Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Part 3 Episodes 11-14

The Argama rendezvous’ with the La Vie En Rose supply ship.  Through it, they receive the powerful new Gundam model, the Double Zeta, and beautiful pilot Roux Louka, to bolster their fighting strength.  Still dogged by endless pursuit, the Argama’s new recruits begin to feel the strain of war but things get personal when Judau’s sister, Leina, falls into enemy hands.  And then there’s the mysterious colony Moon-Moon, which contains a long lost arm of humanity who could be the ultimate ally or ultimate destruction for both the Argama and their pursuers.
If my patience with Gundam ZZ is being tested at every turn, I can only imagine how fans in the 80s handled this train wreck of a series.  Frankly, it’s a miracle Gundam survived this colossal misstep and went on to become the legend that it is.  I’m not saying the franchise is full of winners (G-Saviour and Gundam Seed Destiny are proof of that).  But this is early days Gundam, when it was supposed to be setting a pretty high standard for mecha Anime.  I guess all of that glory went to Zeta Gundam because Gundam ZZ has shown it has learned nothing from its predecessor.  Are we even sure Tomino directed this one?  If it seems like I’m ranting pretty early that’s because there is only one thing that’s actually good about this short set of episodes (it’s only a minor mercy that I’ll have 4 episodes a set for a bit instead of 5 due to how theyre presented on DVD), and that’s the ZZ itself.
The Gundam ZZ finally arrived (a lot sooner than the Zeta did in its own show actually).  If the Zeta was a force to be reconkned with, more of an evolution of the original RX-78-2 than the Mark II was, then the ZZ is a flying tank that is also a Gundam.  The thing has mega particle cannons for days and armor that puts it’s offensive capabilities on par with that of a battleship like the Argama.  It’s also the most Super Robot a Gundam has gotten in the franchise (aside from the ZZ inspired Gundam AGE-3 in Gundam AGE), as it’s made up of three components that can be launched separately as a fighter squadron if need be.  The ZZ can launch as a whole if need be and I think/hope that will be the norm going forward now since the Argama is getting not just that but also a rebuilt Gundam Mark II as well.  Which means once a proper team is selected from this sorry lot of characters, everyone will have a Gundam to sortie in. 
But does anyone deserve a Gundam in this show?  Ill admit, Roux might and Elle is growing on me a little.  But I have just about had it with this despicable cast of teenagers.  The Argama is no longer the well oiled machine it was fighting the Titans.  No, the inmates are running the asylum and I hate saying this but Bright is an idiot for bringing these kids onboard.  Sure, Judau and company are about his age when Amuro and the White Base crew took on Zeon and ofc Kamille, Fa and Emma were the same in Zeta.  The difference is, maturity levels are far different.  Even at his most selfish, 0079 Amuro is far more tolerable than Judau.  At least when Amuro deserted White Base he didn’t seek to sell the Gundam for money.  Judau’s mind is money and vanity before anything else and he’ll gladly stop an important supply run to grab a drifting Zaku to sell for a fortune.  If the old adage of “Get rich or Die tryin” applies here…I hope the latter happens for pretty much every new character in this series.
Ok, I rag on Judau because he deserves it but he might not be the worst of his lot onboard the Argama.  At least Judau decided to give a damn when his sister, Leina, was somehow captured by Neo Zeon.  My main beef is with Beecha and Mondo, who are so obsessed with ditching the Argama and seeing it burn because they’d have to work to live there it’s rage inducing.  The pair continue to sabotage the ship, rat out its position and even try to steal the ZZ to take to Neo Zeon as a defection gift.  These two are freaking selfish morons and if anything bad deserves to happen to anyone on this show, it would be them.  Tying a close second is Shinta and Qum, who I wish to God had gone with Fa back to Shangri-La.  Twice these little snots nearly spell doom for the Argama by helping an enemy pilot escape, thinking he’ll take them to Fa; and stopping the Argama mechanics from stopping Judau’s attempt to take the ZZ to go rescue Leina.  Shinta and Qum are a far cry from Katy, Letz and Kika in the original series.  Those three kids proved themselves multiple times on the White Base and even saved Jaburo from destruction at one point.  Shinta and Qum have whined, cried, fought each other and just generally wasted time and space on the ship over the course of not one but two series.  No wonder Bright’s thinking he’s such a bad father: his ship is infested with teenagers about as emotionally mature as Shinta and Qum.  Is it a wonder Hathaway turns out as messed up and irritating as he does in Char’s Counterattack now?
Onto the villains side, if you thought starting the Neo Zeon roster off with Mashymre was a bad idea…yep, he’s become the lesser of two evils.  The popmus Knight of Neo Zeon ditched his ship when Haman sent an unstable babysitter named Chara Soon to supervise him.  Chara is all kinds of special and is probably a Cyber Newtype given how messed up her mind is.  The girl is a D20 roll of personality: will she be a rock and roll goddess with a hot bod?  Will she be terrified of Mobile Suits and space combat?  Will she be super turned on by Mobile Suits and space combat?  Once again, even Zeta’s more uneven Cyber Newtypes like Rosamia are more tolerable than Chara.  That’s probably because Rosamia’s overall story was a tragic one, as it was for most Cyber Newtypes in Zeta Gundam.  Zeta focused heavily on young pilots having their minds mucked with in order to unlock their Newtype potential and found themselves mentally destroyed beyond repair.  No matter how badly Kamille wanted to help them, it just wasn’t possible.  ZZ does the worst kind of crime by trying to put a comedic spin on mental illness caused by experimentation and it is sickening.  It’s really, really hard to take Neo Zeon seriously at this point.  I cant even take Leina getting abducted seriously because this show is so devoid of actual drama and stakes and instead, just full of crap.
Last point of discussion is Glemy Toto, who I guess seems poised to be the Jerid Messa in this series, except far more of a parody.  Jerid may have been a joke to me in Zeta but he brought the menace when needed and became Kamille’s nemesis for good reason.  Glemy has all of Jerid’s arrogance but with the additional baggage of being obsessed with Manners, Roux and his Mother.  He’s determined to prove himself but has always been bested by Roux’s flirtatious deceptions multiple times.  Leina was captured by Glemy by pure accident, he thought he was snatching Roux.  Whereas Mashymre had a glowing adoration of Haman in his mind, for Glemy it’s his mother (who we haven’t seen).  But I’m with Roux: the way Glemy talks about his Mom I’d assume he has a pretty big Oedipus Complex (look it up if you don’t know what that means).
We ended this set with the Argama and Enrda locked in a battle in a colony belonging to a cult of colonist called Moon-Moon…and that’s all I’m going to say on that.  It’s that pointless Adesan two parter from Turn A Gundam all over again and I cant believe Tomino didn’t get it right fifteen years later for Turn A Gundam when he was doing Gundam much better than he is here.  I suppose it would be a mercy if Gundam ZZ ended here.  But this is review Part 3 out of 10…this show has none and now I know why everyone hates it.  Guess what, im definitely one of them.  Back to the mines of massive salt that is Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ tomorrow, right here at the Gundam Anime Corner…gonna go cry in a pillow now.

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