Monday, May 13, 2019

Slayers Try Part 3 Episodes 10-14

The Darkstar Weapons.  When these five weapons of powerful light are united, they can bring forth one of the most terrible forces of darkness in existence.  And Gourry Gabriev has been walking around with one his whole life.  Now it’s up to The Slayers to protect it and keep the others out of Valgaav and Almace’s hands.  Easier said then done when warring kingdoms, dangerous temples and Valgaavs ever faithful servants are standing in their way.  Everything comes to a head as Lina and company confront Valgaav once again.  Is there anything they can do to stop the summoning of Lord Darkstar and prevent Filia’s prophecy from coming to pass?

I’ll admit, I was worried going into Slayers Try this week.  At the end of the last set, we kicked off a stand alone adventure that sadly ended up becoming pretty boring and when it continued it decided to throw in some central storyline elements to shake things up when all it did was make me question if some of the feel good magic of Slayers had begun to fade.  What should have been a fun tale about two waring nations and young love played second fiddle to advancing the search for the other Darkstar weapons.  It felt like a big misstep.  I should have known Lina Inverse and the Slayers couldn’t stray totally off course as Slayers Try came back big time after this.

I haven’t had a chance to talk much about Jillas, Valgaavs ever faithful eyepatch sporting fox demon servant.  If it’s one thing I have to credit Slayers Try for, it’s the bonds between the villains.  Jillas and his former Ogre partner were saved by Valgaav in similar fashion to how Valgaav was saved by Gaav.  That kind of loyalty is a good breath of fresh air for one of the weaker aspects of Slayers as a whole, the bad guys.  Jillas got to steal the show this week when he managed to outsmart Lina and the gang and steal Gourry’s sword.  It gave a rather underappretiated (until now) character a chance to prove he’s a great adversary for The Slayers, using smarts, nearly pitting the team against one another and using his bombs to great effect (his weapons and tactics have been a great foil for the magic based skills of Lina’s crew since his introduction in the season premiere). 

Jillas also did the unexpected and drove the team right into an epic mid season finale.  There was a lot to take in and unpack once we reached Valgaav’s HQ.  Xellos’ true monster nature seeped through, turning out some scary moments when he nearly beat Valgaav senseless while cackling.  It’s easy to forget that Xellos has never been a good guy considering how easy going he is around Lina.  But he is a monster and a trickster and he’s hardly on the side of Angels.  In one of the most surprisingly touching moments of all of Slayers, Lina forgiving Xellos for wanting to sell her out to Valgaav didn’t seem all that out of place.  There’s a strange understanding between them, always has been and, somehow, Lina and Xellos can both depend on each other (to a certain degree).  For better or worse, Xellos is a member of The Slayers and that will always count for something.

Then there’s Almace, who was revealed to NOT be a bad guy.  Turns out he was playing the villain because he couldn’t think of a way to get anyone to go along with his rather crazy plan: summon Darkstar so he could destroy him.  It’s a risky plan for sure and logically, no one would go along with it.  Heck, Lina had to remember how quick the Golden Dragons were to sell out another world to keep their own safe.  I like how Lina was all business and rather mature while she heard out Almace’s story and managed to strike a truce with the former Deity.  Even Lina Inverse knows how to step back and take in the facts before its time to blow stuff up.

And man did stuff get blown up…like a lot.  The all or nothing brawl with Valgaav brought out the best Slayers Try has had to offer yet.  The animation stepped up its game after being rather stiff and stilted since the season premiere.  It didn’t feel quite as smooth and fluid as Slayers Next but it was a huge improvement regardless.  Everything from Valgaavs summoning of Darkstar to Lina shooting him with a Dragon Slave point blank in the chest was epic and worth every moment to get here.  Special mention should go to the creature designs once again.  Sure Valgaav’s look matches a lot of the dark angel bad boy style of the 90s.  However, ive always liked his hybrid monster/ancient dragon look.  And Darkstar proves once again that when Slayers wants to make your nightmares come to life…well it can.  Though, the sad trade off is that it looks like Valgaav was willingly atomized by Darkstar before the portal could be sealed (by beings of light?).  So…who’s going to be the big bad for the second half of the season if he is truly gone?

Despite a rough start, Slayers Try brought it’s A Game to one of its biggest events yet and closed things out on a very good cliffhanger, cause Slayers is very good at that.  Lina adrift at sea, the others nowhere to be found?  Whoa can you even imagine a better way to cap off the first half of a rather shaky season?  It might look bleak for Lina but if she needs to locate her comrades one at a time, I might finally get my wish of stand alone adventures in the new world.  Oh yeah, I cant wait to get to next week now.  Slayers Try is finally on the same kind of fire as Slayers Next.  See ya next week.

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