Wednesday, June 6, 2018

T5W#147-Top 5 Thoughts going into FLCL: Progressive (and sort of FLCL: Alternative)

Well folks, its here.  18 years after it’s debut in Japan and 15 years after its legendary Adult Swim run, FLCL is back with not one but TWO new seasons.  FLCL: Progressive, the second season, kicked off this past Saturday and you can check out my First Impressions of it on Friday during FIF.  FLCL: Alternative, the third season, is set to air in September, both on Toonami.  For those of you who don’t know, FLCL is my favorite Anime of all time (yes more than Gundam, shocking I know).  The thought of a sequel, let alone two, seems daunting and scary.  I mean why tarnish the legacy of a good thing when it’s just that, a good thing?  Well, the trailers have shown promise, both visually and thanks to some reassuring musical beats from The Pillows (who are back to do the score for both seasons).  And while I have seen the first episode (seen this Fridays FIF for more again), I still have overarching thoughts and theories going into this new adventure with Haruhara Haruko and her Rickenbacker Guitar.  DAMN I should have done this last week but now’s as good a time as any.  These are my Top 5 Thoughts going into FLCL: Progressive (and sort of FLCL: Alternative)


#5-New (kind of familiar) setting and characters
The teaser trailer for both FLCL: Progressive and FLCL: Alternative showed off some sights one would consider familiar to FLCL: high school setting, random streets with trains and distant shots of towns with giant iron looking buildings on high hills.  It makes me wonder if we’re going back to Mabase City from the first series or jetting over to a brand new location.  It would stand to reason Medical Mechanica would have other irons in other parts of the world if they wanted to run them all across the planet.  Of the new characters seen so far, the one who has my eye is the cute girl with the kitty cat headphones (they just seem cool).  And there’s the shades sporting “other Haruko”, but I’ll get back to her in a little bit.


#4-Where is Everybody (from Season One)?
This is probably one of the first questions to think of going into more FLCL.  From the trailers so far, only Haruko has been seen as the chief returning character.  Given she’s an alien, I doubt she ages like a normal human (and judging from Amarao’s reactions in the first series its easy to think she looked the same when she met him as a kid).  Even so, Naota and his family and friends are nowhere to be seen in any previews.  Are we in a new city and not Mabase?  How about Mamimi?  And Canti, when we last saw Naota’s robot sidekick he was still beating blankets at Naota’s family bakery.


#3-Nightmarish Imagery
Though we only see snippets, some of the “End of Eva” esque sights of desolate, post apocalyptic wastelands and decaying bodyparts and giant robots cant be ignored.  Is this a potential future the new leads will be striving to prevent in Season 2 (or 3)?  Is Haruko possibly the cause of this?  I wouldn’t put it past her since she was willing to let Naota’s hometown be destroyed to get what she wanted.  And speaking of Haruko…

#2-Haruko’s new game (and rival?)
She’s back, with new hair and the same zany attitude that defined her along with her signature guitar.  When last we saw Haruhara Haruko, she was flying off into space after Atamusk, who was freed from Naota during FLCL’s “Fooly Climax.”  Did she eventually find it and if not, why is she back?  Even more interesting is the back seat riding “other Haruko” who is sporting shades and a car that drives itself (that doesn’t seem bothered by running into people either).  Are she and Haruko from the same…idk species, clan (grouping?) and is she here to fight Haruko, help her or something else altogether?  Wherever Haruko goes, chaos follows and it looks like Progressive and Alternative will continue that happy trend. 


#1-How will Progressive connect to Alternative?
This question is kind of silly to ask.  However, I know there were plenty of Toonami faithful who saw the April Fools Day airing of FLCL: Alternative’s first episode so they might already have some inkling of an answer to this one.  Still, it’s hard to pick apart from the trailers which footage will belong to which season.  Plus there’s something I heard about how these sequels were described: Progressive is a direct continuation of FLCL while Alternative will be something almost totally different…cryptic but I still have to wonder if one will tie into the other somehow.  The only thing I know for certain is that Haruko will be the only confirmed character appearing in both stories (heck could Alternative even be a prequel? Hmmm).  However this comes to be, it’ll be a very hard wait between when FLCL: Progressive ends (in early July) and FLCL: Alternative begins (in September).

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