Wednesday, October 5, 2022

T5W#373-Top 5 Moments from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 20 years since Mobile Suit Gundam SEED first brought the Gundam franchise into the new millennium in a big way.  Love it or hate it (me it’s fine, it’s nowhere near as bad as Seed Destiny), SEED had a popularity so massive which hadn’t been seen since the days of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (at least in Japan anyway).  This was all thanks to a mix of  impressive mecha designs, high flying action, pulse pounding music and iconic Jpop OPs and EDs, and, maybe most importantly, the character drama surrounding childhood leads Kira Yamato and Athrun Zala, who’s handsome character designs were beloved by a legion of female fans (not unlike the Gundam Boys of Wing).  So with Gundam SEED turning 20 today, a Wednesday of all days, I’m gonna use todays Top 5 Wednesday to look at my picks for favorite moments from this mega milestone in the Gundam Saga.  It’s my Top 5 Moments from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED.
#5-Lacus is Pregnant?
Like that moment in Spy X Family when Anya wakes up from a disturbance, thinks it’s a bomb or the apocalypse and goes right back to sleep, this is a minor moment but man I love it.  After spending her first episodes on the Archangel, Lacus Clyne is taken by Kira to be escorted back to ZAFT by Athrun.  Lacus, this early on in the series, is wearing very Disney esque poofy outfits and it doesn’t easily fit into a standard space suit. So when Kira hands Lacus over to Athrun, Lacus has a bulging belly, almost like she’s pregnant.  The look on Athrun’s face when he looks right down at it is priceless.  At this point in SEED, Athrun and Lacus are engaged and it’s been an indeterminate time since they last saw one another.  The hundreds of ideas running through Athrun’s head, God so many jokes.  It’s brief but it is easily the funniest moment in the entire show, especially considering how dark and heavy it is.

#4-Gundam Rising
Gundam SEED is seen by many as a new rendition of the original Gundam Series from its basic premise of Earth Federation vs. ZAFT (aka Zeon) to the reusage of many familiar OG series events.  Nothing exemplifies this claim more than the very beginning, which sees ZAFT attack a neutral colony housing a not so secret Federation Mobile Suit development operation.  There are elements of Gundam 0083 and Zeta Gundam with several Gundams getting Gundamjacked (not a played out trope yet but then Seed Destiny happened next and did the same thing all over again).  Still, the quintessential launch point for Gundam SEED was at the conclusion of it’s first episode, where Kira took the helm of the Strike, like Amuro with the RX-78-2 before him.  And as the base hanger burned down around it, we saw the Gundam rise once again…pretty damn epic moment in the overall franchise.

#3-The Destruction of JOSH-A
Up until now, Gundam SEED was playing the two major warring sides much like the old Federation and Zeon feud, Feds were more or less the good guys and ZAFT as the bad guys.  But once the Archangel got to JOSH-A, the Earth Alliance showed their true colors.  Not only did they anticipate an all out invasion of their main Alaskan HQ by ZAFT, they had their own double cross in mind.  They lured the entire attack force in and vaporized everything in the immediate vicinity and when I say vaporized, I mean vaporized.  Several ZAFT and left over Alliance Officers are literally puffed up and popped like balloons (Akira style) by electrical discharges and that’s before the entire JOSH-A base goes up in a fireball of death.  It’s arguably one of the biggest and bloodiest sequences in the Gundam franchise and proof that if you unless you were on the Archangel or were Athrun, Lacus or Cagalli, neither side was the one to be on in this war.

#2-Kira vs. Athrun-No Holds Barred
It was the moment the entire series had been building itself towards since the moment Kira and Athrun reunited in Episode 1, since before the series even aired and they were announced as the series leads.  Kira and Athrun had squared off a few times before now but theyre long standing friendship always kept those fights as skirmishes than all out brawls.  But when both lose very close friends and teammates at each others hands, enough is enough.  Under a stormy sky, Kira and Athrun clash in one of the most emotionally driven duels in the entire franchise and neither is gonna stop unless one or the other is dead.  While the pair do survive (Kira’s presumed dead for a bit though), both of their Gundams are truly and utterly destroyed.  Well better them than the pilots.  Personally, save for our #1 choice, this was definitely the high point of Gundam SEED for me.

#1-The Reveal of the Freedom Gundam
I’ve talked about this moment in the past and not only is it my favorite moment in SEED, it’s one of my favorites in all of Gundam.  After taking some time to heal, Kira decides to head back to Earth to help his friends and Lacus, who’s been taking care of him, is more than happy to help.  She sneaks him into a secret Mobile Suit hanger and presents him with, the ZGMF-X10A Freedom…or as a surprised Kira calls it, “A GUNDAM?”  This is such a great moment as Lacus is totally taken aback by Kira’s strange name for the Mobile Suit but quickly decides that “Gundam” has a far better ring to it.  From this point on, every Gundam Mobile Suit made in the Cosmic Era bears the name.  Plus, it’s the Freedom, arguably the best suit of the series, this should be the first suit to officially be designated a Gundam.

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