Friday, February 28, 2020

FIF#113-Cells at Work

We might not think about it, but our bodies are a world all their own.  Inhabiting them are blood cells of various types and they all have the same job: Keep the body going 27/4, not matter what.  It’s a pretty exciting life, depending on your job.  You’ve got your Red Blood Cells delivering supplies to various corners of the metropolis.  Meanwhile, the valiant and trigger happy White Blood Cells police the city, fending off infections, diseases and all varying bacteria at any cost.  So…what happens when a rookie Red Blood Cell ends up partnered up with one of the best White Blood Cell warriors around?  Who knows but it’s sure to be most amazing adventure taking place directly inside your body.

An Anime about the inner workings of the human body.  Human blood cells being given human personifications in a vast city.  Cells at Work is either the strangest (and most violent) Sesame Street segment or it’s the great biology class lesson of all time.  Both feel accurate to me but neither can take away from the fact that this is a helluva entertaining show.

The very beginning reminds me of the opening of Tron Legacy, where Jeff Bridges tries to describe how he pictured the inner workings of the digital frontier: moving as ships or motorcycles across circuits that were like freeways.  Cells at Work takes this, and the concept of an inner world of cells and germs seen in Osmosis Jones, and paints a much cleaner picture.  This is a fully functioning interior of a body we’re seeing but it looks like a futuristic yet modern metropolis.  It’s a cool concept and we get adequate and appropriate descriptions of the sections we visit and the characters we meet.  A lot of Cells at Work’s premiere is played for laughs but I’m surprised at how educational this show could possibly be…you know beyond the surprising amount of bloody violence. 

I loved the titular personified Cells.  Red’s a cute, shy and awkward newbie who serves as the viewers main set of eyes to this new world.  She plays very well off the laid back but super deadly White, who is so ready to kill all germs but is so chill around the new girl (how much you wanna bet they’ve been shipped and probably pushed together later on in the series).  The Plateles were super adorable and the T Cell Super Squad was all the muscle bound Jojo references you’d expect from their character designs.  I kind of wonder if we’ll ever see the body that these guys inhabit…but I’ll be honest I’m ok if every bit of story and action is kept inwards.  I wanna get to know a bit about this world that could be my inner workings more than anything going on beyond it’s borders.  It speaks well to the strength of the cast and the wit of the writing.

Action packed, hilarious and surprisingly insightful and educational, Cells at Work might be a show worth following for a little bit.  Sure we’ve seen a world like this in Osmosis Jones and Tron.  But only in the medium of Anime could this same premise feel fresh, exciting and very, very fun.  We’ll see how this goes. 

And with that, First Impression Friday is taking a little bit of a hiatus…and by a little bit I mean a long one.  I’ve got special features lined up over the next couple of months, taking us well into the summer.  Plus I usually pause FIF’s around then because of my Extended Series Review (more on that in a few weeks).  So right now, the second part of the 5th Season of First Impression Fridays will kick off probably in August as soon as I get back from Otakon.  By then I’m sure I’ll have glimpsed plenty of new shows in need of a First Impression.  Til then, I hope you’ve enjoyed the ones ive done so far and the newest specials and features coming to take its place until it’s return right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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