Friday, July 7, 2023

Gundam Build Divers Part 3 Episodes 9-12

The Mass Diver epidemic has reached critical status and now threatens to begin tearing down all of Gunpla Battle Nexus Online.  In response, Kyoya and Rommel announce the formation of a special Coalition specifically tasked with ending this threat to GBN once and for all, and they want Team Build Divers to join them.  It’s all out war with the very fate of GBN as dozens of players both old and new face off against a nearly invincible enemy.  Riku heads right into the heart of the battle, unaware that one of this closest teammates is hiding a dangerous secret that could destroy their efforts to save GBN.  Will Ayame’s secret destroy the Build Divers just as they’re coming together? 

For all the fun being had, it was only a matter of time before Gundam Build Divers decided to get serious about the Mass Diver plague sweeping GBN.  And while it never got full on dour like a more traditional Gundam series, Build Divers still had its fair share of emotionally gut punching moments but also an equal amount of tremendous heart to push through this epic battle.  This set also showed some of the most glaring and infuriating flaws in the series to date but they haven’t taken away my complete enjoyment of Riku and Team Build Divers’ adventures.  This is basically the mid point of the show so lets get into it shall we?
The prelude to the big showdown with the Mass Divers came in a long awaited rematch between Riku and the two brothers he and Yuki clashed with in their first couple of visits to GBN: Ogre and Doji.  Ogre is an interesting mix of charicatures from G Gundam and Gundam 00, in that he has the battle hungry heart of a Gundam Fighter and is borderline fixated on it to the point of an insastiable fetish like Graham Acker (though he’s much more likeable).  He’s a good first rival for Riku and seeing the two of them square off after Riku’s had time to level up was great.  Sadly, their duel was interrupted thanks to Doji using a Break Decal to try and defeat Riku, who had soundly defeated him in their first battle. We’ve seen instances of Players using Break Decals in order to secure their standing in teams or level up quickly and some have realized that they don’t know what kind of deadly tech theyre dealing with.  They can be sympathetic but I didn’t feel that for Doji at all.  When we first met him, he was bullying new players and trying to play it off to his big bro.  We haven’t spent anymore time with Doji outside of sparce appearances and while we got some of his character motivations in this episode, I just cant bring myself to feel bad for a player abusing cheater.  Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that he’s his younger brother, Ogre might’ve kicked Doji out of his Force altogether.  But for now, Ogre conceded to Riku and put his Force on self imposed exile for the time being.  Way to ruin it for everyone Doji but props to Ogre for taking responsibility for his teammate/brothers despicable performance.
Next, we got to meet someone who’s definitely my least favorite character in the show so far: The Game Master.  In a scene that really lit a fire in me, we saw Kyoya speak directly with the GM about the Mass Diver outbreak and why the powers that be in GBN aren’t doing anything about it.  According to the GM…it’s because of a lack of evidence.  FRAKING WHAT?!!! Even if Break Decals can delete their data when destroyed and make it look like they never existed, there’s still a crap ton of visual footage showing them in use by other players and its creating clear game breaking glitches that are getting increasingly worse.  And yet the GM and Administration are like “eh not enough evidence”.  Yeah screw them, screw the GM, and that was kind of Kyoya’s reaction too.  I don’t care if the GM takes the form of an SD Jegan from Char’s Counterattack and F91, and gives Kyoya a slight hand in the final battle.  He still let this mess carry on because, at the end of the day, he’s too freaking lazy to do his job…I’d make a joke about current video game developers…but I wont.
Anyway, with that rant done, Kyoya brought together a coalition of Forces for a massive counterattack against the Mass Divers, including all of the Veteran Players, the Build Divers and…the IRON MASKS…ok so they didn’t do much but it was still so cool to see a team comprised of mask wearing Char clones including Char Aznable, Rau Le Cruset from Gundam Seed, Harry Ord from Turn A Gundam, Zechs Merquise from Gundam wing and Cazzaro Ronah from F91, ironically his character is who the group is named after.  This led to what Gundam always does best: super huge battle sequence in space and Build Divers did not disappoint.  You had tons of Gunpla smashing against one another, regenerating enemies, even a Big Zam as the Final Boss of the entire fight.  This might be a kids centric show but it’s still Gundam and Build Divers hasn’t forgotten how to give us large scale action sequences with a lot at stake.
Speaking of, Ayame.  Oh man, as a guy who has been part of gaming teams that have fallen apart for various reasons, I sympathize with the cute Ninja girls backstory.  Apparently, she was working with the still unnamed Mastermind behind the Mass Divers in order to get back a precious treasure that belonged to her all SD Gundam Force.  As I said, the finale dialed up the emotional factor for two major sequences.  Seeing Ayame’s crew rise through the ranks having fun, only to suffer such a meteoric fall it destroys the teams morale and sends them their separate ways was heartbreaking.  But on the opposite end, even after all the hurt Ayame’s brought and suffered, Riku’s still willing to give her a home to come back to in GBN and be there to shoulder her pain along with her.  Plus you had Kyoya keeping the fighting spirit alive with the Coalition, even with the odds so heavily stacked against them was so great.  And nothing beats the gorgeous visual of the 00 Diver Ace pulling out V2 Gundam Wings of Light to inspire GBN to never give up.  This show has been heavy on the power of friendship and hope and it’s kind of refreshing to see in a franchise that goes super hard on the “war is hell” metaphor.  But as I say frequently, this aint normal Gundam, so it’s ok to hope without witnessing a couple of genocides.  Damn this show has so much heart…I’m not crying, youre crying
The only other part where this mid series finale suffered was the Mastermind.  We don’t have a name and his motivation is beyond generic, in fact it isn’t even given a proper explanation.  All we get is some whiny troll who hates how sunny and happy GBN is and he keeps calling it a sham of a world.  Whatever terrible experience he had to drive him to this level of crazy is still unknown.  But we’ve seen lost players get brought back to the light through people like Riku.  Is the real solution to this guys hangups just giving him a hug?  Either way, even though this entire storyline could have wrapped the series altogether at just 12 episodes, we don’t get any resolution for the Mastermind.  So is the Mass Diver struggle really over if he’s still out there and could potentially cause more problems?  Whatever happens, there’s got to be more to this guy than “WAH WAH WAH I’M GONNA KEEP CRYING AND BREAKING THE GAME UNTIL I FEEL BETTER”.
And yeah, I think that just about covers the conclusion of the first half of Gundam Build Divers.  Like I said, this all could have been a mostly solid ending were the show to stop here.  But now that the Mass Divers are done, what now?  Well, to quote Eric Cartman from the World of Warcraft episode of South Park, “What do you mean?  Now we get to play the game.”  Still, we’re far from done with GBN as we head into the second half of Gundam Build Divers, starting Next Monday right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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