Monday, August 26, 2019

Street Fighter II V Part 4 Episodes 14-17

With Ryu’s training under Dhalsim complete, Ryu and Ken head to Barcelona along with Chun Li and her father, Chief Dorai.  Here, they meet the handsome Matador, Vega.  But this ladies man of effortless charm is more than he seems and he has his eyes set on the beautiful Chun Li.  A deadly game begins as Ken suspects Vega of sinister motives and finds himself locked in a steel cage match fight to the death.  Even if Ken can survive and rescue Chun Li from Vega’s clutches, someone far worse is waiting for him, a man whos operations have been hampered from constant interference from Ryu and Ken.  At last, Ken and Chun Li come face to face with the man behind Ashura and Shadowlaw itself: M. Bison.

Before I get started with this weeks review, a little history lesson.  Back in the mid 2000’s, just before Abridging got started, there was a parody group known as My Way Entertainment.  This small group of friends did their own voice overs for several Anime and 90’s cartoon series like Spider Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and even Power Rangers.  While they’re best known for the infamous “The Juggernaut Bitch” video, the reason I bring My Way up is because one of their first (and best) vids was a parody of the beginning of this weeks Vega Arc.  In it, the Spanish death dealer maintains much of his deadly charms but is also said to be the son of one of histories greatest musicians, Prince.  So whenever he walks around, My Way has Vega singing various Prince tunes and even some of the legends famous song cries, always reminding everyone he’s the “Son of Prince”.  If you can track down the video on YouTube, Kill Vega Vol.1, I highly recommend it and it’s sequel which parodies the Street Fighter II Animated Movie.  With all that said, let’s move on to the review featuring Ryu, Ken and Chun Li’s deadly encounter with the Son of Prince…ok that’s the only reference im gonna make for the rest of the review…maybe, no promises.

This weeks episodes of Street Fighter II V were kind of a mixed bag.  We more or less closed out the “Grand Tour” first half of the series and got things prepped for a darker and more intense second half with the full on arrival of M. Bison and his Shadowlaw organization.  And while Bison and his minions really shined, our heroes weren’t as well serviced.  Sure Ken got into a pretty bloody battle with Vega (and punched a bull so hard he chopped off its horn).  But Chun Li spent most of this set of episodes in a drug induced trance and Ryu…well Ryu stood on a beach and practiced his Hadouken for three episodes straight.  Like I said, mixed results for the halfway mark of the series.

Vega’s arrival signaled a very different kind of intro for any of the Street Fighter characters introduced so far.  Unlike Guile, Fei Long and Sagat, Vega was a straight up villain from the moment he gave Ken and Ryu the stink eye after he put the moves on Chun Li.  The man had charm to spare (I expect nothing less from the Son of Prince ALRIGHT IM DONE!!!), and its easy to see why women fell for him easily, even Chun Li before he gave her a Bulls ear as a token of his affection (ewww).  But Vega quickly descended into darker territory planting a drugged kiss on Chun Li before becoming increasingly psychotic during his duel with Ken.  Plus, lots of shivers down my spine watching Vega cut himself to lick his own blood.  We were looking at a very different Vega by the time it came to wrap up the cage match.  The Prince like gentlemen and hero of the people was replaced with a lunatic with crazy to spare in his eyes.  All in all, Vega’s arc might’ve been maybe an episode too long but he’s still one of the better served villains so far.

And then there’s Bison.  I know I complained about Ryu and Chun Li basically staying in one place doing next to nothing this set.  But while Bison did mostly the same, he had way more entertainment value going nuts over the cage match and letting some of his Psycho powers come out with his excitement.  Bison is just pure insanity and a lot of fun to watch.  He’s powerful and he knows it and he revels in it.  It kind of boggles the mind to wonder why he needs minions to do his work when few could probably stand against him (poor Chun Li’s on her way to figuring that out by the end of this set).  That said, it was cool to see new players enter the SFIIV storyline who will probably be around for the rest of the series.  I’m not too familiar with Balrog from the games but I do know a little bit about Cammy.  Sure she may not be sporting her traditional Street Fighter look.  But the ex MI6 assassin still has her drop dead gorgeous looks and confidence (enough to rival Chun Li) and I cant wait to see if we get a legit match up between Cammy and Chun Li’s father, Dorai, next week.  Shadowlaw came out of the shadows (pun intended) and made their presence felt, the game has certainly changed now.

I have to say, the Ken vs. Vega showdown was a little underwhelming.  Yeah, Ken was in bad shape althrougout and the battle was the bloodiest on the show to date.  However, having seen Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie, I can say that this bout came nowhere close to even matching Chun Li and Vega’s tussle in that flick.  That showdown was way more cinematic, surprisingly more brutal…and it gave us a chance to see Chun Li unleased (something SFIIV has yet to really do).  In this TV arc, Ken held his own admirably but the best part of his fight was the end when he pulled off the Shoryuken.  We’ve seen some good fights so far in Street Fighter II V from Ken vs. Fei Long to Ryu vs. Sagat.  I don’t think Ken vs. Vega is quite near the goodness those bouts offered, probably because they were tighter, shorter and more focused.  It didn’t help that we got sent to the land of reused footage as we kept cutting from the battle to see a dazed Chun Li replay her late night Vega kiss in her mind or watch Ryu try to pull off the Hadoken hand motions again.  

However, my gripes aside, the ending of this set of episodes got me excited.  Bison vs. Chun Li promises to finally give Chun Li some time to shine in battle (though for how long against Bison is anyones guess).  And the moving of several Shadowlaw pieces into place promises things are going to get pretty dirty and pretty awesome pretty fast.  Like I said, the Grand Tour is over.  Now it’s time for Shadowlaw to take over the narrative.  See ya next week as we see Shadowlaw unleashed and pray that Ken, Ryu and Chun Li can survive its onslaught.

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