Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ghost in the Shell: SAC (Season 1) Part 5 Episodes 17-20

(Originally Written September 21, 2014)

Familiar faces and cases are everywhere for Section 9, especially for Chief Aramaki.  A visit to London leads the Chief back to an old flame and a bad case of “in the wrong place at the wrong time” when her shop is caught in the middle of a robbery.  Back in Japan, matters concerning an old friend might lead to Aramaki making a choice he cannot fully accept.  And just when the Laughing Man case seems to hit a dead end, Togusa makes a breakthrough…and opens up Pandora’s Box in the process.

Well, it looked like this week was the big one for Stand Alone cases.  Because if the Complex episode in this set was any indication, we may have seen the last of them this season. 

Firstly, this was a big Aramaki set and his two featured episodes were great.  Daisuke Aramaki is the boss every job should have: gruff, wise, quick thinking, direct and honorable to a fault.  Most of these qualities are on display in Episode 17, which has an episode in another country, England.  Not only do we get to see Motoko rock some nice styles and work without Section 9 back up, but Aramaki takes full charge of a hostage situation gone awry, making sure everyone, even the would be hostage takers, get out alive while figuring out a deeper mystery at work.  And we even get a glimpse into the Chief’s love life, or past love life I should say.  Old and wise and still able to charm a lady, he is the man.  And I don’t think it’s any real surprise, but any scene shared with Motoko and Aramaki is pure gold.  Their relationship may seem purely professional and business like most of the time but it’s obvious to see the deeper bond between these two.  They aren’t just partners or mentor and mentee, they’re family.

Aramaki’s second centered episode was a bit sadder as he dealt with the loss of an old friend and the possibility of said friends son becoming a potential assassin.  It’s kind of scary to see how the technology of this world can see the influence of one well past death affect those still living.  We’ve seen it in earlier episodes of this season but never to this extent or this personal.  To see young Yu slowly lose the person he was to his fathers vengeful will and memories is heartbreaking (kudos too to Yoko Kanno and that one track playing throughout the episode that fit the sorrowful and downbeat mood of the entire episode).  You really feel for Aramaki at the end of the episode, when he feels that it’s twice now he’s had to say goodbye to a dear friend, the second time under worse circumstances.

The final Stand Alone episode of the season was a bit less exciting to be honest.  Even with a tense showdown between the Ex-Russian Soldier and Motoko, it still felt a bit more like a filler episode than any of the other stand alone stories this season.  Wish it would have been a bit stronger and less boring but that’s just me.

Of course, then we get to the big one, the Complex episode that will run the Laughing Man case right to the end of the season.  Togusa takes point again and manages to find possibly the most important piece of the Laughing Man puzzle.  I did enjoy his rooftop chat with Motoko, who apparently like to feel the wind at the edge of a rooftop while sharing theories and philosophies with her subordinates (oh and actually digging her new jeans look, it looks way better than her outfit from earlier in the season).  You can see the admiration Motoko has for Togusa in her face and in their conversations.  There’s a great deal of respect between these two, not unlike Motoko and Aramaki.  Togusa’s will and investigative mind are his strongest assets, especially for not being fully cyberized like most of Section 9.  And while that did help him discover a file regarding the recipients of a vaccine that could prevent a deadly cyberized disease, lack of cyberization may end up being his downfall.  Granted Togusa is a bad ass for taking on a Narc Squad single handidly, but he’s in rough shape at episodes end, bleeding into the rain.  Apparently this list is worth killing for…but hopefully Togusa isn’t on the receiving end yet. 

Togusa’s mystery file is key to the Laughing Man mystery and it’s possible it’s what even started the whole affair.  With this much blood and bullets being spilled to find it, it would surprise me if we didn’t see the Laughing Man return in some way to respond to the escalating conflict.  As it rains on Togusa’s bleeding and unconscious form, it’s not hard to see the analogy to the storm headed Section 9’s way.  The Stand Alone’s are over and the Complex Case is about to get a lot more dangerous and Complex.

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