Monday, December 11, 2017

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt Part 2 Episodes 4-6

The Anarchy Sisters are barely making any headway in getting back into Heaven.  Even though they’d like to say “screw it” and just sit around all day, fate isn’t going to let them off that easily.  And when two sexy demon siblings by the name of Scanty and Kneesocks step into their school, it is on like never before.  Panty and Stocking have found rivals with powers that equal their own.  What’s their objective?  Who are they working for?  Actually, do Panty and Stocking even care?  Probably not.  But no demon tramps are muscling in on their turf, not if they have anything to say about it.

The weird gets weirder.  The gross gets grosser.  And the overall feeling of fun that both combine to make hits overdrive in Panty and Stockings second week.  Things were a bit all over the map but that’s kind of how this show does.  For every action filled moment of bad ass, there was a moment where id recommend not eating anything while watching this show.  And yes, there was actually a minisode that did gross me right out more than anything yet just because it was…such a strange, strange fetish to watch catch on…for lack of a better term at the moment, it was gross.

But that was just one segment of an otherwise very solid second week. Of the many successes of the stand alone stories, two really stood out to me.  The first was Stockings weight crisis.  It really isn’t something I should be laughing at as I know there are plenty of people out there with their own weight struggles.  And yet somehow, the fact that this is probably happening to one of the cruelest individuals on the planet might be the best way to defend the laughs.  For all the kick ass Panty and Stocking bring to the party, it’s easy to see why they got kicked out of heaven in the first place and it is oddly satisfying to see them get humiliated every once in a while.  In this case, it just so happened to be Stockings turn (since Panty got a lot of humiliation focus last week actually).  Stockings Rocky Balboa monatage filled quest to get in shape followed by her literal blow up, which helped her fight a massive sweets spouting monster (creating cakes through disgusting means mind you) was one of the best stories yet. 

Then there was an episode that I could have sworn looked like something out of a Satoshi Kon film.  An aging office worker in Tokyo finds himself at wits end from his abusive boss and his coworkers.  When he finally reaches his breaking point and chugs a mountain of beer, he creates an enormous…well vomit demon.  The very different animation style could catch one off guard right off the bat but the story still maintains PSG’s sharp writing and humor.  Of course, Panty and Stocking do show up.  While I was asking myself about how often they must show up to actual Tokyo to deal with Demons, I remember that this is PSG and I should just stop asking logical questions.  Still, it all worked out for the Office Worker, who ended up getting Panty and Stockings autograph for his little girl, who happens to be a fan of theirs…even cursing like they do…great parenting.

Of course the big takeaway from this week was the arrival of the sexy Demon Commando Sisters, Scanty and Kneesocks.  The clash between high sophistication (albiet from Demons) vs. the party til you drop mindset of the lead duo was nothing short of spectacular.  In many way, Scanty and Kneesocks are the perfect rivals for the fallen angels.  Prim, proper, hot as hell (literally) and bearing combat skills near equal to the girls, they brought the fun and we got a really good thirty minute action filled romp as a result.  Actually yeah, this was the first episode to be a full half hour long story, through there was a “To Be Continued” before the episode break but I still count it as one.  And not only did it set up the Demon Sisters inevitable return (they just have to come back, they were too much fun), but we also got a hint of a big bad who knows Garterbelt and might be planning something nasty for later in the show.  It’s the first indication of a true connective tissue behind the scenes.  Should also note, the big battle gave us the most intense look at Chuck yet, in a driving match against his Scanty and Kneesocks counterpart, Fastener.  It’s so good I had to make it the icon for this weeks review.

I was laughing a bit more this week than I was last week.  Not that the premiere week was bad, I just see it as a sign the show is still doing a good job keeping me entertained despite the gross out levels escalating.  I almost wonder if im hindering myself a bit by not going into more detail about the lewd and disgusting places Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt can go sometimes…and then I remember, trying to write with a teeny handicap is part of whats making this whole review so much more fun for me.  Let’s see if I can keep things going next week as Panty and Stocking continue their sexy demon slaying antics for sex, sweets and Heaven Coins…not necessarily in that order.

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