Monday, June 26, 2023

Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Part 5 Episodes 17-20

A message from Togusa sends Motoko and the rest of Section 9 heading for the ruins of Tokyo, where three million individuals are seemingly gathering under the will of Takashi Shimamura.  Declaring themselves the Nation of “N”, Takashi and Suzuka Mizukane hijack a nuclear submarine to fulfill their true intentions.  With time running out, Section 9 launches into their most desperate mission, unaware that a couple of old friends are also coming along for the ride.

While it may be one of my personal favorite Anime films of all time, I hear a lot of people have a problem with Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence.  No one can deny it’s a visual feast but it’s story and character potrayals have had a more mixed reception.  Some find the heavy handed and forced philosophical quotes to be too much while others cant stand the more somber presentation of the normally cheerful and upbeat Batou.  Personally, yeah the quotes can go over my head but I’m ok with how Batou is handled in the wake of Motoko vanishing and the story can be followed just fine if youre paying attention.  I say this because for all the criticisms Innocence gets, it’s wayyyy easier to follow than anything going on in this set of episodes of SAC_2045.  What should be setup as a close to worst case scenario for Section 9 feels only a little bit like it.  There’s a lot of build up but it’s insanely slow.  And we still have zero insight as to the overall goals and agenda of Takashi and the Post Humans.  All of that adds up to what I can only think of as the most frustratingly annoying set of episodes so far for this season and it makes me dread how this is all going to wrap up.  First things first, let’s go over what went down in this set and try to piece some things together.
Togusa finally returned to the series after sitting out the opening of the second half.  Turns out he’s been missing for two months and stuck in a virtual memory that he thought was his own but turns out it wasn’t.  Wait what?  I know they discussed the usage of a virus program that triggers nostalgic memories but it was implied by Borma and Purin when they tried it that they experienced their own memories.  Togusa sharing an experience with a stranger on a train isn’t properly explained.  The end result of the experience is a bit more laughable.  Apparently, after reliving that traumatic undercover cop opertation gone wrong, both Togusa and his friendly stranger found themselves “purified and free”.  So, let me get this straight: Reliving a traumatic memory, facing it head on and coming out the other side some kind of enlightend?  Yeah if youre a hardcore Star Trek fan, this sounds dangerously close to the power of the “villain” of Star Trek V.  Wow I cant believe that Ghost in the Shell went that route and much like Sybok’s poorly explained capabilities, the how and why the Miniluv Memory Program works isn’t clear either, not a great way to start things off.
The bulk of the episode set found Section 9 slowly making their way to the ruins of Tokyo to confront the Post Humans.  This is where things started to drag and pad out.  I feel like a lot of what happens could have been condensed into one or two episodes.  But in the span of three, it feels like Batou and his team have barely made any progress besides finding Togusa (which I’m happy to see Motoko prioritized that over anything else…not that she would ever let on she’s happy to see Togusa when a mission is in effect).  They mostly just hang around and exposit info we’ve already learned in different scenes or listen to the ramblings of…sigh…Stan…FREAKING STAN!  Why the heck is this guy back in the series?  It’s so forced too.  Stan is sent in with a doomed NSA team to basically be sacrificial lambs to confirm a theory about Post Humans needing to sleep.  It doesn’t do Mizukane’s character any favors when she can off the entire team without raising a finger but Stan somehow survives…lady you had one way to earn some favor with me and you blew it.  Ugh, I haven’t missed this guy and he still thinks he’s the coolest dude on the show for some reason.  Have I mentioned how worried I am about this season not sticking the landing, cause that’s two strikes now (Togusa’s memory trip and Stan).
As for the Post Humans, yeah they’re just standing around not doing much.  Well Mizukane was busy 3D printing her body onto an American Nuclear Sub to slaughter the crew and steal it for the Post Human cause.  Ok, that’s a nifty infiltration but then Mizukane is shown sitting naked and cross legged on the bridge of the ship with a smug look on her face like she’s taunting everyone with what she’s accomplished.  Have I mentioned already that the Post Humans are acting like children, because they are.  As for Takashi, he’s just standing around in a black jacket and brooding, not talking, just brooding.  Seriously, the Laughing Man had an attention grabbing mystery and Kuze had charm and a magnetic presence.  Takashi is just standing in one place and staring.  What’s his goal?  Is his reason for anything still because he lost his schoolgirl crush (who by the way is for some reason leading Togusa on a Mirror’s Edge style run through N as a ghost for some reason)?  I don’t deny Takashi has a sad backstory but that’s all he has.  He has no character, no depth, nothing to explain his actions or motivations.  He’s just an edgy kid trying to be Cyberpunk Sasuke from Naruto.  Also, considering their God Mode like capabilities, why haven’t the Post Humans just wiped everything off the map in Japan?  It’s not like any real attempts to stop or capture them have worked.  And even testing that sleeping theory barely yeidled results as Mizukane woke up and made Stan’s team laugh themselves into a friendly fire incident.  Sigh, I can just see the finale giving me plenty to rant about when and if we find out what the hell is going on with these would be edgelords.
The only good thing to come out of this episode set was the return of Purin.  Reborn, totally naked (except for her glasses.  Seriously, same thing happened with Mizukane’s 3D printed clone, what’s up with that Kamiyama?) Purin quickly pieced together what happened to her and I like how the series did take a minute to let that properly sink in before Purin pulled herself together and got back on the case.  She might not have done much besides catch a ride to Tokyo and get a sexy new outfit but I’m glad Purin’s optimism and energeticness haven’t been erased at all.  Couple of things though.  As much as I like Purin’s outfit, the way she comes by it is kind of creepy (her ride had it in his van and was holding onto it incase he ever found a girlfriend who would cosplay it for him…weird.  It really is just an excuse to have her, Motoko and Mizukane all in skintight black outfits for the final act).  Also, Purin commandeering the poor suckers car and his 3D printed gun is easily in my Top 5 Favorite Purin moments…that and Purin trying to contact the Tachikoma’s only to freak them out and make them start praying to Buddah.  Here’s hoping whatever the finale probably gets wrong, Purin will still have a vital role to play that wont ruin her character.
While it looks like the pieces are in place for an epic finale, a lot of this episode set makes me doubt it’s going to be any good.  Section 9 is up against nearly invincible enemies who have access to a nuke and have yet to issue any demands beyond “Don’t come near our nation of N or we’ll launch Nukes”.  And said enemies are brooding, posing and smirking so hard you’d think they’ve won without doing anything at all.  I hate to say it but for the first time, I’m actually frustrated with a Ghost in the Shell Anime.  It feels like none of the smart and thought provoking writing from the first two seasons or Solid State Society are present and this was really just an excuse to see everyone in CG Animation for one or two decent action scenes.  I feel like I’m pre ranting.  Hopefully I wont have to do a full one as we arrive at the Season (or maybe overall series) Finale of Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 This Friday at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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