Monday, February 26, 2018

Pilot Candidate Part 4 Episode 10-12

With Erts promoted to the rank of Goddess pilot, the coveted top spot for head of the class is open once again.  Should any Pilot/Repairer team claim this spot, they’ll be the next in line should a spot on the roster open up.  Zero and Hiead are more determined than ever to outclass one another.  But when a Victim force, the largest ever recorded, begins to overwhelm the Goddesses, the young men will see battle for the first time.  All of their training, all of their bonding with the Repairers, their fine tuning as potential Goddess pilots, has led to this battle.  Will Zero, Hiead, Kizuna, Ikhny and their classmates find their dreams at the end of their greatest trial?
Thank God this poor waste of Anime is over and done with…cause im all out of sympathy, im all out of brain power to dedicate to it and to make matters worse, there isn’t even an attempt to end on a good note.  I mentioned last week that Pilot Candidate is the eqivalent of a ship crashing through multiple planets.  Well now it hit the inevitable wall…and the crash is more infuriating than the fall.
What’s kind of funny about this is that the finale is split into two parts between three episodes.  Episodes 10 and 11 are the last episodes aired of the TV series and Episode 12 is an OVA meant for…who knows, I don’t even think it itself knows.  Well with all that’s happened so far, we had to see the boys finally go into battle.  There was just one problem and it wasn’t with Zero (for once).  Nor was it the bad CG failing one last time to live up to any standards or potential.  I mean come on: thousands of Victims and the mechas all move like crap around them? WHO GREENLIT THIS ARTISTIC APPROACH??!!!  Ahem, sorry, right what problem was worse than that?  It was more on the side of Hiead and Ikhny, but mostly Ikhny.  They have never explained how Pilots an Repairers are paired on GOA but Hiead and Ikhny are the most mismatched of any of the bunch.  Hiead wants to be the best and kill anyone who gets in his way.  Ikhny is so desperate to earn his approval and praise…she freaking sabotages Zero’s Pro-Ing without realizing that their training exercise is about to turn into a live battle.  Wow just…wow.  There’s dumb, then there’s Zero stupid, and now there is Ikhny dumb.  Why didn’t she get a new partner?  Could anyone see she and Hiead weren’t working well together?  Could the not so good as his job instructor take a break from chiding, then smiling at Zero to keep an eye on this kind of BS happening right under his nose?  As you can tell, this pisses me off but more so, KIZNA FORGIVES HER!!!!  Ikhny’s attempt to get her no chance in Hell boyfriend to look at her and smile almost got Kizna’s partner killed in the process.  You don’t forgive stuff like that on a mere whim.  Maybe it’s because at that point, the series was done and they didn’t want too many plot threads dangling when all was said and done…
Why is Victim so dead set on eliminating Zion?  Just what are the Goddesses really?  What is Teela’s connection to the head of GOA?  Is there anyone actually alive on Zion?  Why does Kizna cover for Ikhny for almost killing her partner?  What’s up with everyones pasts getting taken away?  Just who the hell is the girl inside the Goddess who keeps calling to Zero?  Is he still meant to pilot Galoo’s Goddess and not the White One like he wants?  Was Hiead a serial killer in his past?  Why does Teela not need a Repairer when everyone else has one?  Will Zero and Kizna ever make it to where we always see them in the intro: with Zero in a Goddess Pilot Uniform, piloting Teela’s Goddess with Kizna backing him up?
You know, just all the questions ive been asking since the show began that (shocking) never got answered?  And then there’s the OVA, which does nothing to fix that problem.  Instead, it offers us mostly clips from earlier episodes spliced in with a too little too late flashback to the early days of the current Goddess Pilot roster…except Teela.  Focusing mostly on the fallen Ernest, looking over his brother Erts in the present day, the OVA finale tries to make me care about a group of pilots we spent way too little time around and I don’t care about them anymore once the credits started.  Why did the OVA even exist?  Was there a plan to bring back Pilot Candidate for…reasons?  Whatever the logic was behind it, clearly things didn’t pay off.  Pilot Candidate is dead in the water, in the deepest chasm, never to rise again.
Finally I can get into my final thoughts.  Pilot Candidate is terrible, worse than I had been led to believe.  The first couple of episodes work as a very, very rough proof of concept with a dash of nostalgia for the early days of Adult Swim Anime.  Afterwards, the show becomes a mess of cliché ideas, cliché characters, cliché mysteries and a crap ton of unanswered questions.  The 2D animation isn’t the worst ever in hindsight but the 3D art never gets better and really drags everything else down.  I mean if anything we should have some cool mecha battles to look forward to in order to make up for lack of a good story, right? WRONG!!!  And just when you think things cant get any worse…it just gets boring.  I swear I don’t remember half of the story or any character development, if at all cause I was falling asleep plenty of times on this one.  Though sometimes I was falling asleep to the soundtrack because it wasn’t bad, certainly better than this show deserved.  And, to some credit, while they move like garbage, the Goddess designs hold promise, which again is never really fulfilled. 
“For those with wings, fly to your dreams”…or you know do that but stay as far as you freaking can form this one

I heard this show was bad, but I never expected this level of bad.  Silent Mobius: The Series can rest a little easy…a show worse than that has come along.
Final score for Pilot Candidate aka The Candidate for Goddess is 2/10.
Hope that was worth the two week break and build up for everyone.  I’ll see ya next week as I close in on the 4th Anniversary of the Gundam Anime Corner, starting with the GAC debut of Kakegurui.

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