Wednesday, May 2, 2018

T5W#142-Top 5 Shonen Jump Avengers

So…Avengers: Infinity War dropped this past weekend.  If you haven’t see it more than once, or at all, by this point, don’t worry, nothings getting spoiled but DAMNNNNNNN!!!!  My feelings about the overall movie aside (still crushing my soul), Infinity War was still an epic achievement, bringing together 10 years of Marvel Cinematic Universe characters and story for the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny.  Which begs the question: how come we haven’t seen anything of this scale in Anime?  Hell, Shonen Jump is basically aching to make an Infinity War style event happen with all of its hits like Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and My Hero Academia to name a few.  So for today’s Top 5, I’m going into this Shonen Jump Pantheon and choosing 5 heroes who would make an excellent Avengers style team.  Couple of rules going in: 1. One character per franchise for this list, want to keep it diverse.  2. Going to try and keep the more OP characters to a minimun (so only one character of Goku/Saitama level of strength).  With that in mind, let’s do it, here are my Top 5 Shonen Jump Avenger Picks.
#5-Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
Like One Punch Man (later on this list) My Hero Academia is chock full of heroes that could comprise this list solo (hmmmm…nah that’s for another day).  It probably would be wiser to place a professional Hero like All Might or maybe Mt. Lady on this list.  However, if watching this show has taught me anything, it’s that (most) of the kids of Class 1A have more than earned the title of hero, from Deku to Tsu to Ochaco.  However, my pick from their group has to be Todoroki, who has come a long way since Episode 1 and developed his powers as well as his personality.  His mastery of Fire and Ice make him truly dangerous, even against the deadliest of enemies, and thankfully he’s becoming more of a Team Player.
#4-Luffy (One Piece)
Luffy is the unshakeable (borderline annoying) voice of optimism.  Sure he’s fallen on some dark times in One Piece’s almost 20 year existence but that freaking smile and that straw hat appearing on the battlefield are a beacon of hope (long before All Might came along).  Luffy has the power to stretch his body in anyway he sees fit, thanks to consuming the devil fruit.  This means he can sock you with a punch from a distance or turn himself into various wacky forms of weaponry and dense, like a hammer or a balloon.  Luffy’s like Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four…only you know, way wayyyyy better.
#3-Yoruichi (Bleach)
Every Avengers team needs a girl.  Not just any girl, a girl who can kick ass and look good while doing so.  I was going to select Soul Reaper Captain Soi Fon for this spot until I thought about her mentor, Yoruichi.  She’s a curvy and sultry exile from the Soul Society who isn’t afraid to go toe to toe with the worst the Soul Society has to offer, rarely ever using a sword.  Nope, this nimble lady is all about close quarters combat, her leg attacks even giving Chun Li a run for her money.  She’s quick, she’s fast, she’s precise, Yoruichi sacrificed every bit of status she had in the Soul Society to help her best friend in a time of need…if that doesn’t make you Avenger material, I don’t know what will.
#2-Genos (One Punch Man)
Ever aspiring to be a better hero (and better his own reeducation about humanity), Genos is the perfect mix of Iron Man and the Vision from Marvel Comics.  If need be, he can rocket himself into battle and hit with the hardest limbs in existence.  Arm cannons, tactical analysis software and enough strength to try and take out a meteor, this guy is the full package.  Even if he gets wrecked in battle (and he has plenty), Genos doesn’t quit until the day is saved.  Genos is still learning everyday and, despite being more machine than man, has the heart of a true hero, one who is all about helping the people rather than the fame or payday that might come with it.
#1-Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
Every team needs a Hulk.  Vegeta is that hulk and probably the only planet shattering, OP character I will add to this list.  Vegeta’s long story on DBZ has been all about his redemption while not losing that anger and frustration that makes him so enjoyable.  Despite his claims to the contrary, Vegeta isn’t that bad a team player, being able to battle insync with the likes of Goku and Piccolo.  And deep down, he is a good guy trying to do his best to win for reasons other than his Saiyan Pride.  Vegeta embodies a certain quote from Bruce Banner in the Avengers, the truth about his power, “That’s my secret Captain, I’m always angry.”  And you never, never EVER want to see Vegeta when he’s angry.


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