Wednesday, December 5, 2018

T5W#173-Top 5 Dragon Ball Z Movies

The last couple of years have been a great time to be a Dragon Ball fan.  In 2013 and 2015 we got two brand spanking new Dragon Ball Z movies.  Then later in 2015, we got an entire brand new series in Dragon Ball Super, wiping away the terrible aftertaste of Dragon Ball GT and establishing a new cannon in the process.  While Super did wrap earlier this year, we’re still getting fresh English Dubbed episodes incoming.  And then there’s the reason for this weeks Top 5, the fact that Dragon Ball Super will be getting a new movie next week AND it’s going to feature the true cannon introduction of Brolly, The Legendary Super Saiyan himself.  It’s time to freak out in a good way and thank our Shenrons for such a sweet amount of blessings.  Hence why this week im doing what I should have done the moment I finished my “Rock the Dragon” Easter Special (where I reviewed all 15 Dragon Ball Z Movies).  Today im taking a look at my Top 5 Dragon Ball Z Movies.  I feel like I should expand this to include the Dragon Ball movies too but maybe ill come back to that once ive actually reviewed those four flicks on my site.  For now though, im choosing five of the fifteen films from the series that, in one way or another, continues to shape entire generations of Anime fans: Dragon Ball Z

#5-Dead Zone
The very first Dragon Ball Z movie might not have Androids or Super Saiyans or planet shaking battles, but there’s still a fun charm to the early days of Z.  This movie basically sets the template for all Z movies to follow: short and sweet story, equally sweet action scenes, a big bad who wont go down the first time, and a huge exmachina ending.  While I know a lot of us would like to ignore the fact that we got a pointless follow up arc later in the Garlic Jr. Saga, Dead Zone is a perfect start point before the lure of Super Saiyan Gods takes over.

#4-The World’s Strongest
For the longest time, this was my absolute favorite of the original three DBZ Movies (including this, Dead Zone and Tree of Might).  The story feels like a distant aftertought compared to some of the best action sequences in the entire franchise.  And yeah, it does involve the Z-Fighters battling a Giant Robot (and somehow getting their asses kicked).  But we still get Master Roshi in the only major action he ever sees in Z (until Resurrection F and the old mans still got it), Goku taking on three cool bio warriors and an old school rematch with Piccolo.  The Worlds Strongest is an action Anime lovers dream come true and a movie I could watch endlessly.

#3-Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan

In all of the movies of Dragon Ball Z, none of them gave us a villain as incredibly memorable as Brolly.  He has a backstory (and a silly motive) but holy crap.  Broly is the first bad guy you see in a Z movie that makes you think that Goku and the others are in serious trouble.  This allows for all out war between Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks and Piccolo against a one man army who will not quit and it is all freaking amazing.  It sucks that Broly’s follow up appearances in the Z movieverse could never recapture his terror and epicness.  But we’re getting another chance to see him battle Goku and Vegeta in Dragon Ball Super: The Movie-Broly.  Let’s face it, it’s the rematch we’ve always wanted since he first screamed Goku’s name in this movie.

#2-Resurrection F

DBZ’s first return to the big screen, Battle of Gods, was a mixed bag for me.  Resurrection F was the movie I hoped that one would be.  The return of Frieza was a gift I never thought I wanted but am glad I got anyway.  Anyone who grew up watching Dragon Ball Z the same time as I did knows how much that old rivalry between Goku and Frieza dominated our school lunch chats.  Not only did we get to see them square off once again, but Vegeta got in his proper throwdown with the intergalactic tyrant too.  Add in a great fight scene with a proper Z-Team that thankfully left out Goten and Trunks and you’ve got one of the best Z outings of all time.  And if Super is taking the place of Z in movie releases, this is a great movie to end the Z feature film legacy on.

#1-Fusion Reborn

In all of Dragon Ball, there is one universally beloved element: the rivaly/frenemyship between Goku and Vegeta.  Whether pummeling each other senseless or bickering like long lost brothers, these two are the thing that makes Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Z.  We’ve seen the two in action together tons of times before but Rebirth of Fusion takes it to the next level pitting them against a foe who they can only defeat by fusing into the most bad ass warrior in existence, Gogeta.  Plus everyone else gets plenty to do handling a break out of old favorites from Hell led by Frieza.  And for once, Goten and Trunks aren’t so annoying when the battle the one enemy they can actually not mess up defeating, Hitler himself.  This is simply put, Perfect Z.

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