Friday, May 15, 2015

Cowboy Bebop Part 6 Episodes 23-26

(Originally Written August 17, 2014)
The Bebop crew reaches a crossroads.  For some, the time has come to move on.  For others, it’s time to settle old scores once and for all.  When Vicious stages a coup and assumes leadership of the Red Dragons, everyone’s in danger, even Spike long lost love Julia.  But when the greatest tragedy imaginable happens, the time comes for the final showdown.  Spike vs. Vicious-who will walk away…will anyone walk away.  It all ends here.

Sigh, as they say, “All good things must come to an end”…but man did Bebop get one heckuva show stopping ending.  There’s a lot to cover in this final review and hopefully I can touch on everything.  Let’s get rolling then.

The set starts with the slow but still interesting Episode 23, which has the crew going up against a mysterious cult leader who may be more than he seems.  What I liked about this episode was seeing the crew acting like a team.  Not that we haven’t seen it before but watching Jet, Ed and Ein (holy crap the data dog finally shows off his skills) work out the secret of Londes was awesome.  Spike and Faye had some ok moments but mostly this was Jet, Ed and definitely Ein’s time to shine.  Also notable was the cancellation of the Big Shots bounty hunter news show, signifying that the end of the series was near.

Then to nail that “End has Come” notion in further, we bade a fond farewell to everyones favorite hacker and data dog duo.  I love Ein debating several times whether or not to go with Ed or remain on the Bebop as both are clearly important to him.  But clearly, as much as Jet has raised him and Spike and Faye has had their back and forth moments, Ed is the most important person on the Bebop to Ein and for them to go running off into the sunset (supposedly after Ed’s dad) is the perfect ending for them.  It’s a shame that Ed and Ein haven’t gotten a spinoff show of their own but like much of this show, it’s probably better that way to maintain the unique legacy of this series.

And it’s probably a good thing Ed and Ein took off when they did because there was sadly no room for comic relief or levity in the slam bang two part finale “The Real Folk Blues”.  Bullets and blood fly and Jet takes a shot in the leg as Vicious and the Red Dragons returned to shake things up a bit.  Gloom and doom were everywhere here and for the first time you felt like this might really be it for the crew of the Bebop.  And when Vicious ended up victorious in ending the lives of the former Red Dragon leaders, the stage was set for something epic.  Hell, the theme song doesn’t even play in the last episode, just a quiet black title screen, chilling.

But of course there was one element that still needed to appear and that was Julia and wow, what a woman.  Blonde, mysterious and possessing an instant draw and likability, she had some great scenes with both Spike and Faye (the latter of which she got a fun highway action sequence with).  And while we didn’t get all the answers to Spike’s past with her (just a couple of minor extended versions of images we’ve seen before) it was still good to see Julia and Spike reunited if only for a short while.  Still, the way these episodes were going, a happy ending just didn’t seem likely and while Spike did manage to blow away a bunch of Red Dragon hitmen with a shotgun, he still lost Julia.  The look in Spike’s eye said it all…no more running.

Which led to one heart wrenching farewell for Spike and his best friends.  He and Jet share one last meal and stories they hate while Faye tearfully begs Spike not to go to his death.  Oh Faye and Spike.  Theirs is a relationship that many fans of the show hoped would evolve into something more.  And why couldn’t it?  Spike’s a good looking bad ass and Faye is…well a good looking bad ass with nice legs lol.  They compliment each other and get along very well but because of his love for Julia, Spike could probably never love Faye as more than a close friend.  If things could have ever been more with them, we will never know.

And as a special rendition of “The Real Folk Blues” (appropriately titled See You Space Cowboy I think) played in the background, Spike wagged a one man war through a skyscraper of Red Dragon soldiers to get to Vicious.  Every hit Spike took made you worry.  Would he even make it to Vicious and even if he did would he be able to kill him?  The answer to that was built up to in one of the best Anime duels ever.  Finally, we got the rematch we were denied in Jupiter Jazz as Spike and Vicious clashed sword against gun one more time, resulting in wounds, a stand off, a slide of weapons to each other and one final blast…bye bye Vicious you amazingly evil bastard.

Which brings us to one of Bebops most fascinating aspects: the ending.  Spike descends some stairs as stunned Red Dragon soldiers look on.  Spike stops, smiles, raising his hand in the form of a gun and says the final word of the series…BANG, and then falls.  Cue the start of “Blue” (Yoko Kanno’s beautiful final track for the series) and a slow drag of credits leading to one final image of the fallen Spike.  NOW, when I first saw this series, the end was how I saw it: Spike defeated Vicious and died from his wounds, sad ending.  However, director Shinichiro Watanabe is pretty playful with his replies to Spike’s fate.  Did he die…or is he simply sleeping?  Truth be told, the latter is possible because it’s Spike and passing out after a fight is something he would do.  But, as hard as it is to say sometimes, I like Spike dying in the end.  It’s a suitable conclusion for his arc and while he didn’t get to be with Julia or his friends, he finished Vicious off for good.  He finally earned a rightfully deserved his long rest. 

Final Thoughts:
I know many hope that Spike’s alive so that one day there can be a sequel to the series.  But in a way, it’s better left to just these 26 episodes.  Cowboy Bebop may not be completely perfect but it’s flaws are overshadowed by it’s sheer fun and unique vibe that has made it able to gel with audiences who aren’t just into Anime but also scifi, action, westerns, film noir, jazz.  If it does succeed at one thing, Bebop blends a lot of elements together into a world anyone can love.  The characters, action, stories and especially Yoko Kanno’s music are always remembered long after a viewing.  I think it’s safe to say that if it’s one Anime anyone should see before they die…it’s Cowboy Bebop.

Hope everyone has been enjoying the classic reviews so far. Starting next week it's a double dose of Ghost in the Shell: Brand new 2nd gig review on Monday and the beginning of the Season One Review of Stand Alone Complex the rest of the week. Get ready for the cyberpunk take over everyone.

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