Monday, May 15, 2023

Sailor Moon S Part 5 Episodes 111-115

The three Talismans are brought together, revealing the Holy Grail and granting Usagi a new form: Super Sailor Moon.  Despite this revelation, Haruka and Michiru still refuse to work together with the Senshi.  What’s more, the newly returned Sailor Pluto stands with her fellow Outer Senshi, furthering the divide between the two teams.  Meanwhile, Chibiusa meets a kind but sickly girl named Hotaru Tomoe and a friendship soon blossoms.  Little does the girl know, her new best friend actually has very close ties to the leader of the Death Busters themselves. 

If Sailor Moon S has demonstrated anything thus far it’s that it’s been learning and heeding the lessons of its previous two seasons.  This third outing for the Senshi has been the strongest so far and every set of episodes continues to cement that claim, hardly a dud of an episode in the bunch. Character work still needs…well work, especially when it comes to the increasingly frustrating Sailor Uranus and Neptune, who refuse to grow and change their minds about Usagi and the others even after they saved their lives big time.  Overall though, Sailor Moon S has been excellent and now that we’ve crossed the midpoint of the Season, new changes to the status quo have come as well, mostly for the better.  Before we get into all of that though, let’s pick up where that amazingly dark cliffhanger left us on Friday.
Fear not, it didn’t take long for Uranus and Neptune to be fully restored, with Sailor Pluto, back in full effect this time, separating their Heart Crystals from their Talismans and putting them back into their bodies, no harm no foul (wow, see what happens when you open your mind to anything except the worst case scenario, Ladies?).  In the battle against Eudial, Usagi managed to grab the mythical Holy Grail and get a brand new upgrade.  I joked in Sailor Moon R how Usagi had to have Saiyan blood in her veins to withstand Rubeus’ heavy gravity attacks.  But now, she can officially transform into “Super Sailor Moon” when doused in the Holy Grail.  This comes with a cute new Super look for her and she was able to stop Eudial’s flame attack with one hand, very Super Saiyan Goku of her.  However, there are some drawbacks.  For one thing, Usagi’s normal finishing move will no longer work on Daimons unless she’s in Super Mode and after she uses her new Super Powers, it depletes her and leaves her in a weakened state.  I’m sure it’s something she’ll have to work at but after not having a Talisman in her purest of hearts and getting back talked constantly by the Outer Senshi, Usagi was due a reward for continuing to be awesome, especially when she literally ran through the fire and the flames to snag the Holy Grail.
Eudial finally met her end too, but not by the hands of the Senshi a la Kaolinite (more on her in a sec).  The other members of the Witches 5 (now Witches 4), specifically new replacement Mimete, sabotaged Eudial’s car, sending the over the top baddie out in a dark yet fittingly over the top fashion, honestly it was pretty brutal by Sailor Moon standards.  Unfortunately, Eudial’s entertaining amount of extra when it came to her wicked plans and how she carried them out doesn’t translate to Mimete, who’s presented as a fangirl obsessed with every hot actor, singer and celebrity and would rather date them than steal their Heart Crystals.  I’m a little surprised she’s still around by the end of this set, especially since there are three other witches who need to appear in full.  Whereas Eudial was fun as heck, especially in how she flat out abandoned her Monsters to go shopping when a Talisman wasn’t around, Mimete just comes off as whiny and annoying and step down from villains that have come before.
However, there is a villain who is teased constantly in this set who would dwarf every baddie before now and set a new high bar for Big Bads for Sailor Moon to come.  And that is…a sickly girl who has become Chibiusa’s new best friend.  Hotaru seems cute and nice and her scenes with Chibiusa are a highlight.  There’s a very genuine and cute instant bond between them and its just nice to see Chibiusa happy and making a major difference in the life of a girl who is living a secret cursed life even she isn’t aware of.  It’s kind of obvious though that Hotaru’s “Other Half” is a creepy as heck little girl sitting on a throne of toys kind of like the titular Akira in the Akira Manga.  Shrouded in darkness (to hide that its Hotaru im sure) and desperate for Heart Crystals, the Messiah of Silence continues the creepy trend the villains have been on this season, though she isn’t cracking dark and twisted jokes like the Professor…who is revealed to be none other than Hotaru’s father, Professor Souichi Tomoe.  Oh and Kaolinite’s back.  I don’t know if she’s a clone or if it’s the original Kaolinite who somehow survived her battle with the Senshi.  All I know is that she’s still assisting the Professor and Hotaru flat out hates her, like ready to unleash Tetsuo levels of power against her at any moment (I’m gonna be making a lot of Akira references at Hotaru’s expense, I apologize).
After most of a Season of Uranus and Neptune being totally cold and dismissive towards Usagi and the girls, having Sailor Pluto back, er, sorry, Setsuna, was very welcome.  Unlike her fellow Outer Senshi, Setsuna has no problem sitting down with the others to fill in a few details and even spend some time with Chibiusa (lest we forget the two of them were friends long before now).  I do sort of get why she feels duty bound to side with Uranus and Neptune on their mission but at least Pluto seems more willing to help Sailor Moon when the need calls for it.  As for Uranus and Neptune, seriously, how thick headed can these two be?  Even after their mission to find the Holy Grail is complete, they refuse to team up with the others because A. They’d apparently just get in the way and B. the rather childish mindset of “This is our mess, we’ll clean it up.”  How much more do Usagi and the others have to do to prove they can stand with these two in battle before Uranus and Neptune actually accept them?  You know, for all their claiming theyre older and more mature, these two really are the most immature characters in Sailor Moon and it speaks volumes when the youngest of the cast if way more reliable and good hearted than they are (Chibiusa you keeping being as awesome as your Mom).
I think that about wraps it up for this set of episodes.  Usagi’s now a Sailor Moon Super Saiyan, Uranus and Neptune are still stubborn to the point of infurity, Sailor Pluto is back and as fine as ever and Chibiusa has befriended the embodiment of the harbinger of the apocalypse.  There’s a lot of ground to cover and only two reviews left in this stellar and wildly entertaining season.  HOWEVER, we’ll be taking a mini break on Friday so I can review something related to the upcoming Fast and the Furious sequel, Fast X.  The penultimate chapter of Sailor Moon S begins Next Monday, right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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