Wednesday, March 14, 2018

T5W#135-Top 5 Favorite Anime Funko POP Figurines (from my personal collection)

It’s hard to imagine a time when these little guys were NOT in our world.  The entry of Funko POP Figurines came way too quietly in my eyes but after I bought my first one, the world exploded and soon I was gathering many at once (when I had the money).  At first, they seemed to be tied to comics and movie events (mostly based on comic books).  But Pops have made the leap into Anime for a while now and if there’s a series, there’s a POP set for them.  I was debating making this list my overall Top 5 Favorite Pops from my own personal collection but figured id try and narrow down my Top 5 Favorite Anime Funko POP Figurines, give myself a bit of a challenge.  I might do the aforementioned list another time since I have a crap ton of POPs from all across the nerdsphere (and the whole reason I had this idea is because Sombra and Mercy POPs from Overwatch have finally been revealed and will be added to my collection ASAP)/


#5-Ochaco (My Hero Academia)
I was just starting to get into BNHA when I first spotted the POPs on a store shelf.  As cool as it would have been to get All Might or Deku first, I ended up getting Ochaco cause I have a soft spot for her in the show.  This model has her in her loveable “make things float” pose that reminds you how endearing and enduring the character is.  She may not be as powerful as other characters but Ochaco is more than worthy of standing alongside Deku and Froppy (though they do still need a Froppy POP, is there a Froppy POP?)


#4-Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)
The funny thing about this POP is how heavy it feels.  Seriously, it’s like you can feel the weight of all of Erza’s armor on her at once.  Don’t think of that as a negative, I think its pretty cool.  It still emphasizes that Erza is a bad ass and this just adds to the level of power she possesses.  Pick her up sometime and you’ll feel just as awesome holding her in your hand.


#3-Batou (Ghost in the Shell)
My feelings on the 2017 Ghost in the Shell movie are…well at the end of the day im pretty sure I flat out hated it.  However, thanks to its release we finally got some GitS POPs at long last.  While I hope we can still get more classic Anime versions of all the characters, especially some Tachikomas, I was ok with adding the live action Batou to my set.  His look in the film was one of the few things I DIDN’T dislike about it.  And if I had to choose between getting Motoko or Batou first…I think id actually go with Batou (unless it’s Arise Motoko, in which case she’ll always come first).


#2-Doraemon (Doraemon)
I actually know very little about Doraemon. While I have learned about his big icon status in the world of Anime, until then, all I knew about the character was a couple of references in FLCL (“I love your head.  You just never know what’s gonna come out if it next, like these kitty ears.  Ta-kun you’re almost as Doraemon.”  “He doesn’t have ears.”)  Sure enough, yeah he doesn’t.  Doreamon was also the last character I ever expected to see on a shelf here in the states.  I suppose that makes him a rare item, in which case-GET HIM!!!  (he is adorable AF after all).


#1-Spike Spiegel, Jet Black, Faye Valentine and Ed (Cowboy Bebop)
The minute this lineup was announced, I texted my sister “Christmas 2016.”  Sure enough, Christmas morning came and there they all were.  Holy crap was this such a win.  Those of you who read my blog know how much Bebop means to me (so much so I’ll have an announcement about it soon).  So getting POP versions of Spike, Jet, Faye and Ed all on my shelf was a pretty big deal.  One mini nitpick though: they added tinier figurines of Luna and Artemis to Sailor Moon and Venus.  So why couldn’t we get a little Ein with Ed or Jet and complete the Bebop family?  Maybe there’ll be an Ein sometime down the line.  For now though, one of the most legendary cast of Anime characters sits in my room in POP form, achievement unlocked baby.

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