Wednesday, February 26, 2020

T5W#237-Top 5 Black Characters in Anime

While Anime tends to steer its stories and character designs towards its native populace, several projects expand to include nationalities from all over the world at large with shows like Cowboy Bebop, Black Lagoon and Mobile Suit Gundam.  Since I’m taking on the Afro Samurai saga this week as my shout out to Black History Month, it only seemed right I should look beyond the bloodsoaked revenge tale of Samuel L. Jacksons bad ass and spotlight other African American inspired and designed characters in Anime for this weeks Top 5 Wednesday: my Top 5 Black Characters in Anime.

#5-The Freemans (The Boondocks)
Ok, yes The Boondocks isn’t technically Anime.  It’s so heavily inspired by Anime (especially Samurai Champloo, the confirmed all time fav from series creator Aaron MacGruder) that it would be tough not to shout out to this dysfunctional family unit.  Each member of the Freeman family represents an aspect of African American culture in the US: Robert, the old man set in his way; Riley, the hip hop loving rebel; and Huey, the kid who doesn’t like what he sees overall and might just want to start a revolution.  Their budding personalities make for some of most hilarious moments in TV history.  However, it’s when the walls break down and you see the more tender moments that show these three are indeed family and are there for each other that the Freemans truly shine.

#4-Claudia LaSelle (Super Dimension Fortress Macross)
It’s extremely refreshing to see a woman of color on the bridge of one of the most powerful ships in all of Anime.  Claudia LaSelle (Or Claudia Grant as she’s known in Robotech), is in charge of weapons and navigation aboard the Super Dimension Fortress MAcross…that means this girl is in charge of flying the titanic battleship through any enemy fleet or hard to navigate crevice in space, damn impressive.  Plus Claudia serves as a pretty integral figure in the storylines of several characters: most notably being the best friend and confidant of Misa Hayase and the girlfriend of eternal Veritech bad ass Roy Focker.  Spoiler alert, her relationship with Roy wouldn’t last since he dies midway.  But the fact that an interracial relationship was an important plot point to one of the most game changing Anime of all time is definitely worth a shoutout. 

#3-Dutch (Black Lagoon)
If Black Lagoon is supposed to be a love letter to excess and 80s action films, Dutch is the much more serious Terry Crews from The Expendables.  As leader of the Lagoon Company, Dutch doesn’t take any crap from anyone and he barely has to say a word to make that know.  Just glimpse this tower statue of a man with blacker than black sunglasses and a shimmering bald head and you know who’s in charge in the room.  Dutch is an excellent negotiator, businessman, slayer of Neo Nazi’s and one of the few who can keep loose cannon Revy in line.  He might value his crew but he wont hesitate to pull rank, and his gun, if things get a bit too out of hand.  Basically, he’s the best boss ever.

#2-Afro Samurai (Afro Samurai)
He’s a lone samurai warrior with an Afro who just so happens to be a Samurai.  He’s a literal Afro Samurai.  In a way, Afro feels like the character every kid came up with in their head at one point after watching Dragon Ball Z or Rurouni Kenshin: a stylish and deadly black bad ass with a killer sword, unrivaled skill and no penchant for BS.  Pair that dream design mentality with the character arc of an old school gunslinger and give him the voice of Samuel L. freaking Jackson and you’ve got the perfect fan response to the violent Anime genre: a character we all wish we could have made on our own and are glad we got one way or another. 

#1-Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)
Jet is a great many things in Cowboy Bebop: grizzled ex cop; owner and chief pilot of the Bebop itself; older brother figure and best friend to Spike and Faye.  We all love him for being a bad ass with a cool head and a cooler robotic arm.  But Jet’s also one of the wisest friends everyone needs in their life: the counterbalance to impulsiveness and the guy we want watching our backs when going after any dangerous bounty head.  Plus, he cooks a mean Bell Peppers and Beef…even if there isn’t any Beef.  Jet Black, the best big brother and bounty hunter you never knew you needed until you heard him voiced by Beau Billingsley.

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