Monday, February 5, 2018

Pilot Candidate Part 2 Episodes 4-6

With their introductory cirriculum’s completed, Zero and his classmates are now introduced to their partners, the Repairers.  These girls will follow their Pilots to hell and back…if they can get along.  How will Zero react when he discovers his partners peculiar feature?  And who is this strange ace pilot named Erts, who feels a kinship with Zero?  Meanwhile, the current roster of Goddess pilots find themselves up against tougher Victim, some that can even withstand their most powerful weapons.  Have the Goddess’ reached their limit or are the pilots beginning to falter?

Well before I reached the now halfway point of this series, ive begun to realize why this show failed to find an audience and eventually become forgotten by time.  Even though one or two things might find a way to make me go “ok this isn’t bad”, the rest of Pilot Candidate continues to be uninteresting, unoriginal or unnecessary.  And sometimes, it’s just plain annoying.
This week, the Candidates met their Repairers, all girls who will serve as their support crews in battle.  Of the five introduced, only three get significant screentime and even then TWO are the central focus, and you get two guesses as to why that is.  That’s because Kizna and Ikhny are the Repairers of Zero and Hiead respecitvley and yeah, neither seem like a good fit (even if Zero and Kizna do make some progress).  For starters, Zero’s annoyance hits new levels when he basically ignores Kizna and insists on continuing to call every girl he sees “WOMAN!!!” at the top of his lungs.  I mean sure he and Kizna do lighten up but more of that is because Kizna’s probably the most interesting character introduced so far…mostly cause she’s cute and is a cat girl but is also good at her job.  And there is a bit where Zero and Kizna both take responsibility for being tardy and share punishments…still this isn’t moving me any closer to liking Zero.  His partner on the other hand, eh she’s ok.  Ikhny worries me.  Hiead at one point physically slams the poor girl against a wall and tells her to stay out of his way before walking off.  Come on guys, girls are not the monsters you make them out to be in this series.  Even worse, Ikhny says nothing to anyone, not even Hijikata about this and decides to just stay close to Hiead’s side, trying to hope he’ll just automatically be ok with her.  Oh Ikhny, Hiead is a silent brooding punk with no respect for anyone, good luck getting through that iron wall of stereotype.  The only other repairer who gets screetime is Saki, Clay’s partner…not much on her really, she’s just there to confirm Clay’s “Press Start Button for Info” commentary.  Also, ive gotta say, what the hell says a non skinny person cant be a pilot?  Have they met Ryu Jose from Mobile Suit Gundam?  Or Hunk from Voltron?  To say an overweight individual cant be a pilot is pretty insulting…it’s just surprising it didn’t come out of the mouth of Zero or Hiead but the former overweight Sawamura’s Repairer, Wrecka.
Most of this week dealt with the Pilots and their Repairers getting to know each other and bicker back and forth during simulations.  It’s here that I ask…is there a point to dragging this all out?  We spend two episodes on intros and rides in the simulator and it feels like things have barely progressed storywise.  I feel like by the time I get to the last episode, nothing of value is going to be accomplished for the story.  Again, this is why Pilot Candidate feels like a Shonen title.  Well, to give Shonen Anime a bit more credit, even if they have a super lengthy episode run, the pacing is a helluva lot better.  Pilot Candidate seems to be playing the waiting game, knowing its never going to pay off.  Im betting right now that when we get to the finale, someone’s going to say “now it begins” before cutting to black or “to be continued…”
It isn’t helping that the CG animation isn’t really getting any better. I dare say it’s actually getting worse.  This is beginning to look like animation from a half assed Anime you’d find randomly in a promo catalogue without much heart or fanfare behind it, a title churned out to make a quick buck.  The Pro-Ing Ingrids move more clunky than the Goddesses, it doesn’t matter if theyre being piloted by rookies or not.  To see that the CG ever got approved is almost unforgivable and embarrassing.  This goes double when trying to mix the 2D and 3D art styles as they did during Zero’s second test run, where it all just looked rushed and unfinished.
Oh and there’s a whole subplot with some of the the current Goddess pilots actually showing fear for their lives when Victims kick the crap out of one or two of them in battle.  But truth be told, I don’t care.  The show wants to be about Zero or Hiead and hardly ever wants to focus on anyone else.  So why the heck should I care about the current roster of pretty people piloting the pretty mecha who are more bland and forgettable than…well anyone else in this show.
The good news is, I’m halfway done with this snooze fest.  The bad news is…ugh im only half way done and not all the way done.  Could I at least re-edit the last seven episodes so it’s just Hijikata punching Zero or Kizna kicking him repeatedly for…well lets face it for being a total little asshole? (it’s about time someone finally did.)

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