Monday, August 19, 2024

The Case Study of Vanitas Part 3 Episodes 9-12

Beneath the Catacombs of Paris lies a confrontation with the past for Vanitas.  As he and Noe face off against the Anti Vampire hunters of the Church, Le Chasseurs, they come to the doorstep of the man who tortured a young Vanitas and possibly even worse.  But this deranged Doctor Moreau isnt the only problem Vanitas and Noe have to contend with.  The agents of Charlatan continue to stalk their every move and soon Noe finds himself locked into a proposition he might be unable to refuse…one that could destroy his growing partnership with Vanitas forever.

Ah, I love it when it seems like a show is actively trying to address concerns I have with it when I point them out.  Of course, that’s not to say I haven’t been enjoying The Case Study of Vanitas.  I just feel like its been holding back on a few things, and I’m not just talking about the developing mystery behind Charlatan and the Curse Bearers.  This mid series set of episodes proves to be the most entertaining batch yet by introducing new pieces to the puzzle of Vanitas and setting up some big conflicts to come in the second half of the series.  It’s not perfect but I’ll take improvements where I can find them.  Let’s jump into things shall we.
We kicked things off by wrapping up the three part story that introduced the Chasseurs.  Sadly, they aren’t much better than last weeks introduction.  Mostly this goes for Roland, who is so full of himself it’s annoying as heck.  He’s got a face you just want to punch and I like how his superior, Olivier, summed up his character, “He has more faith in himself as Gods servant than God himself.”  That kind of personification would definitely make a guy like Roland feel invincible…God I hope he gets his wrecked at some point (bonus points if it’s from Olivier or Vanitas).  Succeeding far better was Noe, who finally started living up to his true potential than just standing around with that wide eyed gaze…I mean he still does but during this conflict he did a lot more.  We got to see Noe acting a lot like the wild card tourist we see in the shows OP, being more of a ball of energy than Vanitas.  One of his two biggest stand out moments saw Noe getting fed up with Moreau’s bragging about experimenting on Vampires and then flipping him onto a table.  But the best Noe moment yet?  When Vanitas pushes him too far and Noe decides to use him as a hostage against Roland, who has a way too creepy obsession with Vanitas.  Seeing the tables turn so suddenly gave me the biggest laugh of the show so far.
Ah yes, Moreau.  At last we dig a little bit into Vanitas’ history, something our theatrical friend wants to remain secret to the point where he warns Noe he’ll kill him if he drinks his blood and looks into his memories. I like how the more Moreau went into detail about his experiments on Vampires, the more you were waiting for someone to lay the smack down on him (that aforementioned Noe moment I spoke of).  We’re still not sure what exactly he did to Vanitas but it’s still something that stings the Doctor…oh and Vanitas has a brother who was taken with him by the OG Vanitas…or it was another Vampire of the Blue Moon (good point is there more to the Blue Moon Clan than OG Vanitas?).  I’m so used to seeing Noe being the one incapacitated by something random and Vanitas taking charge that seeing the roles reversed was a refreshing change.  This time, Noe pulled Vanitas into danger to save a Curse Bearer inside a crazily designed shadow monster.  It was nice to shake up the established status quo a bit in this mini arc and since Moreau escaped and is confirmed to be working with agents of Charlatan, we’ll definitely be seeing him in the shows back half.
But Moreau’s not the bigger threat I think we need to be worried about.  Ruthven showed his ominous true colors by leading Noe into a trap and cursing him with a pact: he’s to carry out an order from Ruthven at an appointed time, no matter what it is.  Considering that Noe’s narraration spoke of him killing Vanitas…yeah I think we now know why that might come to pass.  Personally I hope that’s not the case cause I don’t want Vanitas to die.  But Ruthven being the manipulator behind it makes sense, so does him working with Charlatan. The dude just screams evil from his character design alone, it’s hardly surprising.  Sadly given how he speaks with his Charlatan contact, Ruthven isnt the big bad himself (my money is still on Noe’s teacher for that).  How this secret curse affects Noe in the future will be something to watch out for.
One last thing I’ll cover before wrapping this up is Jeanne.  I like her, I do but I feel like her character has kind of been suffering since her first appearance.  When we were first introduced, she was a cold bad ass bodyguard with a kick ass glove who was no one to be trifled with.  But since then, she’s hardly done any fighting.  Instead she’s been relegated to Vanitas’ love sick would be girlfriend that Vanitas loves to woo and tease.  Don’t get me wrong, seeing an embarrassed Jeane is cute and I like her and Vanitas as a couple.  But Jeanne being relegated to mostly comic relief feels like an insult to a lady poised as one of the shows two biggest femme fatales.  Oh and Domi spying on Vanitas and Jeanne’s date?  Come on, she’s been out of the picture for so long and this is how you use her?  Spying on a rom com with one of the lamest characters in the show (Vanitas’ Damphir contact Dante).  Please let us have more Jeanne being a seductive lady boss in the back half too (there’s a lot I want to happen in the second half with these characters it seems).
Complaints about bad characters and others being painfully underutilized aside, The Case Study of Vanitas closed out its first half rather strong and I am all set to continue the journey with Vanitas and Noe.    And it looks like their next big adventure will see them taking on a giant red wolf in the French Countryside.  Hopefully that promises a bigger fight than we’ve seen so far (I love the banter between our leads but we could use more than a couple minutes of action in an episode).  See you Next Monday as we begin the second half of The Case Study of Vanitas right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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