Wednesday, September 18, 2024

T5W475-Top 5 Psycho Pass Characters

Incase you might’ve missed it, we’ve just gotten back to the sparkly dystopia of Psycho Pass (after I put off looking at Sinners of the System in favor of some more recent big titles).  This has slowly become a franchise I hold in very high regard alongside my all time favs like Gundam, Ghost in the Shell and Dragon Ball Z.  This goes doubly so for GitS since Psycho Pass was originally envisioned as a new project within that franchise before evolving into its own thing.  And while the discussions over whether the Sybil System is just, wrong or just plain F’ed up are really fun to listen to, they wouldn’t have such weight without an awesome cast to talk about it.  So since we’re getting back into the swing of things with the MWPSB and the Inspectors and Enforcers within for the rest of September, today’s Top 5 Wednesday is looking at my Top 5 Psycho Pass Characters, which is tougher than you’d think given how awesome (almost) everyone is (looking right at you Mika).
#5-Shindo Arata
One of the newest members of the cast and co-lead of Psycho Pass 3, Shindo is just the shot in the arm the franchise needed after Psycho Pass 2’s failures.  Not only does he offer a more cheery and sunny disposition compared to others, Shindo also has the ability to mentally insert himself into crime scenes to study them more thurougly.  This does have the obvious drawbacks of being too into a scenario that it could possibly mess up his hue.  That’s why he has fellow co-lead and best bud Kei Mikhail to watch his back and keep him level.  Also Shindo has to blindfold himself to make this happen and when he’s running around the city trying to catch criminals with this thing on…yeah he’s thing Psycho Pass has to Daredevil, it’s freaking awesome.

#4-Nobuchika Ginoza
Gino is one of the more better developed characters across all three seasons of Psycho Pass, plus the movies.  Originally, he’s the hard ass detective with a massive chip on his shoulder who wont let anyone in or have anyone elses opinions heard.  What makes him different from Mika Shimotsuki is that Gino’s anger stems from his father and best friend both being designated as Latent Criminals and eventually becoming Enforcers.  He hates seeing this happen and ironically, Season 1 ends with Gino losing an arm, like his Dad, and becoming an Enforcer like Kogami.  Still, Gino’s lightened up a ton and now serves as Akane’s right hand man and practical bodyguard, not wanting to lose anyone else important to him to the Sybil System, he’s a good dude.

#3-Shogo Makashima
Man if Kogami is a more street fighter style Sherlock Holmes, Makashima is easily his Moriarty.  Makashima is a master manipulator and a well educated and mannered guy who seeks to burn the Sybil System down to restore societys free will.  Naturally, he goes about this by shadow orchestrating several high profile and grizzly acts of villainy that puts him in direct conflict with Kogami and his team.  Speaking of Kogami, Makashima can match the former Inspector turned Enforcer not just in fists but in intellect as well.  You get the feeling that if things were not so messed up, Makashima and Kogami would be best buds sharing cigarettes while talking philosophically.  Makashima’s just so memorable, charming and deadly that he set a super high bar for villains in the franchise, so much so that he does make the occasional ghostly return in later entries after his demise at the end of Season One.

#2-Shinya Kogami
God how many of us want to be this guy in life?  Kogami’s more than just a super jacked up wrecking machine who can go toe to toe with enhanced human and robots.  Kogami’s got a brain few would expect a guy like him to have.  The guy could teach a philosophy and existentialism course in his spare time if he wanted to.  But Kogami’s best suited to the streets, being a guy who would fit perfectly into the Blade Runner universe that Psycho Pass draws a lot of inspiration from.  He’s a hunter with a good heart though even he has trouble finding it sometimes and his loyalty to his teammates and friends, especially Akane and Gino, is pure and awesome.  Kogami’s also, naturally, quite the charmer, having apparently had a brief relationship with super hot team analyst Shion Karanamori and let’s not pretend Akane doesn’t view Kogami as more than just a colleague.  Speaking of…

#1-Akane Tsunemori
If there’s anyone who can match the way Christopher Nolan describes Batman in The Dark Knight Trilogy, it’s Akane Tsunemori.  The amount of crap this girl has gone through in this entire franchise and still remains as level headed as the day she first met MWPSB Unit 1 is staggering and commendable.  Akane is a skilled Inspector and a natural born team leader.  Even after she’s arrested following the events of Psycho Pass: Providence, she continues to support and advice Sho, Kei and Mika during Psycho Pass 3.  Akane’s most notable quality (besides being the hottest boss in the office) is her connection to the Sybil System which continues to be one of the franchises greatest highlights.  If there’s one person who can test the system and win in the end and do it the right way, it’s Akane Tsunemori.

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