Monday, May 6, 2019

Slayers Try Part 2 Episodes 6-9

Led by the priestess Filia, Lina, Gourry, Amelia, Zelgadis and Xellos arrive at the Temple of the Fire Dragons.  But before they can learn more about the prophecy which involves them saving the world, The Slayers find themselves caught up in an epic three way battle between themselves, Dragons and Monsters, one of whom has a major grudge against Lina herself.  New alliances are formed while others are betrayed and dark intentions are revealed.  Still, if it leads to the end of the world, youd better bet Lina Inverse and The Slayers will stand against it…even if they have to fight an entire new world in order to save it.

Well things sure got complicated fast.  That shouldn’t surprise me for a day in the life of Lina Inverse.  One thing was made clear though, this is going to be the most intricate battle The Slayers have ever fought.  Bad guys are playing each other.  The wise men who should be the good guys aren’t so noble.  The biggest surprise of all?  One of the bad guys might have one of the best backstories, and therefore motivations, of any Slayers villain yet.  That alone can excite me more than some of the noticeable shortcomings still plaguing Slayers Try.

Well as much as I complained about not giving Lina and company a chance to explore the new continent before the main plot kicked in, I was apparently heard and this week sought to correct that.  And what better way to kick things off than for The Slayers to engage Valgaavs men on a desert stone island that’s also a train to Filia’s home temple.  It was definitely one of the more creative battles the series has done so far.  Though it was hampered once again by Filia…who wouldn’t GIVE IT A REST WITH ALL OF HER COMPLAINING!!!  For fraks sake, I mean ok she does side with Lina during an important moment we’ll get to in a sec.  But even that cant help her recover in my book.  I mean come on.  By now she should know how Lina and The Slayers do things.  No amount of crying or tea drinking or smacking them with a spiky mace is going to change that.

When we did get to the Fire Dragon Temple, things picked up a bit.  We got some good amusement seeing Lina take charge of the Golden Dragons to help her try and fix the temple they wrecked when the train crashed into it (Lina Inverse always knows how to make an entrance).  At first, the Elders of the Temple seemed ok, or at least they weren’t as prone to freaking out over Lina’s atrocities like Filia.  And then they decided to just give the Sword of Light to Almace so long as he did whatever he wanted to do on another plane of existence…wow.  It’s a good thing Lina and her friends have come here to challenge this “for the greater good” mentality cause right now, Lina, Gourry, Zel, Amelia and Xellos are the only likeable people on this continent.

Actually, let me amend that last bit.  Valgaav (and his minions as well) are on the likeable side too.  Valgaavs backstory, what little we saw, was enough to give him some sympathy points.  He’s a dragon who became a monster following a betrayal by another breed of Dragon (presumably the Golden Dragons).  His salvation?  Gaav the Demon Dragon King, who slayed and resurrected Valgaav with a new name (his name was Val…Gaav just tacked his name onto the end it’s clever but an obvious connection I should have spotted).  And now Lina’s taken away a man Valgaav owes everything too.  Of course, I don’t want to see Lina or any of the others die.  I just like that Valgaav has some decent motivation for a Slayers villain.  And seeing how her people were ready to sell out another world to darkness to save their own skins, I wonder if Filia will come to understand Valgaavs pain in the coming episodes.  All of these revelations were followed up by an intense battle against Valgaav and his former partner, Almace.  It was spectacular for sure.  However, the animation for Slayers Try hasn’t been as good as Slayers Next since the season premiere.  The animation of Slayers Next was miles above Season One.  Slayers Try just feels like a step above Season One, more stiff than fluid.  Maybe theyre saving money for the finale or another, possibly bigger battle?  No matter what, Slayers can do better.

We ended things with the part of another side story that saw The Slayers splitting up to investigate two cities holding magical vessels.  The first of this two part story was a little slow to get going and it wasn’t until the young lovers of the two waring nations roped the two teams into their plans to unite their homes that things got fun again.  Even better, Valgaav’s men seem determined to get revenge for Lina and Xellos injuring their master from the last battle.  I say better, that should take away from the fact that this could be a stand alone breather…but oddly enough im ready to see where this all goes.

Slayers Try made things exciting this week and laid more seeds for payoff that’s sure to come later in the season.  Valgaav shows great promise as a villain and it’s always inspiring when Lina, Gourry, Zel and Amelia stand up for their beliefs and smack talk anyone who wants to ruin the world for their own ends.  Now if only the animation would step up its game and Filia would…well just do a complete 180 of her character (or just be replaced by Martina…hell I almost want to say id take Sylphiel at this point but I don’t want to hear her poor voice work again).  But hey, improvement is improvement.  Let’s see if Slayers Try can keep it up next week.

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