Monday, August 12, 2024

The Case Study of Vanitas Part 2 Episodes 5-8

Noe and Vanitas crossover into Altus Paris, the Vampire Mirror World of Paris.  Here they find dazzling sights, curious intrigue and dark threats looking around every corner.  When the forces of the Curse Bearer corrupting Charlatan appear, all Hell is about to break loose.  But Vanitas stands ready to disappoint both Charlatan and Vampires alike as he unleashes the power of his Grimoire.  Under a radiant moon in a blood red sky, will Vanitas prove himself a Messiah for the Vampires or bring their ultimate doom?

Before I get into this weeks second part of The Case Study of Vanitas, I wanna talk about one thing that’s been bothering me.  It’s not a detractor from enjoying the show but for some reason it’s hard to overlook: the OP.  Both the song and the animation would have you believe that Noe is the one dragging Vanitas around on a whirlwind tour of Paris and driving the hapless, self proclaimed Doctor ragged.  However, this is pretty far from a buddy comedy Anime about the escapades of a Vampire and a Human.  It’s a lot more serious than that and I’m kind of happy for it.  Granted, it does ruin Noe a bit as while he’s still a man of wide eyed wonder, he’s far less energetic than Vanitas, who never misses a chance to steal the show.  I’ll talk about that a bit more as we get into the review, cause there’s actually a lot that goes down in this second chapter and for the most part, it’s pretty cool and even subverted a few of my expectations.
Flashing back to Noe’s childhood gave us some of the best Noe material yet.  We got to see how he met his “Teacher”, Domi and Domi’s realist and kind of cruel brother, Louis.  There’s a lot of cliché dark Anime history tropes here as we watch the strong bond these three make eventually become decimated by tragedy.  My theory that Louis might become a present day rival for Noe isnt 100% dead in the water…but Louis himself sure as heck is, yikes.  I didn’t see the poor kid getting bumped off as he tried to attack Noe when he went full Curse Bearer.  What worries me more though is the “Teacher”.  He knew about Louis’ Curse Bearer status and yet seemingly did nothing but let it happen just for his own observation.  Not to mention, that nightmare fuel grin behind a shroud of darkness he gave Noe after saving his life…Louis might not be Charlatan but the Teacher is at the top of my list of suspects.  The most tragic aspect of Noe’s flashback has now become: how much of it was a lie from the people who raised him?
Sadly, all of that intrigue about Noe’s history doesn’t help improve Noe as a character.  It makes my sympathetic sure.  But his character is still stuck with the same wide gaze expression he carries with him when he’s not freaking out over some new sight or food.  Like I said, the intro paints him as the more energetic between him and Vanitas, when the truth is, it’s the opposite.  Vanitas is crushing every scene he’s in and I both love and question his stubbornness for getting into situations I’m amazed he can walk away from.  The dude is asking the right questions about the Queen of the Vampires being absent from the public eye…and given that charred and shriveled hand we see when Luca’s sitting by her bedside…Vanitas might not be far off.  However, Ruthven couldve killed everyone in the room singlehandedly for that transgression, so quickly it was actually frightening.  Vanitas wanting to learn the truth is fine but the dude is playing with fire…and loving every second of it.  Well not every second as he had to destroy a young Curse Bearer who was too far gone to restore, that was rough to watch.
Not everything was doom and gloom though.  Remember how I talked about how hot and steamy Vanitas and Noe’s scenes were with Jeanne and Domi respectively?  Well Episode 7 dials that up and breaks the dial to leave the room nice and toasty.  Personally, I find Vanitas and Jeanne’s would be romance more fun.  Sure it kind of ruins the tough girl persona of Jeanne’s intro.  But Vanitas is right in that she’s cute when she’s vulnerable and just how easily he can get her all hot and bothered.  By comparison, Noe and Domi have a romance more mired by history than anything else.  We know Domi’s been in love with Noe since they were kids and she really, really wants him.  However, Noe being the naieve guy that he is, cant even begin to understand how he feels about her, so much so he even asks Vanitas to tell him about love (annnnd cue “I Wanna Know What Love is by Foreigner” during their dance scene).  Yeah, Vanitas is proving to be one of the hottest mainstream Anime I’ve seen as it’s love scenes are increasingly risqué and make Vampire bites the hottest turn on ever.
Any downsides to this second set of episodes? Yeah, there are a couple.  I didn’t talk about them in the premiere because they barely factored into things but there’s a faction of Half Human/Half Vampires called Damphirs who assist Vanitas in the real world.  There’s three of them and their Three Stooges schtick does nothing for me.  All they do is fight with each other and I feel like Vanitas and Noe could have gotten their intel from anybody else and nothing of value would be lost.  Their only real role is to let us know Damphirs exist.  Ok, do they do anything other than bicker?  And then there’s the Chasseurs.  I really hope these guys get more time to be shown as more threatening in the next episodes.  Their wide eyed representative Roland and his carefree persona felt to…idk cliché for me before he pulled the rug from under Vanitas and Noe.  I also think when it comes to Anti Vampire Hunters, I’ve been spoiled by the wild, crazy and fun likes of Alexander Anderson from Hellsing, now HE is something to be feared…and excited for.
The Case Study of Vanitas follows up its promising premiere with a sophomore set of episodes that ups the ante and deepens both the world and the plot for both of our heroes.  It doesn’t rectify every issue I had with the opening, such as Noe still being way less entertaining than the shows opening credits would have you believe.  But it succeeds at making the threat of more emerging Curse Bearers feel like a true threat and also has some fun showing us how hot and bothered our leads can make their love interests without even trying.  It has its flaws for sure but I’m still having fun with this one.  We’ll see if improvements can be made to Noe and the Chasseurs when we return to The Case Study of Vanitas, Next Monday right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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