Monday, October 7, 2019

Hellsing Ultimate Part 1 Episodes 1-2

Forget what you think you know.  Monsters are real and they come in all kinds of terrifying forms.  For the ones that threaten England, there is only one group capable of dealing with them: The Hellsing Organization.  What makes this group stand out from your average monster hunters?  They have a monster of their own, the ultimate Vampire Hunter, Alucard.  A dying Police Girl, Seras Victoria, is brought in by Alucard himself and she begins a journey into the night filled with Vampires, Ghouls and horrifying man made weapons.  Monsters beware when there’s a blood red moon and Alucard prowls the night.

Every Halloween I try to find a horror themed Anime for the month of October.  This little tradition kicked off back in 2016 with my review of the original Hellsing TV Series.  Ever since I tackled that one, I’ve wondered when id get to the truer to the source material OVA that followed it years later.  Well, that day has come.  Alucard, Integra, Seras and the gang have all come back for another go.  Welcome, ladies and gents, to Hellsing Ultimate.

From the get go, this OVA could not look or feel more different from its TV Series predecessor.  From the oddly thinner character designs to the operatic score to the oceans of blood, Hellsing Ultimate is doing everything the TV Series could not and running with the carnage at full speed.  Of my numerous thoughts on the TV Series, I noted that despite its unique artstyle and creepy factor, the violence still seemed tame compared to what Hellsing and other Horror Anime are capable of.  Well Ultimate isn’t holding back and is allowing Alucard and company to move and cut loose (literally) like never before.  The action is far more fast paced and stylized with blood gushing from every decapitation and limb removal.  This is Hellsing unleashed and fans of gory action will welcome this more uncut approach.  It helps that the masters of Action Anime insanity, Studio Madhouse, have been recruited to this task of a title.  Don’t get me wrong, one thing Gonzo got right with its TV adaptation was the more arthouse style of animation that helped distinguish Hellsing as a must check out title (even if everything else didn’t measure up).  The OVA so far feels like this is how Hellsing should have been done from the beginning. 

Adding to the experience is the return of the bulk of the TV Series English Dub Cast.  It helps remind us why we loved the TV dub so much.  It wasn’t perfect but the cast had a lot of charm for such a dark series.  Crispin Freeman reprises one of his most famous roles as the ever so too cool for school Alucard, who is able to both mystify with his darkly wisdom and trash talk opponents like never before.  Steven Brand is once again having a blast as the Irish accented murder machine that is Father Alexander Anderson.  He also brings a surprising amount of added likeabilty as we get to see Anderson mentoring a pair of young children and even speaking with low level calm before he fights Alucard and is able to cackle and go stir crazy like we all love to see.  Still rocking the MVP of this first pair of episodes is Josh Phillips as the younger Valentine Brother, Jan.  He’s still allowed to be as vulgar and dark as his original role and you can tell that only he could somehow make you both terrified and also laugh out loud with all of the words coming out of Jan Valentine’s mouth (“Bringing the mother f***** death by Konami”).  K.T. Gray, Victoria Harwood and Ralph Lister all do admirable jobs back again as Seras, Integra and Walter respectively.  In short, it’s good to have the band back together.

For all the flashy action and returning voices, the premiere of Hellsing Ultimate has a few flaws too.  Most of them lie in the first episode itself.  It doesn’t play so much as a premiere as much as it does a quickly paced compilation feature.  We barely have any time to take in the introduction of Alucard and Hellsing as well as see Victoria start to adjust to life as a Vampire and a Hellsing operative.  Things kind of simmer down (or rather heat up) when Anderson comes into play.  Prior to that though, it’s like the plot is hopscotching just to get to that particular duel (which is also the best part of the episode).  Both episodes also have some weird CG monster models roaming about that feel out of place.  Sure the CG is fine when brandishing the weapons of Hellsing in action (I WANT A JACKAL COMBAT PISTOL PLEASE!!!).  But for the random Ghouls wandering about, it didn’t seem quite right.  I’ll also say…I miss the TV Series soundtrack.  The music of Ultimate tends to be more grandiose and operatic which compliments a series with the scale to match.  But the TV Series score by Yasushi Ishii is a beloved classic for a reason, offering a mix of Jazz and haunted house for to every scene it was featured in, even the action.  You cant deny how cool the opening and ending theme songs were either.  I miss them.

Well while nostalgia for the better parts of the TV Series cant be ignored, Hellsing Ultimate is off to a good and terrifying start.  Lots of teeth, monsters, bullets and blood along with the welcome return of some familiar voices help get the series going right and it looks like each episode is going to cover a full volume of the Manga too (10 episodes for 10 Volumes). And with episodes clocking in between 45-60mins each, I think we’ll get plenty of our fill on cool Vampire action and intense Horror Anime thrills.  See ya next week as Alucard takes a vacation…the Alucard kind of vacation.

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