Wednesday, May 29, 2024

T5W#459-Top 5 Mindboggling Questions after watching Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu

Ugh, I cant believe I’m still dwelling on this lost cause of a series.  But dammit the fact that there’s so much potential with it to be a rival to the story of Fate/Grand Order makes it all the more infuriating that it’s squandered.  The biggest problem, however, is from the get go.  Sure as Anime viewers we’re used to be dropped into the middle of a story but at least there’s either a prologue or context to go with it, or we learn more about it down the line.  Katsugeki does neither and I’m amazed I could only think of 5 questions I’m still fuming about after finishing the series.  And no, as I look at my Top 5 Mindboggling Questions after watching Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu, I wont be childish and include more rage induced questions like “Do I want to punch Saniwa” or “Is this really worth waiting for the movie adaptation they announced during the last episode?”  This will be a bit more serious…but the answers are “yes” and “no” respectively.
#5-Why isnt everyone as OP as the First Unit?
Midway through the series we swap out our Second Unit Protagonists to spend some time with their upper echelon supeirors. And by superiors I mean it’s like night and day.  The First Unit is able to cleave its way through legions of TRA enemies, including the Ootachi, like they were nothing.  Originally I wondered why the heck isnt Saniwa just sending these guys out constantly and instead ask why isnt everyone this OP?  I get that some weapons haven’t been around as long as others but there’s a radical difference in strength that’s never explained.  Cause if everyone was as powerful as the First Unit, the war with the TRA shouldn’t even be a thing, it should be over.

#4-Why events in Japanese History?
So Saniwa says that the Time Retrograde Army is threatening all of history…but why is all of its efforts concentrated on the history of Japan?  Yes Japan is a strong, leading nation in present day (and presumably in the future that Katsugeki claims to take place in).  But is it so important that the TRA isnt trying to hamper history by attacking somewhere else in the world?  How about if the TRA tried to hamper events during the American Revolution.  What if they tried to give the Nazi’s a defensive boost during D-Day?  Is it because all of the weapons being used are of Japanese decent?  Wow, this question raises more than I thought.

#3-Have there been any other incidents like the one with Kunihiro?
After seeing Yoshiyuki defend his former master, Ryoma Sakamoto, Kunihiro got it in his head that maybe he could change the fates of both his sword brother, Kanesada, and their shared master, Toshizou Hijikata.  Clearly Saniwa doesn’t have an issue with this because not only is Kunihiro forgiven, and I guess so long as history stays on track a major slip up like that is no biggie.  Ok, first off, that’s terrible management.  Second, Kunihiro cant be an isolated case.  I mean yeah Yoshiyuki had to step in but those circumstances were different and he did the right thing and only interfered as needed.  How many other swords have wanted to change history or even defect to the TRA in order to protect someone they cared about…and why doesn’t Saniwa have better safeguards in place (don’t bother with that last one, Saniwa’s just a boss with no vision).

#2-What the Hell is the Time Retrograde Army?
The only thing we ever learn about the TRA is…well nothing.  Kanesada and his fellow sword brethren are just dropped into various time periods and told to stop them from mucking up history.  We never see who the leader or leaders of this enemy faction are, nor do we know anything about their motivations.  It’s not like Saniwa’s going to be forthcoming with anything and all we ever see are those stupid shadow demons that look like they came from Ufotable’s Fate/Stay Night Adaptations.  Is there a reason why the TRA is so gung ho to change history or is there a deeper meaning behind their actions?  Clearly the writers of this series don’t care about that and only go as far as Saniwa with the general, “Hey the TRA is here or will show up at some point, so stop them ok?”

#1-How did this conflict even get started?
Watch almost any Gundam series and I garuntee you, the first episode of every series will bring you up to speed on events pertaining to the story you’re being dropped into.  You get the basic conflict, time period, and the stakes at large, then you can carry on with the rest of the first episode with enough info you can build on as the series goes.  Katsugeki’s biggest issue from the get go is that it doesn’t even bother to explain why Saniwa and his living weapons are fighting the TRA or how their battle even began.  Judging from how some characters like Mikazuki cryptically speak, they’ve been at it for a while and I think there’s some evidence pointing to Saniwa being in league with them at one point before he broke off to start his endless crusade.  But again, this is all just guess work and if Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu isnt willing to put work into even the most basic storytelling elements, I should just stop guessing and leave it be.

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