Friday, December 27, 2024

FIF#224-Code Geass: Roze of the Recapture

Years after the death of Lelouch Vi Britannia and the fall of the mighty Britannian Empire, history seeks to repeat itself once more.  Remnants of the former empire rebrand themselves the Neo Britannian Empire and seize control of Japan, once again classifying it as Area 11.  In the midst of this chaos, two siblings emerge, Britannians who fight against their nation to protect the Japanese.  They are Roze and Ash, “The Nameless Mercenaries”, gifted with advanced Knightmare frame piloting skills and secret powers long thought lost to time.  Though their mission is to liberate Japan and crush Neo Britannia, for Roze, there’s much, much more at stake.
It's been a minute since Sunrise announced a Ten Year Plan for continuing Code Geass.  Since the original series concluded, we’ve had the Lelouch of the Resurrection movie and the Akito the Exiled OVA.  Both were better than expected, so I’m surprised Sunrise is taking so long to churn out more content for the franchise they want to make the next Gundam for Mecha Anime.  Well, the wait his halted for the time being as we now have Roze of the Recapture.  This new sequel was released in Japan as a quartet of feature films throughout the Summer of 2024 but for international broadcasts, it’s been chopped down to 12 episodes (three for each film).  Don’t know why they don’t just release the movies as is but hey, it means I can close out Season Nine of First Impression Friday with a look at some brand spanking new Code Geass.
Roze of the Recapture’s debut episode feels like its trying to be for Code Geass what The Force Awakens was for Star Wars.  There’s an unmistakable déjà vu with Neo Britannia rising from the ashes of the previous regime and quickly seizing Japan again.  Even their brutality feels familiar (but no less demented).  Throw in a resistance group in desperate need of help and you’ve got the basic setup for the original Code Geass, but with no Lelouch.  In his place we’ve got Roze and Ash.  These two are an interesting pair, Roze more so because of her little secret: she’s a girl, not a boy and she has her own Geass power.  Roze continues the Geass trend of each Geass user having a different power and in the case of our titular heroine masquerading as a boy, it’s the power of choice…and yes, when someone chooses option B, well you know how a first Geass power unveiling usually goes.  Despite that familiar Code Geass trope, Roze may have Lelouch’s tactical prowess but she feels different from him and less aggressive than Akito.  I also wonder if Ash knows his siblings true identity and if not, why is Roze doing what she’s doing (yes to rescue her bestie from an impenetrable prison but still…I have more questions)?
Code Geass has consistently been one of the more gorgeous looking Anime whether it’s a TV Series, OVA or Movie and Roze continues that trend perfectly.  The Knightmare frames are still cool looking mechs and when you get the right pilot behind the controls, youre garunteed to see some mind blowing and brilliantly choreographed action.  The big set piece of Episode 1 where Ash cleans house with a murder happy Neo Britannian Commander is as satisfying to watch as it is jaw dropping.  Seriously, this show/movie looks so damn good and I like that CLAMP is still working on the character designs, helping Roze maintain the same iconic look that Code Geass is best known for.  If I haven’t made it clear, as a Movie or a TV Series, Roze of the Capture is more beautiful looking Code Geass to fawn over.
Well, besides the questions I have regarding Roze, is there any reason I shouldn’t add Code Geass: Roze of the Recapture to my long list of Anime titles to look at in the future?  And how should I look at it, as a TV Series or Movie?  Given how it’s been made available in the US, TV Series would be best.  Regardless, Roze has a great mystery along with being a gorgeous Anime/Mecha spectacle that has everything that’s made Code Geass such a classic for so long and has fans eager for more.  I guess I’ll be welcoming back the franchise in 2025…though maybe Roze can find a way to keep Lelouch out of this one and let it stand on its own?  Til then, see ya in 2025 for the 10th Season First Impression Fridays right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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