor Moon S proper with a look at Sailor Moon S: The Movie.  Will it be as good as the Sailor Moon R movie?  We’ll see.  As for the Fourth Season of Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon SuperS, that arrives in September, right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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