Wednesday, May 8, 2024

T5W#456-Top 5 FLCL Seasons

I still cant believe that I cant talk about FLCL without specifying which season.  I mean how did we go from one incredibly unique and special OVA of 6 episodes to five with four of those seasons showing immense diminishing returns?  Ok so one theory behind that is this is the same thing that happened with The Big O.  While FLCL was probably meant to be a stand alone series, it’s popularity here in the States convinced Cartoon Network to commission and cofinance more seasons from Gainax.  And like their continuation of The Big O with The Big O II, the results are…mixed at best.  Well since I’ve finished the two more recent (and please God let them be the final) entries, it’s time to rank these suckers from Worst to the obvious best.  Cue up your Pillows Playlist and lets break down the Top 5 FLCL Seasons. 
#5-FLCL Shoekaze
Of all the things Shoekaze could have done: not including Haruko, bringing back the worst protagonist of the season that was the low point before this one, the worst thing it could have done was made FLCL BORING!!!  We spend three episodes following two insufferable leads trying to get to the top of a tower while the lead from Alternative continues to be stuck in her way and show she hasn’t grown one iota as a character.  There’s nothing wacky, only annoying.  There’s nothing game changing, only standard fare.  Unlike Grunge, I’m glad this one was only three episodes long but damn did it feel long and dull.

#4-FLCL Alternative
If there was ever proof that FLCL didn’t need a sequel, Alternative would be that evidence.  Even with Haruko back in action, this prequel doesn’t do anything as revolutionary with the title as its first entry and there isnt much to get everyone excited.  But what really brings it down?  Kanna.  The main protagonist is such a selfish brat and her wish to keep things the way they are only hurts her friends rather than inspires.  She’s easily one the least likeable characters in the entire franchise and I cant believe they brought her back for another round in Shoekaze.

#3-FLCL Grunge
While I agree with everyone that the 3DCG artstyle is kind of hard to look at, what makes Grunge stand out as one of the better FLCL sequels (or prequels in this case) is its cast.  While Haruko admitedlly looks pretty nice, the trio of youth who each get their own episode, with events eventually crossing over one another, are all likeable in their own special ways and get a nice amount of depth and exploration for such a short time.  I actually wish this season was longer than three episodes, maybe a 4th to tie everything together a bit more naturally?  I went into Grunge expecting to be let down but instead feel like this is the one that could have been truly great with an extra episode and better animation.

#2-FLCL Progressive
Doing a sequel to FLCL is an unnecessary task.  But dammit if Progressive isnt trying to do the original justice.  Hidomi and Ide are very different characters from Naota, older and a lot more confused about where they should be in their lives at this point.  Haruko is as wacky as ever and even gets her own rival this time around.  The score by The Pillows is easily the best part with some great new tracks, including the End Theme “Spikey Seeds.”  But Progressive still sometimes tries to hard to go bigger, bolder, darker and crazier and wants to be greater than the sum of its parts.  It doesn’t even come close to topping the original and really, nothing can.  As far as sequels go, it’s fine and FLCL should be more than fine.  Speaking of which.

Where do I even begin to gush about this one?  The music?  The constantly changing animation?  All the easter eggs and Anime references to every single genre?  The ever changing landscape of Naota’s life from “uninteresting” to “the most fun you’ve ever had in your life?”  I still remember how blown away I was checking this out on Adult Swim for the first time and no matter how hard AS tries, this is one gem that remains flawless no matter how badly they try to dim it with each new iteration.  FLCL is easily one of the most perfect Anime out there for me and when people ask me which one I think they should watch, the answer is simple: There is only one and it’s called FOOLY COOLY!!!

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