Wednesday, November 21, 2018

T5W#171-Top 5 Anime Things Im Thankful For in 2018

Every year, family and friends come together for a day of togetherness that reflects the bonds of love we all share with each other.  If you think about it, Thanksgiving could be considered a prelude to Christmas, sharing the same themes only one holiday involves actual gift giving.  In any case, I actually like Thanksgiving, gives me time to reflect on a long year and think about the many things im grateful for in an otherwise hectic year (in more ways than one).  Naturally, since this is an Anime Blog, I of course have a few things in the world of Anime im very thankful for.  I know I did one of these last year and chances are it will just become an Anime Corner staple for years to come.  So here we go folks, the Top 5 Anime Things Im Thankful For in 2018. 

#5-The Amazing Spiral Anime Club and the Baltimore Anime Denizens
Althroughout my life, my father always told me that, despite my thinking I was alone in the world as an Anime fan, there were certainly people out there who enjoyed the same stuff I did, I just needed to find them.  Well conventions got me started on that but this year I have to give a shout out to two Baltimore based groups that I can never wait to see every chance I get.  The first is the Amazing Spiral Anime Club, of which I am one of the four original founders.  We don’t really have a structure or a plan for any kind of meeting…we just wing it, a small collection of Otaku that meets the first Saturday of every month just to hang out and chat about Anime, Manga, Video Games, personal projects, it’s kind of a convention on the tiniest scale that still delivers all the feels.  Then there are the Baltimore Anime Denizens, who I met late last year.  These guys hold various events throughout the year but their biggest is arguably their two sets of Anime screenings during the year at The Charles Theater.  Thanks to these guys, I got to see films like Ranma ½ The Movie and Ponyo and got to see classics like Evangelion 1.11, Jin Roh and Memories again for the first time in a long time (those last two were late last year but hey still mean something).  I never thought id find a community of otaku in Baltimore.  These two groups are proof that they can exist and ill always encourage anyone to seek them out, you might find a place to belong and feel welcome in too.

#4-The Return of Old Anime Friends
I’ll have a Top 5 in a few weeks about the plethora of Anime sequels we’ll be getting next year.  This year, however, saw the return of a couple of old friends with new seasons.  I’ll save my final praises for Full Metal Panic: Invisible Victory for the finale next week but the short version: damn it can still deliver the goods after 13 years of silence.  A personal favorite crew also resurfaced from the water in the Summer of 2018.  Free: Dive to the Future saw the worlds of the Iwatobi Boys growing beyond anything that’s come before…and ill actually get more into that later on this year (secret-ish project).  Point is, characters ive grown to love over a long time got a new lease on life this year and it was always exciting to tune into a new episode every week…speaking of which.

#3-My Hero Academia

If 2017 was the year My Hero Academia punched a hole in the Anime stratosphere, 2018 was the year where it declared to the world it wasn’t going anywhere any time soon.  Not only did we get a stellar third season that somehow managed to be just as strong (if not stronger at times) than Season Two but we also got the series first feature film, Two Heroes (which actually did very well in a limited US release too).  It didn’t matter if you were watching Class 1-A on the big screen or on your cell phone, Hero Aca delivered more feels than any of us knew what to do with for several months straight with no breaks.  Deku, Bakugo, Todoroki, Ida, Uraraka, Tsuya, Kirishima and all the students, God I love them all and All Might might be one of the most inspiring heavy hitters of all time.  If anyone is having a bad day, pull up this series however you can.  I garuntee you, somehow…you’ll feel better by the end of an episode…and ready to binge the rest right away (I recommend a lot of soda).

#2-Gundam is here to stay

It is a pretty big time to be a Gundam fan this year.  As we count down to the franchises big 40th birthday, we got two new Gundam stories in the form of Gundam Build Divers and Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative.  Not only that, we’ve got a new Anime film trilogy based on the popular side story, Hathaway’s Flash, starting next year AND the confirmation from Sunrise itself about a live action Gundam movie in development with Legendary Pictures (the studio behind US Godzilla films and Pacific Rim).  Did I also mention we’re getting more Gundam brought over here stateside than ever?  We had Gundam Wing on Blu Ray late last year and this year we’ve had Gundam 00, G Gundam and eventually we’ll even have Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny with brand new dubs (I doubt that could save Seed Destiny but I wont get into that).  For a series going on 40, im glad ive been able to geek out about it for the last…18 years (jesus im old).

#1-The Year of the Convention

Ive tried my hardest to keep Katsucon and Otakon in my year round rotation of must do events every year.  Not only do I love being in their respective environments, I love being around the friends ive made throughout the years.  Not being able to go to Otakon 2017 hurt a lot and there was a very good chance I wouldntve been able to go to 2018 either.  However, as I say regularly about the crew I travel with, “I don’t have friends, ive got family.”  And for both conventions, they came through.  As a result, I got to enjoy two conventions that are pretty much at the top of my list of favorite conventions ive ever been to.  Katsucon 2018 pretty much surpassed my all time favorite, Katsucon 2015, and Otakon 2018 showed me that the move from Baltimore to Washington DC is well worth the extra travel.  Not only that but I got to go to 3 other smaller conventions over the course of the year (Animore, Baltimore Comic Con and Four State Comic Con), seeing other geek culture attractions and meeting new friends in the process.  This wasn’t just “The Year of the Convention”, it was a chance for me to be thankful that evens like these are always around, big or small, and I can always find a reason to be happy when I visit an Anime Convention.


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