Wednesday, December 4, 2019

T5W#225-Top 5 Favorite Xbox 360 Games

Previously on Top 5 Wednesday:
With the release of the Sega Genesis Mini joining the ranks of the NES and SNES Mini and PS1 Classic consoles, we’re seeing a surprise resurgence in classic gaming from way before the 2000s.  These were the systems we grew up with and got us plenty prepared for the awesome era of gaming we live in today.  So for the month of November, I’m going back through the systems I used to play when I was growing up and even a couple of not so old systems too.  It’s going to be tough choosing 5 games from the decent sized libraries I had, but it’s doable.  Welcome to Top 5 Wednesday Retro Video Game Month.  Side note: for games to qualify, I have to have played them myself at one point or another…so some games many consider the greatest ever made (like every Zelda game and the occasional Mario game) wont be included unless I’ve played them.

The last and most current of this bunch of video game console faves ill be looking at this month is the Xbox 360.  Much of my love for this console came from my college days and it played a heavy role in getting me to settle into one of the biggest changes of my life…but enough of that sappiness.  Overall the Xbox 360 was a solid system with a good library and endless amounts of good offerings besides normal gaming.  It introduced me to the world of online multiplayer which changed the way I played with just about everyone I knew.  It also got me really into the First Person Shooter genre, so don’t be surprised if this list is FPS heavy.  Anyway, enough yacking, let’s get to the very end of Top 5 Wednesday Retro Video Game Month with my Top 5 Favorite Xbox 360 Games

#5-Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Anyone who’s ever touched an FPS has had to have spent a little bit of time in Call of Duty.  I jumped on around the Modern Warfare era and that little trilogy is the only CoD I really enjoyed.  Modern Warfare 2 is an important entry in the overall franchise for its gameplay and shocking storytelling decisions (Remember, No Russian).  It was both a chilling tale and an exciting romp across the world on the brink of World War III.  There was also the fun, campaign inspired mini missions of Spec Ops that were fun to run through in order to unlock more perks and achievements.  Sure Modern Warfare 3 had all of this and more…but Modern Warfare 2 was the way better overall experience.

#4-Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
This game is a dream come true for a Gundam nut like myself.  While a couple of entries are noticeably missing (Gundam 0080 and Gundam 08th MS Team) this game contains the largest assortment of Mobile Suits from across the Gundam mythos from Gundam 0079 (OG Gundam) to Gundam 00, along with all of their pilots. The gameplay is standard Dynasty Warriors, if you see it, slash it and slash all of their friends too.  But this game is still seriously addictive and I spent a ton of time trying to level up pilots to max Level 50 (and even then it’s a small club-Heero Yuy, Setsuna F. Seiei, Banagher Links, Duo Maxwell, Roux Louka and only recently Zechs Merquise and Char Aznable…ok so maybe not quite that small but it’s a huge cast).  If ever there was a game that made you feel like you were slipping into the cockpit of a Gundam, it’s this game.

I didn’t actually play this until early this year and I feel so bad I never hopped on this hype train sooner.  Bayonetta is the female Dante from Devil May Cry, complete with confidence, sex appeal and saucy one liners.  There’s nothing better than controlling the sexiest bad ass and thrashing your way through legions of angels and demons dumb enough to step in your way.  The boss fights in this game are insane and on the largest scale ive ever seen, maybe just behind God of War.  Add in a jazzy and fun toe tapping soundtrack and a plethora of weapons and powers to challenge the Gods with and Bayonetta is a fun sister outing to Devil May Cry.  So…how about a crossover eh?  (different developers so might not happen…shame).

#2-Mass Effect 2
The first Mass Effect was a good game but it took a while to get going for me.  Mass Effect 2 had me hooked by the end of the first five minutes.  Darker story, a larger cast, a dire mission that was affected by decisions you’d made throughout the game, and much better combat, this was a sequel done more than right, it was superior to its predecessor in every single way.  There was so much more to do in Mass Effect 2 from the main campaign to the DLC that still makes me pick up this one alone amongst the whole of the Mass Effect series.  The original Mass Effect Trilogy is one of the best complete epics you’ll ever play…but Mass Effect 2 is the true example of “The Empire Strikes Back” of the trilogy, and is pretty much one of the greatest games ever made PERIOD!!!!

#1-Halo 3 ODST and Halo Reach
Halo is the franchise that defines the existence of the Xbox family.  It’s also the franchise that was part of that little anecdote about helping me settle into college.  What started in Halo 2 felt completed and evolved in Halo 3 ODST and Halo Reach, two of my favorite games in the franchise.  ODST might have a short campaign but makes up for it with beautiful atmosphere and a Blade Runner kind of soundtrack and a great cast that includes Nathan FIllion and Trisha Helfer.  Then there’s Reach, Bungie’s farewell to the Halo series until 343 took over.  This game was beyond big with a battle id been dying to play since I read the Fall of Reach novel.  Not only was Noble Team an amazing crew to roll with as Reach burned around them, but the multiplayer felt like everything Halo had been leading up to since Halo: Combat Evolved.  Halo 2 may be where some of my fondest Halo memories lie, but ODST and Reach are some of the highest points of the Halo juggernaut period and have yet to be topped since. 

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